Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 206: trial

Chapter 206 Judgment

Ma Lu followed the male monk into the huge white tower.

 Different from the enthusiasm when they met last time, this time the monk did not speak again and remained silent except for answering two questions from Malu at the beginning.

As soon as they got off their horses, Skylark and Cerberus were taken away from Malu. When he came to the elevator hall, there were two strange witches who were suspected of being escorts waiting for him.

One of the witches, wearing a red leather coat and little devil horns, was looking at him with interest.

There is also a silver-haired girl carrying a two-handed sword on her back, with a solemn face.

Ma Lu walked up to the silver-haired girl and found that she looked familiar. He couldn't help but asked curiously, "What's the relationship between Yunque and you?"

 “She is my sister.” The silver-haired girl spoke concisely.

"Oh, I heard Skylark talk about you. Your name is Northern Starling, and you serve under Knight Tut, right?"

The witch in red leather clothes on the side interrupted the conversation between the two, "Let's go, don't keep Lord Levi and the presiding judges waiting too long. Today will be a long one."

The last half of her sentence seemed a bit meaningful, but Malu didn't react and walked into the elevator first.

The elevator finally stopped at the 27th floor. The male monk led the way, while the two witches each stepped back half a step, one on the left and one on the right following Ma Lu.

 The monk made a gesture of invitation, and then stared at Malu closely.

 So Malu decided to follow the church's wishes first and see what Li Wei wanted to do.

There is no furniture in the room. The four walls, including the ceiling above the head and the floor under the feet, are made of steel structure.

 Then the male monk and the two witches also walked in.

Or he can try to escape. Not to mention whether he can escape from the giant tower with the force of the church, even if he is lucky enough to escape from the temple city, without the help of the witch, he will no longer be able to collect ingredients in this plane. .

The only thing he was worried about now was time. Malu looked at the traveler's bracelet again. There were only 26 minutes left before he would leave this plane.

Of course, in this case, his identity will be exposed. In addition, being locked up in a cell is equivalent to being stuck with a terrain bug, and it is a vicious bug that cannot be solved by logging in next time. The only choice is to change the map.

Through the circular corridor, the monk finally stopped in front of a numbered iron door.

As the iron door rose, a small room of less than 4 square meters was revealed.

 As I said before, give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle.

 In short, this is a prison cell.

In addition, since he was arrested on the spot without getting off his horse, it means that there is still room for maneuver in the matter. This is also the reason why Malu is willing to cooperate with the investigation.

His idea is very simple. It is impossible to go to jail. Anyway, there is still half an hour, and he can go back when the countdown is over.

However, Malu didn't make any resistance and just walked into the cell.

And this is equivalent to a death sentence for Skylark and others, especially Ouroboros. Her identity is inherently problematic and cannot withstand investigation. Cerberus, Bird of Paradise, and the others are not much better. If they are found out, Their original knight was dead, and they had no choice but to die.

 The two witches at the back also quietly pressed their palms on their weapons, guarding against the knight in front of them suddenly going berserk.

This position is almost clear enough to indicate that this is an escort.

If you are really found out, it will not be too late to run away.

Ma Lu even regretted his extra time to kill the volcanic big-leaf tomato. If he had known that this would happen, he would have come back two hours earlier.

No matter what the church wants to do, Ma Lu just hopes that they can be more straightforward

Not long after he entered the cell, the iron door behind him closed again, plunging the room into darkness. Malu stood in the darkness for about 5 minutes, hearing nothing but his own breathing and the sound of electricity in his armor.

 Five minutes later, a small opening opened in the iron wall on his right.

 An old and majestic voice came from behind the small mouth, "Do you know why you are here? Knight."

“I heard that a traitor appeared in the city,” Malu said. “I was told to come here to assist in the investigation.”

“Great, can you explain this to us?”

 An iron tray was pushed out from the small opening. On top of the tray was a small, crumpled card.

“This card was found in the trash can in your apartment.”

 “Then what’s written on it?”

 “You haven’t seen it?”

 “That’s right.”

The other side was silent for about half a minute, and then the old voice continued.

“The owner of this card wants you to accept an exploration mission to the Nulon Power Plant, where she will meet you.”

“Oh, I’ve never been interested in strange invitations.”

"Why don't you report this matter to the church?" Another high-pitched voice sounded, "Do you want to protect those traitors? Knight."

Ma Lu spread his hands, "I told you, I didn't read the content on the card at all. I just threw it into the trash can after picking it up. I don't know where the card came from."

  “Or there is another possibility, you are shaken in your heart.”

The old voice continued, "You may not have the guts to betray the church and the Holy Knights right away, but you chose to conceal this matter, which shows that you have been bewitched by the devil."

"Believe me, if I really wanted to be a traitor, I would have been more careful. At least I would have burned or eaten the piece of paper instead of just balling it up into a ball and throwing it in a garbage bag in the living room. You picked it up easily."

 After Ma Lu answered, the other side stopped talking.

 And this time even the small window was closed.

  Another small room separated by a wall was brightly lit. Levi, the deputy leader of the Holy Knights, and two old men in black robes were sitting at a wooden table.

 One of the old men said, "What do you think, Captain Li Wei?"

“I don’t like this guy very much, but his resume is very clean and he is very attentive to his work. Although it is only his third mission, his results have already surpassed many veterans.”

Levi said, "I once sent someone to follow him. His life is also very regular. He has never left his apartment except when performing tasks. And he also answered your questions just now."

"Do you also think he hasn't read the words on that card?" The man in black robe with a sharp voice said, "This... is not consistent with common sense at all."

“But it is indeed possible,” Levi said a little impatiently. “Besides, with all due respect, our current task is to find the remnants of the Witch Alliance lurking in the Temple City, not to discover unstable factors that may betray the church.

"He did not choose to accept the exploration mission of Nulon Power Plant as required on the card. He is not the person we are looking for. As for the future, if he really betrays us, I will send people to attack him."

Li Wei said coldly.

 (End of this chapter)

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