Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 221: invisibility cloak

Chapter 221 Invisibility Cloak

Having obtained two more meteorite fragments, Malu hesitated for a moment whether to save them for new equipment later, but finally decided to use them on the spot.

 First of all, it can immediately improve the strength. Secondly, Duozhe has just died. It is still a bit risky to bring this thing back to the Temple City.

Once discovered, people will realize that he has been to Yuanjing Lake, thus linking him to Duo Zhe's death.

Ma Lu used these two meteorite fragments to engrave Cerberus and Bird of Paradise respectively, and obtained two new additional effects.

One is to increase fire attack damage by 15%, replacing the 20% increase in the useless healing skills of Cerberus.

Another one is to increase the skill level by 1 additionally, instead of increasing the hit rate that the Bird of Paradise cannot use.

  The two new effects are generally quite practical, and it is not in vain for Ma Lu to risk his life and go fishing in the lake.

This time I went on a mission to do private work. Although I encountered some accidents, in terms of results, it was still quite successful.

After ten engravings, the strength of the team has increased a lot. Now, even against 4-star ingredients, as long as they are not particularly powerful, the battle will be relatively easy.

Through this test, he collected a lot of useful information. First of all, the invisibility cloak skill can only make people disappear visually. It cannot block additional information such as sound, smell or heat.

After Malu activated the invisibility cloak skill, Skylark was the first to exclaim, shouting, "Sir Knight, where have you been, A Quan?"

As before, he still found the place with the most activated plants on the map, then rushed there with the witches, and placed stones in the center.

The purple-haired girl took action and killed the little cabbage scout with one knife. Then the Malu and the Cerberus separated and stood in two cells respectively.

 An hour later, Malu leveled up again, reaching lv13, and gained a new knight skill—Invisibility Cloak.

 “Where is it? Why can’t I see it?” Skylark kept looking around.

 So this invisibility effect actually does not have much effect on activating plants.

 At this time, the effect of the invisibility cloak also passed, and Malu's figure appeared again.

 Artificially create a high platform effect, and then activate the plants by roasting them, attracting nearby enemies to harvest them one after another.

 “We are right here.” Cerberus said.

The voice of Skylark sounded again behind me, "Hey, when did you run over there, Aquan, where is the knight?"

  Secondly, once teammates leave the grid where Malu is located, the invisibility effect will disappear immediately.

 After getting it, Malu immediately tested the effect, letting Cerberus stand in the same cell as him, while Skylark, Ouroboros and Bird of Paradise stood aside to act as spectators.

 After that, Malu drove the aircraft to the mission area and began to continue his own cleaning task.

Ma Lu and Cerberus then walked towards a small cabbage scout. As soon as they approached the detection range of the small cabbage scout, the latter immediately ran towards this side.

As the name suggests, the effect of the invisibility cloak skill is to provide invisibility to all friendly parties within a grid. The invisibility effect can last for 45 seconds and has a cooldown time of 2 hours.

But even with many limitations, this skill is still very practical.

 Especially when you want to do bad things.

 In addition to this skill, Malu also received a notification from the traveler's bracelet. He has been working tirelessly to clean up and activate plants in the past few weeks. Unknowingly, the number of unlocked illustrations has exceeded 400. Now he has received a new title - Ingredients Hunter.

 Ingredients Hunter: Wearing this title can expand the food scanning range by 4 times.

Ma Lu now uses the food scanning function of the traveler's bracelet, and the scope of action is a circular area within a radius of twenty meters.

 Enlarging it by 4 times means that all ingredients within a radius of 100 meters can be scanned.

 The improvement is still obvious, but he already has a chessboard map for this trip to another dimension, and the demand for the food scanning function is not that strong.

And the titles cannot be stacked. He currently wears the title of Ingredients Collector, which can add an additional level of 1 to a designated piece of equipment, which is quite useful.

Ma Lu has no idea of ​​changing his title for the time being, but it is always a good thing to have multiple choices. When he returns to a plane or goes to a new plane, the new title will come into play.

In addition to this unexpected harvest, Malu also did not forget the original mission reward. He took photos of the activated plants he had just killed, and also pulled out the sad onion plant he had killed before from the collection bag. I found a place to place it and took pictures.

 Speaking of which, this was the reminder given to him by the dead Duozhe.

 It was difficult to kill a 4-star activated plant. It would be a pity not to make good use of it. Anyway, it is impossible for the church to tell where each activated plant lives.

A Sad Onion can allow Malu to receive an additional 140,000 Holy Silver Coins and about 1,600 Atonement Points.

There is no reason why this wool should not be harvested.

 After the battle, Malu gave everyone an hour's leave to eat and rest in place.

Skylark and Cerberus finished eating and sat there playing backgammon. Bird of Paradise took out a book and started reading on the grass nearby.

Ouroboros finished eating the biscuits and drank a pot of water. After a while, it got up and walked toward the horse.

 “Me, I want to go for a while.”

 “Go.” Malu waved his hand.

So the Ouroboros walked toward the woods and found a patch of grass to squat in. After about 5 minutes, she came back from the woods again, looking refreshed.

 Then he simply sat down next to Malu and said, "I understand what Yunque said. You are indeed different from other knights."

Ma Lu was already lying on the grass with his eyes closed and concentrating. Hearing this, he said lazily, "Don't keep trying to trick me."

"I didn't mean to trick you," Ouroboros said sincerely, "I really think so. You are different from other knights. Unfortunately...there are too few knights like you."

 “If all knights were like me, Temple City would have been doomed long ago.”

 “Well...I should thank you anyway.”

 “Thank you for what?”

"Thank you for not revealing my identity to the church." Ouroboros smiled bitterly, "I always thought that I was careful enough and smart enough, but I didn't expect that my flaws were exposed, and twice."

After a pause, she continued, "Actually, I should have died a long time ago. The church had noticed my little moves not long ago. The witch who was burned at the stake two weeks ago was my best friend. She found out that I was desperate. , she took the initiative to help me with everything, and that’s why I’m alive today.”

 (End of this chapter)

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