Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 226: drinks

Chapter 226 Drinks

 “Uh, what did you say?”

“I have done better than them now.” Ragdoll proudly said with his chest raised, “You have seen my performance outside your restaurant before, you can tell me whether I am cute or not.”

"'s quite cute, but I don't understand," Ma Lu said, "Didn't you say you despise this kind of behavior?"

“It was like this at first, but then I thought about it carefully, isn’t this the life I dream of.” The Ragdoll cat crossed its legs.

"In another dimension, I was a social animal. I was tricked by my stupid boss all year round just to get my salary. I finally made some money and had to pay my ex-wife regular alimony. Look at me now. I don't have to do anything. Just stretch out and act cute, and there is a young woman doing all the work for me, making money for me to spend.”

 “You have fallen, my friend.” Lilim said.

"Whatever you say, my life now is much better than before. I don't have to do any work. I just squat on the sofa and watch TV every day, or bask in the sun on the balcony. Xiaoyan will take me out on Saturdays and Sundays. During the outing, she introduced me to her little sister. I have to admit that I am a little attracted to her. Maybe we will get married in the future. "

"I don't want to hit you, but you are just a cat." Ma Lu said.

“So what, I don’t care that she is a monkey. In fact, recently I have been trying to learn to distinguish the looks of your monkeys, reestablish my aesthetics, and prepare for my second marriage.

"I can't brag that I have completely mastered the skills in this area, but I have made great progress. My accuracy rate in Hupu Beauty PK has exceeded 90%. The next step is to work hard to develop my physiological response to beautiful women. This is an essential part of a happy marriage.”

 “Well, since you were living so comfortably, why did you run away from home again?”

“Then during this period of calm, are you going to become a stray cat?” Lilim asked.

 “Unless what?”

   mentioned the ragdoll cat’s visible anus, “Because I peeked at Xiaoyan’s cell phone and found that she had made an appointment for a pet clinic next week and planned to castrate me.”

"I can understand why you ran away from home." Ma Lu said, "Then what are your plans next, to find a new owner?"

"I really have no problem with kittens talking, and I deeply sympathize with your experience, but this is just a restaurant, not a hotel," Ma Lu said. "I have never thought about receiving other guests unless..."

"No, of course not. I have never been homeless since I was born, not even for a day," said the Ragdoll Cat. "I met Xiaoyan soon after I came here and lived with her. In short, I just They won’t sleep in the green belt of the community like other stray cats, and go to the trash can to eat garbage. That’s too shameful.”

 “Wow, this is really...” Lilim exclaimed in surprise.

"I won't use the word master. I usually call them intermittent companion working monkeys. Besides, I don't plan to find a new one, thank you. Xiaoyan and I, we just met some that most couples will encounter. I plan to separate from her for a while to let her calm down.

“When she realizes that castrating me is wrong, I will give her another chance and come back to her.”

 “Then where do you plan to live?”

The ragdoll cat looked at Malu, "A pigeon told me before that if I have no place to go recently, I can come to you. It said that you can accept a talking kitten."

 “Sounds like a big project.”

"This is too much, isn't it? That woman must be crazy! She plans to castrate her fiancé. I like my little brother. We have been together since birth and have always gotten along very well. I don't want to lose him, and neither do you. As a man, you should be able to understand." The Ragdoll looked at Malu.

“Actually, it’s not that difficult. When our cat is in estrus, he won’t even let go of the quilt.”

"You can stay here as long as you want, unless you're willing to pay me Star Coins."

"I only have 20 cat coins on me. I took them with me when I went out. I planned to buy egg yolks to eat downstairs in the company. My plane is the same as yours, both are outside the major alliance."

"That's a bit troublesome..." "Why bother? Kittens in this plane don't have to pay?"

“Not all projects can be exempted from payment.”

 The ragdoll cat pointed at Lilim again, "What about her? Why can this little man stay in your shop?"

"She is an employee here." Malu pondered for a moment and said, "Well, if you are willing to work here, I can also consider taking you in for a while."

 “Work?” Hearing these two words, the Ragdoll cat immediately became alert.

 “What will you do?”

“Playing with fur balls, pooping yourself, acting cute, posting stickers…”

“I’m talking about your abilities that are different from other cats. What is your core competitiveness?”


 “Apart from talking?”

 The Ragdoll thought for a while, "I can also drive, smoke, drink, perm my hair, and secretly download movies online."

"Send me a copy of the seeds later," Ma Lu said, "But these are not enough to make you stay. By the way, you said before that you had a golden finger when you traveled through time. What was it?"

The Ragdoll seemed a little reluctant to talk about this topic. After Malu asked twice, it slowly said, "I can... produce drinks."

 “Produce drinks?” Malu became interested, “How to produce it.”

“Honestly, I don’t even know if this is a golden finger or not.” Ragdoll Cat said, “This ability is so weak that I don’t even want to use it once. It’s too embarrassing for the cat.”

"It doesn't matter," Ma Lu encouraged, "show me the show. I happen to be short of a few drinks in the store."

 “No, forget it, you won’t drink it, even though it tastes not bad.”

Hearing what he said, Malu's interest became even more intense. More than one of the previous guests had asked him if there were any drinks here.

Ma Lu has also been seriously considering adding a freezer in the past two days to sell some drinks, but he has not decided what to sell.

With the current daily profit of Universe Infinite Canteen, Ma Lu no longer values ​​ordinary drinks, and now his restaurant has slowly established an impression of novelty and deliciousness in the minds of diners, selling ordinary drinks with the feel and atmosphere of the store. Some discrepancies.

So Ma Lu said, "You go ahead and make it. I will definitely drink it when it's done, and it has to be really delicious. From now on, you will be a member of the store."

  "Well...that's okay." Ragdoll cat said reluctantly, "I need a cup."

Ma Lu immediately went to the sterilizing cabinet nearby and took out a freshly washed cup and placed it in front of him. "What raw materials do you want? Do you want me to give up the kitchen to you?"

"No need." The Ragdoll Cat said to Lilim who was standing aside, "Madam, please step aside."

When Lilim turned around, he took out his **** and sipped it into the cup. He quickly drank half of the cup and shook it twice after urinating. Then he put away his **** and rushed to the opposite side of Malu Road. "Please enjoy."

 (End of this chapter)

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