Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 243: Confession

Chapter 243 Confession

Ma Lu adjusted the restaurant’s menu and used up the excess ingredients from the tabletop farm.

 Then he gave Shen Yue 10,000 yuan and asked her to help run errands to buy an engagement ring.

Shen Yue found a cultured diamond company, bargained down the price, and finally bought a one-carat diamond ring for only 4,500 yuan. She kept the 500 yuan for errands and brought the remaining 5,000 yuan and the diamond ring to Malu. .

 After the store closed, Xiao Zhang and his black D9 also arrived as scheduled. This time, in addition to Malu and Lao Wang, there was also a cat on board.

Considering that he was going to propose tonight, Mr. Hairball rarely drank too much in the afternoon. He even had a Valkina man trim his hair and take a bath. He seems to be in good spirits now.

Ma Lu sent a message to Wei Jingyan before setting off, asking her to stay at home tonight and saying that he had a surprise for her.

Before the meeting, Mr. Mao Tuan also called Malu and Lao Wang over, and finally confirmed the rescue plan.

"If I am attacked there, I will immediately scream and make a sound like meow meow meow meow meow meow~ When you hear this, don't hesitate to break down the door immediately and kill all the humans in the room except Xiaoyan. "

"Don't worry, we will rescue you, but we won't kill anyone. No one or cat will be hurt tonight." Ma Lu said.

"Okay." Mr. Mao Tuan thought for a while and added, "In order to prevent them from attacking too quickly, I will be knocked down before I can call for help, or Xiaoyan will poison the drinks and food served to me. In five minutes, I will Send you a safety signal, like this - meow meow meow meow meow~, if you don't hear it, you have to rescue me in time."

After confirming that nothing was missing, Mr. Hairball asked Malu to tie the diamond ring for marriage proposal to its tail. When its tail fell down, it could just cover the diamond ring, but once it was raised up, it would be visible again.

"Uh... if you repeat the sound of asking for help and the sound of reporting safety, they all sound the same to me." Malu frowned.

"Marriage depends on that moment of impulse. Anyone with a normal mind will give up such a stupid idea as long as he calms down and thinks about it."

"It's too late for you to regret it now." Malu helped it tidy up the cat hair on its back.

Mr. Hairball practiced in front of the mirror several times, "I don't know, it's a bit strange. When proposing, does someone put his **** facing the person he proposes to?"

"This is also a way." Mr. Hairball reluctantly accepted, but quickly added, "Then if I want to report that it's safe, I'll use meow meow meow meow meow~"

“No, one is meow meow meow meow meow~ and the other is meow meow meow meow meow~. There is a big difference.”

Ma Lu opened the door and came upstairs with Lao Wang and the ragdoll cat. He glanced at Mr. Hairball beside him, who took a deep breath at him and nodded slightly, indicating that he was ready.

“I can’t hear any difference,” Ma Lu said. “You’re going to confess tonight anyway, why don’t you just call for help.”

"I said that marriage means a grave for men, and every man will eventually lie in the grave, so I just go down a little earlier than others. Let's go."


“That’s too obvious and lacks a sense of surprise,” Mr. Hairball thought for a moment, “Forget it, let’s just leave it like that, I don’t want to delay it any longer in case I regret it.

“How about I put a ring around your neck?”

So Ma Lu stepped forward and knocked on the door.

He didn't know if Wei Jingyan had been sitting at the door of the room with a stool. Anyway, the door was opened in less than two seconds.

Wei Jingyan poked her head out and saw the ragdoll cat standing on the ground at a glance, and immediately let out a scream of surprise. "Oh my God!! Mr. Hairball, my dear little baby, you are finally back!"

  After saying that, she rushed over and hugged the ragdoll cat into her arms. Then her eyes turned red and she choked with sobs.

"I'm sorry, it was me... I was wrong. I shouldn't have forced you to do things you didn't want to do. I promise you that I will never make you unhappy again. Don't leave me again. We will be together forever. OK?"

 After saying that, one person and one cat hugged each other tightly.

Ma Lu was also deeply moved by this touching scene. While the two parties involved were immersed in their world, he and Lao Wang quietly stepped aside.

However, he didn't retreat too far and came to the fire escape nearby. Moreover, Ma Lu still remembered Mr. Mao Tuan's instructions. When Wei Jingyan closed the door, she and Lao Wang returned to the corridor outside.

 Listen to the noise inside the house and be ready to rescue the cat at any time.

However, judging from Wei Jingyan's reaction after seeing Mr. Mao Tuan, it was obvious that it was difficult to fake her true feelings. Ma Lu was inclined to think that Wei Jingyan was telling the truth.

“I didn’t expect to see people and cats falling in love in this life.” Ma Lu said with emotion.

Lao Wang was very calm, "This is a very common thing in the Grand Alliance. There are many races living in the multiverse, and many people will choose people outside their own race to get married."

 “Oh…don’t they have reproductive isolation?”

"Reproduction may be the purpose of the race, but it is not necessarily the purpose of the individual. And with the current technological level of the major leagues, there are many ways to break reproductive isolation. Not to mention intelligent species, I have also seen someone choose to have **** with his Mark cup combined.”

 “So what they gave birth to in the end was a human being, a mug, or a mug human?” Malu asked curiously.

The two were chatting when they heard a ping-pong-pong sound coming from the room.

Malu glanced at the time on the traveler's bracelet and muttered, "Wow, it's only been a minute and a half. Is it necessary to be so anxious?"

Then there was the sound of vases falling to the ground and dishes breaking. Malu began to realize that something was wrong, but Mr. Hairball never called for help.

And it was not yet the agreed 5-minute confirmation time, so Malu hesitated and chose to continue waiting outside the door.

But he didn't wait too long, and soon a loud scream sounded in the room!

The person who made the cry was obviously so frightened that his voice broke at the end.

This time, Malu did not delay, and immediately prepared to break down the door with Lao Wang, but before they could do anything, the door opened by itself, and then a figure emerged from inside, screaming all the way, and hurriedly ran downstairs. go.

 She also fell down on the way, and then she climbed into the stairwell using her hands and feet, as if there was some terrible beast chasing her behind her.

Ma Lu rubbed his eyes and said to the old Wang with some uncertainty, "The one who passed by just Miss Wei?"

 (End of this chapter)

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