Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 197: SSR card?

Chapter 197 SSR card?

 【Robotic arm reinforcement·Universal type】(purple)

 Attack +4

 Defense +4

 Additional effects: The duration of active skills is extended by 10 seconds and the cooldown time is reduced by 5 seconds.

 This is a piece of purple equipment, but perhaps because it is just an enhancement piece, it is not as expensive as other purple equipment and only requires 1,900 atonement points.

 The two attributes given are very useful for melee professions, and the additional effects are simple and direct, which can further increase the output, and are very suitable for the Cerberus's position as the main attacker.

  What’s more important is that this kind of enhancement only needs to be inserted into the original equipment to be used without losing the properties of the original equipment. Moreover, if better equipment is available in the future, it can be removed and inserted again.

 Very flexible. Malu took a photo when he saw it, and then continued to scroll down. He originally wanted to buy some equipment for the Bird of Paradise, but after looking around, he couldn't find anything suitable.

Ma Lu liked a magic wand, but it was a little short of money, and the wand felt more suitable for a combat-oriented mage rather than a nanny.

 In the end, Malu decided to save up the remaining 923 atonement points, planning to use them together next time.

  In general, the priority of treatment equipment for novices during the land reclamation period is not as high as output.

Ma Lu returned to the 19th floor after buying the equipment, and it was almost time. The hook-nosed old woman opened the door again and walked in. This time, there were seven witches behind her.

The seven witches had different expressions after seeing Ma Lu. Some lowered their heads shyly, some held their heads high and were eager to try, with the choice of me written on their faces. Others acted indifferently, as if it was none of their business. look like.

Ma Lu saw their reactions in his eyes, and then took the document handed over by the hook-nosed old woman.

"This is their basic information, including their grades and performance in school. You can choose the witch you like based on this information."

Ma Lu pretended to flip through the pages and said, "There are too many words. Why don't you just introduce it to me directly?"

The hook-nosed old woman frowned and said to the witches, "You guys come one by one."

After listening to the introductions of these witches, Malu's biggest feeling was that he had offended the old woman in front of him. Otherwise, why would the latter bring him seven skylarks?

It seemed that he knew what he was thinking. This time, before Malu could ask any questions, the hook-nosed old woman opposite spoke on her own.

"For your safety, the group of witches assigned to you when you first became knights are basically the top students in the school, and the rest are naturally mainly ordinary students."

She paused at this point, "Of course, you don't have to choose if you're not satisfied, but even if you don't choose, the donated money will not be returned to you."

"Okay." Malu could only cheer up and try to find the hidden SR card among the pile of R cards. Even if he failed, he could find a low-star God of War.

It's a pity that these witches don't have colored flashes on their heads, and you can't tell who is stronger and who is weaker just by observing them with the naked eye.

Then how about... just pick one and use it first?

Ma Lu was about to try his luck, but suddenly he had an idea and opened the chessboard map that came with it.

Soon, almost half of the temple city spread out in front of him, turning into a grid.

The grid was dotted with dense dots. Ma Lu dragged the perspective to the square where he was, and then positioned it on the current floor and room. Finally, he could see the attributes of the nine people in the room.

Not to mention his own, what surprised Malu the most was the unsmiling old woman with a hooked nose.

 She is actually the most capable person in this room. The HP is as high as 121 points, the attack power is an astonishing 21 points, and the sin value is 0/195.

 So she was also a witch before? Why did she become a nanny now and actually take off the ring of order around her neck?

According to Bird of Paradise, once the witches put on the ring of order, they can never take it off again, but the old lady in front of them obviously broke this iron law.

In addition, Malu also learned her name on the map—Eagle of Thorns.

Because Malu looked at it a few more times, Thorn Eagle frowned again and asked, "Knight, have you made your choice?"

Ma Lu almost blurted out, can I choose you, but he also knew that now that the Eagle of Thorns has taken off the ring of order around its neck, it will no longer be driven by the knight.

Hmm, maybe the principal and deputy leaders of the Holy Knights, such as Li Wei, whom Malu had met before, could command him, but anyway, it would definitely not be something that a new knight like Malu could command.

 So Malu quickly looked away and began to look at the seven witches.

Most people were as ordinary as Thorn Eagle said, until Malu's eyes fell on a girl named Ouroboros.

Her attack power is only 4 points, not as good as Skylark before changing weapons, but her HP is slightly higher than the other 6, reaching 61 points.

 But it is not as good as Cerberus and Bird of Paradise. What really surprises Malu is her sin value attribute.

Her maximum sin value is 5 points higher than that of the Eagle of Thorns, reaching a full 200 points. In addition, Malu also discovered that she has 4 in-house skills.

 There is actually an SR card hidden among a bunch of R cards? No, this obvious supermodel’s sin points and skill count should already be considered an SSR card.

Ma Lu read Ouroboros's information again, but didn't see any abnormalities from it. Her grades and past performance in school were all average, not much different from the six witches around her.

 Even the skill is only registered with one.

This hiding a bit deep.

Ma Lu touched his chin. He came to this plane to collect ingredients and didn't really want to get involved in messy things.

But Ouroboros's strength is indeed very good, and the most important thing is that her positioning is also very suitable. With such a high sin value limit and so many skills, she obviously belongs to the mage school.

If she can be incorporated into the team, not only can the formation function be activated, but it can also fill the gap in the legal profession.

As for the low attack power, it is not really a problem. If Ma Lu guessed correctly, the weapons in her hand must be similar to the previous Skylark, they are the most common and low-level goods, and this must be her disguise.

Ma Lu looked at Ouroboros again, and found that the latter was also staring at him, and smiled sweetly at him, as if to say, hurry up, choose me.

  Okay, that’s as you wish.

Ma Lu stretched out his hand and pointed at the Ouroboros, "I've made a decision, it's her."

The Thorn Eagle's face was still unsmiling, and there was no change in his expression. He turned to Ouroboros and said, "You heard it, he will be your knight from now on."

 (End of this chapter)

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