Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 268: Wandering Warlock

Chapter 268 Wandering Warlock

 Anqi was then escorted directly to the airport.

Although she escaped the team activity in Guangzhou in the afternoon because she fell from a horse, since she has been treated and is still alive, she cannot miss the charity party in the evening.

  And love&five will have a concert tomorrow, even though the calf is in a cast, it won’t affect her singing.

 In a sense, this guy is indeed living a miserable life. His schedule is packed, and every day is like a war. He has to sneak out to eat.

 But when she thought about the deposits in her bank card, Malu felt that she was worrying too much.

  No matter what, it is always a good thing to have one more big player who can explode gold coins.

 Furthermore, Malu also saw that Anqi had posted a message on WeChat Moments with two photos.

One is the hunter’s chicken on the table the last time I came for dinner, and the other is a selfie of her squatting on the roadside holding a cat urine beer.

 There is nothing else besides this. She did not add any text, and the name of the Cosmic Infinite Canteen was not revealed in the photo.

However, half an hour later, someone in the restaurant suddenly let out an exclamation.

“Holy shit, isn’t this our restaurant? An Qi has been here before. Why didn’t I know when?”

 Then he said to Ma Lu, "Boss, your store is going to be popular, did you know?"

 “Why are you making such a fuss? My store is already very popular.”

Ma Lu said lazily. When he was still setting up a stall in Hangda, he was very famous on the local Douyin list.

“No, this time your store is going to be popular all over the country. Please open Weibo and take a look.”

Hearing this, Ma Lu took out his phone again, clicked on Weibo, and saw a new hot search popping up on the hot search list.

—Anqi from the love&five group is enjoying delicious food at a mysterious roadside shop alone!

 What, this thing can also be on the hot search?

Ma Lu scratched his head. He finally realized the power of fanatic fans that An Qi mentioned. He just posted two pictures without any text on Moments, and they spread all over the Internet so quickly.

And it also triggered a heated discussion, with people guessing where Anqi ate.

There are all kinds of answers, but as someone released Hunter Chicken and Cat Urine Beer, which are the same as Anqi, the truth gradually emerged.

However, the melon-eating parties and true fans were not satisfied with this, and later began to search for information about the Infinite Canteen in the Universe.

  As a result, the traffic of videos and articles related to the Universe Infinite Canteen increased significantly on Weibo and major platforms. It also caused related videos of several up owners who had previously posted store visit videos to be on the hot list.

Only 20 minutes later, a true love&five fan came to the door and asked for the hunter chicken and cat urine beer that Anqi had eaten.

 Mao Pi Beer Malu is basically selling 25 cups a day now. It’s not that he doesn’t want to sell more, it’s mainly because Mr. Hairball’s production is limited.

 As a kitten, no matter how much it can drink, its bladder is limited, and its daily output basically fluctuates between 27 and 35 cups, and the millipede also has to prepare some stocks.

He currently sells a cup of cat urine beer for 188, but it is sold out within an hour of opening every day.

These love&five noodles are definitely no longer available, but fortunately there are still more than 60 portions of Hunter Chicken, and they were all sold out before nightfall.

However, the number of people checking in has not decreased but increased, and there is no room left in the restaurant behind, which even affects ordinary guests' dining.

Ma Lu asked He Xiaoqian to go to the grocery store across the street and buy a large speaker, which repeatedly played notifications that Cat Piss Beer and Hunter Chicken were sold out. But there were still some people who didn’t believe it and were pushing in. I don’t know who shouted, “An Qi is still in there!”

  Hearing these words, the crowd immediately became excited. The people in front pushed He Xiaoqian away who was still trying to maintain order.

Then he rushed towards the store like crazy. Ma Lu's expression changed drastically when he saw this. With a thought, the chef's knife appeared in his hand, but he immediately realized that this was in the main plane, and it was definitely not appropriate to use the knife. .

 Besides, there are too many people coming, and the sword is of no use.

And at this time, a new danger appeared, because too many people rushed in from outside, and there was a commotion in the restaurant. The people inside were unbearably crowded and wanted to go out. Two groups of people pushed and pushed at the door. Pushing.

 As a result, what Malu was most worried about happened.

In the chaos, someone accidentally fell down. She looked like a junior high school student. Her companion, another junior high school student, tried hard to help her up. However, there were too many people. She tried several times but failed. Instead, she fell down. Staggering.

Ma Lu was already trying to get closer to that side, but he himself was also caught in a sardine can at this moment.

Just as he was thinking about what else he could do, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button, and the originally noisy and chaotic restaurant suddenly became calm. People maintained their actions at the previous moment, standing motionless in place, and even their gazes were fixed.

Malu looked at the changes around him in surprise. He reached out and gently pushed away a middle-aged man with a beer belly in front of him. As soon as his fingers touched the latter's body, the middle-aged man seemed to have lost his support. , and collapsed softly.

Ma Lu was startled and quickly reached out to hold him. In the process, he encountered several more people, and all of them collapsed without exception.

 And when they collapsed, they would inevitably run into other people, so the crowd fell down one after another like dominoes.

 In the end, the entire restaurant, including those outside who wanted to come in, collapsed on the ground.

“Don’t worry, they are fine, they just fell asleep.”

 A voice came from outside the door.

 Then a woman wearing a red robe slowly fell from the sky.

She did not use any external objects, but the speed when she landed was not fast. She was as gentle as falling leaves. Her toes hit the ground first, then her soles, and then her heels. She almost made no sound when she landed.

 "Uh... I'm sorry, who are you?" Malu asked.

"Wandering Warlock." The woman in red robe said, "I had an appointment before."

"Oh oh oh oh, it's you." Ma Lu suddenly realized, "Didn't you make an appointment to have dinner at 8:30 pm? Now..." He glanced at the bracelet, "It's not 7 o'clock yet, but luckily you are here, otherwise I would I’m afraid something is going to happen here.”


"Wait a minute," Ma Lu saw that the wandering warlock was hesitant to speak, and an idea flashed, "You didn't just pass by here by chance. This matter has something to do with you."

"I was conducting a research before, and there was a slight flaw in the result." Seeing that he could not hide it, the wandering warlock had no choice but to admit.

 Although she spoke very lightly, an ominous premonition still arose in Ma Lu's heart, "What research are you conducting? Why did something go wrong?"

 “I’m investigating the Gate of Hell.” said the wandering warlock.

 (End of this chapter)

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