Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 247: Happy party

 Chapter 247 Happy Party

  The cartoon mouse looked around, "Wow, what a beautiful little restaurant, but it feels like something is missing," it snapped its fingers, "I know what is missing, it's a party atmosphere."

After saying that, it took out a bunch of pennants from its trouser pocket. Under the shocked eyes of Malu and Mr. Mao Tuan, it walked along the wall to the ceiling and hung up the bunch of pennants.

Then he took out a bunch of balloons and blew them up. He took a deep breath and blew hard towards a balloon. Soon the balloon inflated. However, before the cartoon mouse had time to be happy, the air in the balloon filled up again. flow back into its body.

This time it was its turn to inflate its body like a balloon and float in the air.

 At this time, another voice came to Malu's ears.

"Don't panic, I'm here to help you! Mickey." Then two more figures jumped out of Ma Lu's cell phone.

One of the women was wearing a red blouse with a white collar and lace, paired with a blue-purple skirt and a pair of brown boots. She was tall and had a round head.

Beside her stood a short man who was a head shorter than her, wearing a sailor's uniform, with unusually strong forearms and a tattoo of an anchor. It was what he said just now.

The sailor grabbed the cartoon mouse by its tail and pulled it out of the air. Then he looked at the millipede and said in a hoarse voice, "Boss, do you have any toothpicks here?"

Ma Lu handed over the toothpick box, and the sailor took out a toothpick from it, stuck it on the cartoon mouse's butt, and deflated it. The latter's bulging body quickly returned to normal.

 After saying that, it took out a black hole from its trouser pocket and threw it against the wall.

“Okay.” The cartoon mouse said, “Then let me call some helpers, and we can go faster if we all work together.”

  The cartoon mouse wiped the sweat from his face, "It was so thrilling just now. Thank you, Poppy. Fortunately you came, oh, and you, the beautiful Miss Oliver."

Although the restaurant is still the same restaurant, the surroundings have changed drastically.

The next moment, a group of cartoon people jumped out of the black hole. They were all familiar faces from Malu's childhood.

“Are you planning the party tonight? We are here to help.” The round-headed woman said, “Use our flags and balloons. We are colorful.”

There was even a flying saucer on his head, and Oliver found a piano from somewhere and started playing it.

In addition to conventional decorations such as balloons and colorful flags, there are also entertainment facilities such as dart boards, billiard tables, swimming pools, and claw machines.

 They and Mickey set up the restaurant together.

 Five minutes later, Malu felt as if he had entered a cartoon world.

  Including three monks, a pair of brothers wearing only shorts, a black cat in police uniform, an ancient girl with a foxy spirit, a little boy with a weird hairstyle and a rocket on his feet, and a group of blue elves...

Soon, black notes flew out from her fingertips, and she chased and played around the restaurant with her short legs.

Ma Lu looked at Mr. Hairball beside him, "Are you feeling better?"

Before Mr. Hairball could answer, the cartoon mouse's voice sounded again, "Oh oh oh, gentlemen and ladies, thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend tonight's party. This is Minnie and I's 109th An engagement party. “Although we have known each other for almost a hundred years, our love for each other has never faded. It is always as hot as the first day we met. Minnie is still so cute and beautiful in my eyes. , she is a perfect woman who combines wisdom and gentleness. "

Mickey held Minnie's hand as he spoke, and the latter also said, "I will always love you, Mickey. You are the most handsome, sunny, considerate, and humorous man I have ever seen, and I am with you." Every minute and every second is full of joy, and I can’t be separated from you for a moment.”

After speaking, the two kissed each other mouth to mouth. At the same time, their hearts jumped sharply from their chests, forming two heart shapes.

Mr. Mao Tuan said, "This is the reason why I don't like cartoons. They always shoot things that don't exist in the world and mislead our next generation."

"Yes, I agree, the media is like this. They are either lying or on the way to lying. In fact, the world we live in is a huge piece of shit. Even if you put a layer of cream on it, it won't help. Change the fact that it’s bullshit.”

The speaker was a middle-aged horse-headed man, wearing a gray suit and a blue sweater. He was sitting at a table. He exuded the aura of a stranger, and was incompatible with other people at the party.

Seeing Malu looking this way, he said again, "Boss, where's the wine? Why haven't you brought it yet? I've been sitting here for a minute, and I'm going to vomit if I continue to listen to those two mice."

 Ma Ludao, "right away."

 After saying that, he walked into the kitchen and pushed the 100 packs of cat urine beer that he had prepared from the refrigerator.

  Then I unexpectedly discovered that Mr. Hairball was sitting at the same table with the horse-headed man and started chatting.

"...Do you know what the biggest problem in modern society is? They all only listen to what they want to believe, and no one pays attention to what the truth is... Hmm, I will call my friends in Hollywood and ask them to look up Magical Girls They may have been involved in the Watergate scandal."

“…The universe is a cruel and indifferent void. The key to happiness is not to seek meaning but to occupy oneself with trivial nonsense. In this sense, those two mice have indeed mastered the secret of happiness…”

“…I have no problem with cats talking. After all, I am a horse myself, but I am just a cartoon person, so I probably don’t have much say in this matter…”

Ma Lu saw that they were chatting quite well, so he put the beer on the table and silently stepped aside.

 After that, he poured the remaining beer to other guests, and everyone praised the taste of the cat urine beer.

But soon, Malu heard a growling sound from his stomach. Mickey looked at the time and said a little helplessly.

“I still have a friend who’s not here, but forget it, let’s start without waiting for him. My stomach is almost starving.”

Mitchie took a big gulp of cat urine beer as he spoke, and the beer gushed out from where he had just been pricked by the toothpick.

 Mitch had to find a plug and plug it there.

Ma Lu started serving the dishes as he requested.

Tonight's theme is BBQ. Malu has been preparing for it a week in advance and has selected red-bellied rattlesnakes, Link's hedgehogs, spiny-footed whip spiders, earth dragons, imperial red-backed scorpions, self-destructing jumping mice, alligator-headed bullet ants, Two-headed jackal, thousand-tooth sand bream and serpent-tailed giant eagle are used as ingredients.

 (End of this chapter)

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