Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 217: salvage operation

Chapter 217 Salvage Operations

Ma Lu then worked hard and picked up the last meteorite fragment on the shore of the lake, but his good luck did not last.

  The next engraving, he only got an additional effect of increasing his healing skills by 20%, but the problem was that he was still engraving this effect on the Iron Heart.

 The Cerberus has no healing skills at all.

 There is no other way but to wait and replace it later.

 At this point, Malu had found all four meteorite fragments on the shore of the lake, and he turned his attention to the Yuanjing Lake in front of him.

 According to the display on the chessboard map, there are 7 meteorite fragments located in the lake.

Of course Malu doesn’t want to let go of these meteorite fragments.

However, collecting them is not as convenient as on the shore. The main reason is that he does not have transportation on the lake.

 Fortunately, this problem was solved quickly. Bird of Paradise proposed to hover the war horse above Yuanjing Lake, and then send people into the water to salvage it.

As expected, the salvage job fell on Malu.

  This is because the armor he wears has an underwater mode, which can turn on the waterproof state and provide enough oxygen to sustain breathing for 30 minutes.

Ma Lu first drove the aircraft over the grid marked with meteorite fragments, then tied a rope around his waist and jumped into the water.

  turned on the searchlight on his arm and searched for the meteorite fragments at the bottom of the lake. When he found them, he sent a message to Cerberus, and the purple-haired girl fished him out of the lake.

In this way, Malu obtained four more meteorite fragments. As before, the engraving effects of these four meteorite fragments were good or bad.

 One of the most useful effects is the spell silence engraved on the universal enhancement piece of the purple-haired girl's mechanical arm.

This additional effect gives Cerberus a 15% chance to cause a spell silence that lasts for 3 seconds when attacking.

However, magic silence has no effect on activated plants. Their skills are not driven by magic, but more like an innate ability.

So Cerberus's magical silence is actually aimed at witches like her, especially when facing witches with legal professions like Ouroboros and Bird of Paradise, it can give her an overwhelming advantage.

 The next good additional effect is a 20% increase in defense.

It’s a pity that this effect is engraved on the Bird of Paradise’s [Energy Bracelet]. Although the defense attribute is useful to everyone, it is not strictly necessary for nannies.

  The next two effects are relatively average. One is to increase the hit rate, which is even more useless for nannies, and the remaining additional effect is to halve the damage caused by electrical attacks.

 This line is also engraved on the Cerberus's robotic arm reinforcement.

 At this point, all the purple equipment that Malu has on hand has been engraved in a circle. Some of them have very good additional effects, and some of them are not very suitable for the user.

 In order to replace those mismatched additional effects, Malu turned his attention to the remaining three meteorite fragments.

These three meteorite fragments are also the most difficult to obtain among all the meteorite fragments near Yuanjing Lake. Not only because they are at the bottom of the lake, but also because there are many activated plants near them.

  Yes, that’s right, there are activated plants even in lakes, and their names are-Puppet Lotus Roots.

Ma Lu likes to eat lotus root, especially in summer. Fry the lotus root slices in water, add vinegar, sesame oil and chili oil, and it will be delicious just by mixing it.

However, the lotus roots in this plane are not a good crop. Although they are only 2-star ingredients, they cannot cope with the large number of them. Malu glanced at the chessboard map. Judging from the density of the red dots, the number of puppet lotus roots in Yuanjing Lake was obviously in the thousands, and most of the puppet lotus roots were gathered together.

 The most important thing is that Yuanjing Lake is their home field. As aquatic plants, they have always lived in the lake. In contrast, Skylarks and others are severely limited in their abilities in the water.

Ma Lu was still thinking about how to get the meteorite fragments at the bottom of the lake from the hands of these puppet lotus roots.

 At this moment, Ouroboros's expression suddenly tightened.

"What's wrong?" Malu followed the girl's gaze, and then saw a white dot in the distant sky.

"Is that...a pigeon? No, no, it seems to be a flying machine, the same flying machine as ours, another war horse."

Ma Lu also reacted at this time. Another knight arrived, and the knight was probably the one who accepted the collection task and came here to help the church collect meteorite fragments.

Ma Lu then opened the task system, and sure enough, the previous collection task had disappeared, which meant that it had been accepted.

It's a pity that the knight opposite is destined to be unable to complete the mission. The meteorite fragments in this area have been fished out by Malu and only 3 are left. Even if someone comes to collect all 3 fragments, they will not be able to meet the minimum requirements for completing the mission.

Ma Lu, who had a guilty conscience, wanted to withdraw now, but then he received a communication request.

 At the same time, Malu also noticed that the war horse on the opposite side had adjusted its flight direction and sped up, flying towards this side.

 Following this, communication requests were sent three times in a row.

Ma Lu realized that it was probably impossible to run away. Although he could now fly an aircraft, he was still a novice and would definitely not be as good as the professionally trained knight opposite him.

Moreover, escaping at this time is too suspicious. The knight on the opposite side will probably report it to the church as soon as possible. By then, Ma Lu will probably have to enter the trial court again, and this time he may not be able to escape so easily.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ma Lu gave up the idea of ​​leaving, and took the initiative to fly his aircraft away from Yuanjing Lake and parked on the shore.

 Subsequently, the war horse on the opposite side also landed about a hundred meters away from him.

 From above came down a knight wearing armor and armor like him, and a total of seven witches.

The knight was very cautious and let the two witches open the way in front, while he stood at the back. He only walked 20 meters away from the horse land before he actively stopped and reported his home address.

 “I am Knight Doze, number 2729, your Excellency is...”

“Knight Ximu, number 2915.” Ma Lu replied. "May the light of the Lord of Order always shine on you, Lord Tozawa.

"May the glory of the Lord of Order always shine on you, Lord Ximu." The knight on the opposite side heard this familiar answer, his tone softened slightly, but he still did not move, but continued to ask.

“I sent a communication request earlier, why didn’t you accept it?”

"Because the communication device on my war horse is broken." Ma Lu said, "When we landed before, we were attacked by a group of activated plants, including a sad onion. The battle was very fierce at that time, and my war horse also suffered from it. affected."

"That's it." The knight on the opposite side seemed to relax a little more and took two steps closer. Just when Ma Lu thought the matter had been confused.

Takozawa continued, "May I ask why you landed here? Mr. Ximu, as far as I know, the church has not issued any missions in this area."

 (End of this chapter)

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