Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 28: Deep sea supreme emperor burning

Chapter 28 Deep Sea Supreme Emperor Burns

“The ingredients for the croquettes have been used up,” Ma Lu said, “and the new Deep Sea Supreme Imperial Grill that is on the shelves this time tastes even better.”

"real or fake?"

 “You’ll know it once you taste it.”

“Okay, then give me those two fried meatloaf and replace them with Deep Sea Supreme Emperor Burnt.”

 “Another 20 yuan.”

“Ah, why did the price increase?” Shen Yue was shocked, “You don’t really intend to become a black shop, do you?”

“I told you that it was cooked by the emperor, and the king crab meat used only sold for 28 a piece, which is very conscientious.”

“Who knows what kind of meat you used,” Shen Yue muttered in a low voice, but finally said, “Then give me a piece to taste first.”

"Wait. Who else wants the Deep Sea Supreme Emperor's BBQ that's better than croquettes?" Malu shouted.

 When they heard that the sale of fried meat pancakes had been discontinued, many people looked as disappointed as Shen Yue.

Some of them have eaten it once or twice and have never forgotten it since then, while others have heard others talking about how delicious the croquettes are and want to try them.

 Finally looking forward to opening another stall in Malu, but unexpectedly, it is not selling fried meat patties.

  But they have come, and coupled with the explosive reputation accumulated by the No. 1 food stall in the universe during this period, many people are still willing to try the new product even if the price is a bit more expensive.

 Lao Wang on the other side has already started to get busy. He first brushes the baking pan with a layer of oil, and then pours the prepared batter into the baking pan.

Unlike ordinary takoyaki sold on the street, he did not cut the giant claw lord meat into cubes, but sliced ​​it into thin slices thinner than paper, stacked them and stuffed them into the batter.

 The ratio of meat slices to batter has almost reached one to one. Shen Yue's face looked much better when she saw this scene.

Let’s not talk about anything else, at least the number one food stall in the universe is quite willing to stock up on ingredients, and the price being higher than others doesn’t seem to be unacceptable.

 Lao Wang sprinkled in chopped green onion, and when the batter was half-formed, he began to turn it with a bamboo skewer, and the fragrance spread.

Shen Yuexi twitched her nose twice, feeling even hungrier.

 Fortunately, Lao Wang moved very quickly. He continued to pour batter into the dough while flipping it, and processed 24 **** at the same time without any panic at all.

Like an outstanding conductor, he arranges a symphony orchestra of hundreds of people in an orderly manner in the concert hall.

The baked meatballs are golden in color, round and plump, and just looking at them will make you want to eat them.

 Lao Wang put the meatballs into a lunch box, poured on the special sauce, and finally finished the dish with a handful of golden dried meat crumbs.

Those meat scraps flapped their wings under the influence of thermal air currents, dancing gracefully like butterflies.

 Shen Yue got her wish and became the first eater of Deep Sea Supreme Emperor's Grill.

 She took the lunch box, put her nose up to it and took two deep breaths, then broke open the disposable chopsticks, picked up one, and put it into her mouth.

"How about it?"

A girl who knew Shen Yue beside her asked curiously, and then she saw the president of the Ancient Poetry Society's pupils trembling.

“It’s simply... so delicious! Senior, you really can’t lie. This time the Deep Sea Supreme Emperor is fresh and chewy. It’s really more delicious than croquettes!”

If Shen Yue was the only one who said this, with her integrity, it would be possible for her to sing a double act with the old leader.

However, Lao Wang made four servings in one pot, and the other three people were full of praise after eating. Some people paid for it on the spot and bought another serving. Now those who were still hesitant were also aroused.

The meat of the giant claw lord is completely different from the meat of the two-headed jackal. The latter is firm, tastes a bit woody, and has a strong fishy smell, which is a typical game meat.

 The former has a more delicate and smooth texture, with a hint of sweetness in the aftertaste, which is why Malu sells it as crab meat.

As a 3-star ingredient, Giant Claw Lord naturally has its own uniqueness. Compared with ordinary crab meat, its meat is obviously more elastic. Lao Wang sliced ​​it into thin slices, stacked them together, and took one bite. This kind of elasticity It will be doubled.

 But normally the umami flavor of meatballs would not be as strong as it is now. The key lies in the seemingly inconspicuous batter.

 That batter was blended by Lao Wang with snake bone soup. The snake bones came from two horn-bellied black speed snakes that Malu brought back once.

Not only did they contribute their bones, but the meat on their bodies was also not wasted. Lao Wang used it to dry and shave it into powder instead of wooden fish flowers.

So this time [Giant Claw Lord Grill] actually uses two different kinds of meat, and the deliciousness index of ★★ is real.

Even though it was already past meal time, there were still many customers gathered in front of the No. 1 food stall in the universe, and as time went by, instead of showing no signs of decreasing, the number increased, and in the end there was even a long queue. .

Squidward and others looked on with envy. Ma Lu was away for the past two days, and many students jumped at the opportunity. They also asked them if they knew where the number one snack stall in the universe was and when they would be back.

Brother Squid felt that he had never been so popular when he was on TV, and he heard that Malu seemed to have raised the unit price again this time when he came back, and it had already been sold for 28 yuan a copy.

If you order takeout at this price, you can already order work meals from some big restaurants.

I don’t know why those students are so crazy and want to be taken advantage of. Maybe they say that young people don’t have jobs and don’t know how difficult it is to make money, so they don’t feel bad about wasting their parents’ money like this.

 If you want to satisfy your craving, why not come and eat squid? It’s cheap and delicious.

 Seeing that no one came to buy squid for a long time, Brother Squid couldn't help but sigh.

A fellow from the side came over and said in a low voice, "Brother Sun, you said that this kid is probably the King of Soldiers. The rich second generation should come here to experience life. Otherwise, why are so many people rushing to flatter him and give him gifts?" money."

Brother Squid slapped him on the back of the head, "You have read too many online articles, how can such a big shot pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger every day when he is full."

The man said aggrievedly, "Brother Sun, you said he doesn't have any real qualifications, he just relies on a bunch of people to support him, and he will be bad in just a few days, but look at how many days it has been, his business is also It hasn’t gotten worse, but we have been affected a lot since he came.”

“Guo Laosi, what can you do?” Squidward squinted.

Guo Laosi looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he secretly made a gesture of cutting his throat.

 “Read less online articles.” Brother Squid sighed again.

Guo Laosi scratched his head and retreated to continue roasting his gluten.

Brother Squid knew that he was just having fun with it. He was usually more timid than anyone else when seeing urban management officials. He would not even dare to ask for his car back if his car was impounded.

However, his worries are not unreasonable. The arrival of Malu and Lao Wang did make them sell less than before.

 Hong Kong University has more than 40,000 teachers and students. It stands to reason that having one more school and one less food stall would not have much impact, but that was when everyone was at about the same level.

Now that one home suddenly attracts so much attention, other homes feel the pressure.

Normally, he could join forces with the nearby folks to crowd out that restaurant, but now the number one food stall in the universe is backed by the Ancient Poetry and Literature Society, and Ma Lu is still an alumnus, so no one can shake him.

Brother Squidward shook his head. Forget it, let’s wait and see. The protagonists in online novels also make decisions before taking action. They strike in advance and decide the outcome with one move.

 Setting up a stall is all about determination, winning first does not count as a win.

 (End of this chapter)

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