Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 276: The opportunity has come

Chapter 276 The opportunity has come

While the others were still struggling, Mr. Hairball had already pounced on him, picked up a piece, and swallowed it in a few gulps.

  Kittens are always more impulsive than humans and have a harder time restraining their instincts.

Furthermore, Mr. Hairball has already traveled through time once, and his fear of death is not as strong as others.

After eating, it smashed its mouth twice with unsatisfied content, and then found that everyone was staring at it.

"Don't you plan to do anything next? Just keep looking at me. Don't worry, if I'm poisoned, I'll wail and roll around on the ground to make sure no one misses my tragic death." Mr. Mao Tuan assured, patting his chest. .

 “How does it taste?” Malu asked a question that everyone was concerned about.

The Ragdoll cat had a thoughtful look on his face, "I swallowed it too quickly and didn't pay much attention to it... but it's definitely more delicious than catnip."

No one here has ever eaten catnip, and they don’t know what it means to say it tastes better than catnip.

Mr. Hairball then volunteered, "I can help you taste another piece."

 “No, no need.” Ma Lu said hurriedly.

Lao Wang spent so much effort and only got 5 pieces in total. Now one of them has entered Mr. Hairball's stomach, and there are 4 pieces left. And now those staring at the little red devil's sashimi are Malu, Wandering Warlock, and Yanwu. , Chen Zhengyi and Lilim et al.

Those Valkina people eat so little that they can be counted as one person together, but even so, there is still one person who cannot eat.

 So we must not let Mr. Hairball eat it again.

It is a pity for the Ragdoll cat. If the food on the plate is poisonous, it will die if it eats a piece of it, or it will die if it eats it all. Of course, it would prefer the latter.

To be on the safe side, everyone waited for another 15 minutes. Mr. Hairball was still alive and kicking, with no signs of poisoning.

Ma Lu didn’t want to wait any longer, because according to Lao Wang, the best tasting period of this dish is only within 20 minutes. If it exceeds 20 minutes, the taste will deteriorate.

 However, someone took action faster than him!

Relying on his physical strength, the hardware store owner stepped forward second, took a piece under his nose, smelled it, and then threw it into his mouth.

The next moment, his clothes suddenly burst apart, revealing the thick hair underneath.

At the same time, his head also changed, his mouth began to elongate, his pupils turned yellowish brown, his teeth became sharper, and his whole person exuded a ferocious aura.

 This is...werewolf transformation? !

Ma Lu subconsciously glanced at the top of his head. There was no moon tonight, and the stars in the sky were gorgeous.

 Fortunately, Yanwu did not lose his rationality after transformation like those werewolves in the movie. He also looked a little puzzled, standing there scratching his head.

“What’s going on? I looked at the calendar and it’s not the date yet.”

“That’s what food is for,” Malu said. “How do you feel?”

"It seems... more powerful than usual." Yanwu clenched his fists, "Is it my imagination, but now that special power seems to have disappeared again."

“Hell ingredients have this effect,” Lao Wang said. “The dishes cooked with them have a certain chance of giving the user some special abilities, but most of these abilities are related to negative emotions.”

“To put it this way, when I felt full of strength before, my heart was indeed full of anger.” The hardware store owner said.

 “Angry, why do you have anger?” The wandering warlock was curious. “Well, just when I was tasting that piece of sashimi, I felt the pleasure of biting and eating the flesh and blood of my enemy. I couldn’t help but transformed.”

"I remembered what you said." Mr. Mao Tuan said, "When I was eating that piece of food, I felt like I drank two boxes of Erguotou in one go and smoked more than a dozen packs of Huazi. It was so good. flipped."

“So what does this sashimi taste like?” Lilim asked.

"I don't know either," Yan Wu shook his head. "The moment I entered the door, my brain was occupied by strong emotions. As for its own taste, it was covered up, or it was no longer important, and from the interaction between me and the cat In terms of experience, the emotions we feel are also different.”

 “An edible...emotion? It sounds interesting.”

Ma Lu was concerned about another thing at the moment, "Old Wang, did you just say that this thing can also give people special abilities?"

“Special abilities are obtained by probability, not necessarily.”

 “Oh oh oh oh.”

Now Malu has to have something, it is a super power, something that can take off in life, and it does not need to have a miserable childhood like the superheroes in Marvel movies.

  If we don’t fight now, when will we wait?

Ma Lu immediately took a piece and ate it. The moment he took a bite, he seemed to see that the Universe Infinite Canteen had become the most popular restaurant in the world, and celebrities and big names were begging him to have a bowl of rice.

Not only Michelin, but also the United Nations and the Oscars are awarding him awards. The Nobel Prize even gave him 6 awards in one breath, and he also paid a loan for next year, the year after, and the year after...

The Olympic Games also urgently added a competition for the most delicious restaurant. As a result, the Universe Infinite Restaurant easily won the championship without any suspense, and each gold medal in the medal list was calculated as 100 yuan.

Ma Lu then became a national hero and went on missions to other dimensions on behalf of the Earth...

The balance on his bank card exceeds 20 digits, and there are more than six billion star coins. Not only did he pay off the money he owed Yanwu, but he also opened a small museum in his 10,000-square-meter mansion to store The high-dimensional creations I collected.

Even when ordering takeout, he no longer uses coupons, and he also bought, and later transferred Yu Yizhuo to his manor as a housekeeper.

Every day when I have nothing to do, I just hang out in front of her, listening to her bend down and call Mr. Ma, and she must call her three times before she makes a sound.

 It's so cool... it's so cool, no cool article is so cool! !

Although it only took a short breath, Malu was indeed refreshed and his whole person became refreshed.

 Is this... the power of hell’s delicacies? It's so scary.

But he didn't forget about business. He checked his body quickly afterwards, but found nothing unusual.

 Did the mutation fail? Ma Lu was a little reluctant, especially since Yanwu had just obtained an anger-enhancing skill, which made him feel even more unbalanced.

Until the voice of the hardware store owner came to his ears again, "I don't know why, but I think you are getting more and more unpleasant. Why are you busy tonight while we are busy fighting hellish creatures?" You can take a leisurely dip in the hot springs here and look at your thighs.”

"Don't forget the boobs..." Mr. Hairball added, "The **** are pretty good too."

The wandering mage also echoed, "What you said is true. I suddenly felt that this guy deserves a beating."

 (End of this chapter)

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