Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 257: Clearance

Chapter 257 Clearing the Place

 On the chessboard map, the number of red dots has taken over an overwhelming advantage, while the blue dots have become increasingly precarious.

At first, Ma Lu saw that Li Wei was so calm and did not retreat. He thought he was hiding some back-up plan. However, he checked the nearby grid and saw no reinforcements from the Holy Knights.

And even Levi himself is now surrounded. It seems that it is only a matter of time before the Holy Knights are completely annihilated.

 Although he was a little reluctant to part with the angry sweet potato knight, Malu decided to continue running away.

 Otherwise, when all the remaining knights die, the fallen witches will definitely search the forest to find him, the last survivor.

Just when Malu was about to continue retreating, he suddenly discovered that the little red dots surrounding Li Wei had disappeared.

Then the blue dot representing Levi also started to move.

 He moved very fast, and his goal was very clear, heading straight for the Shrike 300 blocks away.

There were some red dots along the road that tried to stop them, but before they could get closer, they all disappeared, just like the thirteen red dots that initially besieged Levi.

So fierce? !

 Soon the distance between the two sides shortened to less than a hundred squares, but then Li Wei also encountered trouble.

 However, in this forest, they could not escape the pursuit of those fallen witches.

Ma Lu's eyes then moved to the defense column and found that Levi's defense was as high as 44 points!

The black armor on his body is obviously different from that of ordinary knights. It should be the most advanced scientific research result of the Weapons and Equipment Department.

Ma Lu saw the red dots on the chessboard map sweeping towards Li Wei like a tide.

The shrike stopped running away and turned back to join the final battle.

 So the elite members of the Witch Alliance who besieged them were also liberated, and turned to target Levi.

Ma Lu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. In just one and a half minutes, Levi had already crossed 200 grids, about 800 meters away, and was only the last 400 meters away from the Shrike.

The witches' attacks looked lively, but few of them could cause substantial damage to him.

The nearby fallen witches must have received the signal from the shrike and rushed here one after another. There were more and more red dots near Levi.

 However, when Ma Lu clicked on Levi's attribute panel, he was shocked to find that his HP had hardly decreased at all.

 Track skills? Malu was surprised.

Ma Lu once thought that the deputy leader of the Holy Knights had also fallen, because there were so many red dots around him that his head was almost submerged.

 The remaining people either died at the hands of the angry sweet potato knights, or fell at the feet of other activated plants.

And the battle on the other side also came to an end at this time. After the angry sweet potato knights were attracted, facing the big monster with an attack power of more than 50 points, the defense line that those knights finally built fell apart immediately, and then they could only Scattered away.

Wearing it, Levi is like a moving fortress.

However, the shrike seemed to be aware of the danger at this time, speeding up its movement and changing its direction. However, Levi also adjusted his direction immediately, and still headed straight for the shrike.

 At this point, all the 24 knights brought by Li Wei have been killed except for Malu, a fisherman who escaped halfway.

However, with the addition of Shrike, the situation finally changed. She released a large-scale team buff spell, and then Malu saw that the attack power of the little red dots around Levi increased by 5 points.

And this wasn't the end yet. Then an aging debuff appeared on Levi's portrait, causing the durability of his armor to also begin to decrease.

Furthermore, the assassin witch under his command who could wander among the shadows was also imprisoned by the spell and was fixed in place, and soon her HP became 0. The scale of victory has tilted, and the fallen witches look like they are about to win the final victory.

But the next moment, Malu felt a vibration in the ground beneath his feet, and at the same time there was a strong wind.

He was lucky enough to have his armor on and could barely maintain his balance, but Cerberus and the others had been knocked around by the sudden and strange wind.

  Not only them, the leaves in the forest were also blown loudly, and the branches were broken and fell from the sky.

Skylark exclaimed, "What happened? Is there a typhoon?"

However, no one around answered her, and everyone else's eyes were staring in the same direction at the moment.

There was black smoke rising there, mixed with the light of fire.

Seeing this scene, Skylark also opened her mouth wide. She had never seen such a strange sight in her entire life, and she stammered, "What is that?"

 Other witches also didn’t know the answer, and even the most knowledgeable Bird of Paradise was confused this time.

 After a moment, he said in an uncertain tone, "This should be... some kind of large-scale spell."

 “Is such a powerful spell released by a shrike?” The purple-haired **** the side was also amazed.

 However, she was interrupted mid-sentence.

 “That’s not a spell, it’s a missile.”

 The person who spoke was Ma Lu. Although he had never actually seen a missile, there were many similar videos on the Internet. He recognized it at a glance as a unique and spectacular scene of a missile explosion.

But who is so cruel as to throw missiles into the crowd? !

Ma Lu looked at the chessboard map again. Most of the dense dots on it had now disappeared, and what was left were some activated plants.

These activated plants mutated after the disaster. Only the weapons of the witches can kill them. Even the missiles that once symbolized the pinnacle of human combat power have lost their effect on them.

However, these activated plants can resist missiles, which does not mean that other people present can also.

Even a witch is still just a body of flesh and blood. Once her vitals are attacked, she will still die.

However, some people did survive within the explosion range of the missile.

Ma Lu looked at the lone blue light spot on the chessboard map and couldn't help but make the same mouth shape as a skylark.

Levi's condition doesn't look very good. His defense has dropped from 44 points to 11 points, and the durability of his armor has plummeted from 500 to single digits.

However, he did survive the explosion.

 And soon a witch came over to deal with the activated plants around him, and brought him a brand new set of armor.

Levi took the armor and said to the witch, "Go and see if the Shrike is dead."

The witch bowed to Levi, and then began to patrol around with a sniper rifle.

 Although what she just launched was only a small missile, it was still very powerful. Especially for the people at the center of the explosion, it was almost impossible to preserve the whole body, so the identification work became extremely difficult.

 (End of this chapter)

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