Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 286: red button

Chapter 286 Red Button

Ma Lu originally wanted to stay in the secret room for a while to see if Pointed Hat had any other papers, but when he glanced at the chessboard map, he found a group of small red dots approaching here.

Those little red dots came very quickly. When Malu first saw them, they were still five hundred blocks away, but in less than half a minute, the distance between the two sides was less than three hundred blocks.

 And judging from their names, they are not activated plants. To be more precise, they are not all activated plants.

Ma Lu made a prompt decision and left the secret room with the four witches, and then used the password to make the boulder close again.

He originally wanted to use the chessboard map to plan an escape route back to the rock wall where the aircraft was parked.

However, after looking at the position of the red dots, he gave up. Those guys were coming from all directions, and they were coming menacingly. They had now been completely surrounded.

Upon seeing this, Ma Lu simply relied on the boulder and asked Yunque and others to adjust their formation and assume a defensive posture.

 The group of uninvited guests arrived in front of them in less than two minutes.

Looking at their clothes, they should all be fallen witches.

Ma Lu thought of his mission. Since the church asked the knights to investigate the Red Stone Grand Canyon, it was probably because they got some information.

Hence, he was mentally prepared to meet people from the Witch Alliance here, but he didn't expect there to be so many people.

There were 7 of them in his sight alone, and 3 more were hidden in the dark.

However, Malu didn't panic too much, because he also had an ace up his sleeve.

Ma Lu then looked at Ouroboros aside and said to her, "Go, it's your turn."

However, contrary to his expectations, Ouroboros shook his head, "Few people even in the Witch Alliance know my identity."

"What?" Ma Lu was startled, "What about the secret code? You know the secret code, right? Haven't you sent supplies to those fallen witches in the forest before?"

“The password will change. My contact has not sent me a message for a long time.”


Ma Lu did not expect that the classic scene in "Infernal Affairs", "I am a policeman, who knows." could happen to him.

He still didn’t give up, “Don’t you have anything to prove your identity?”

Ouroboros shook his head again, "If I had that kind of thing, do you think I could still be alive today? Besides, even if I had it, it might not be useful."

"What's the meaning?"

"The fallen witch has completely split after Shrike's death. I got news that some people want to succeed Shrike and become the new leader of the Witch Alliance. However, there are several competitors, but no one has the reputation of Shrike who can take over the remaining witches." people continue to come together.

"In addition, our defeat in the previous battle was too tragic. Many people were shaken in their hearts and chose to leave to find another way out. They may not still recognize my previous identity." Ouroboros said quickly.

After hearing what she said, Malu frowned, but before he could ask again, the group of fallen witches had already arrived in front of them.

The leader was a tall, bald female who looked like a man. She was holding an iron chain in her hand, and the other end of the chain was tied to a yellow meat taro biter.

 The amazing thing is that the yellow carat eater didn't attack her. It wasn't until it saw Millipeda and the others that the leaves on its body stretched out and turned into a big mouth.

If the bald woman hadn't been holding it, it would have pounced on it right now.

 “Don’t worry, little greedy cat, you’ll have a chance to have a good meal later.”

The bald female whistled, and then looked Ma Lu up and down, "A tin can executioner from the church." After a pause, she glanced at Yun Que and the others, and said contemptuously, "And the little milk dog he raised, tsk tsk. What a rare guest."

"Chief, what nonsense are you talking to the lackeys of the church? Since they have come to our territory, let's just feed them to our pets, as if they were revenge for the shrike." A fallen witch shouted.

“Why are you all so impatient?” said the bald female. “The days in the mountains are so boring. It’s rare to have any fun. Why is it over so soon?”

 The fallen witches behind her seemed to be afraid of her. As she opened her mouth to express her position, the other voices immediately disappeared.

 Then the bald female's eyes fell on Malu again, and she raised her eyebrows, "Hey, knight, do you want to live or die?"

 “Of course I want to live.” Ma Lu said.

"That's very simple. As long as you do what I say, I promise not to hurt you." The bald female said, "I always do what I say."

"Are you willing to let us go?" Malu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that although she didn't look very good, she was quite a nice person.

 In the end, the bald woman corrected her, "It's you, not you."

"What about my witches? Do you plan to let them join you?"

"No, I have enough people here and supplies are very tight." The bald female wrote lightly, "I want you to kill them."

 “What?” Ma Lu suspected that he heard wrongly until the bald woman repeated it again.

 “I want you to kill them.”

 “Why, they are all witches like you.”

"No, once you put on the collar, it's just your knight's dog." The bald female pointed at the ring of order around Skylark's neck, "Life and death are in the hands of the church. I can't trust such a person."

Ouroboros couldn't help but said, "Have you forgotten our beliefs? Shrike promised to liberate all witches, whether inside or outside the city, and we will eventually be free."

"I'm not a shrike," the bald female said calmly, "She's already dead, and maybe she died because of a traitor. I won't make the same mistake she made.

"I have the final say outside the city now. I don't like you guys who are helping the evildoers. Maybe your hands will be stained with our blood. Even if you don't have it now, there will be sooner or later in the future. It's better to die early."

After speaking, she urged Ma Ludao, "You'd better do it quickly. My patience is limited. This should be easy for you. You can do it with just a few clicks of your fingers."

 “Do we have to get to this step?” Malu sighed.

“There is no room for you to bargain here.” The bald woman put another section of the chain in her hand, and the yellow meat taro biter immediately took a few steps forward, almost rushing to Malu.

 “That’s okay.”

While the two were just chatting, Malu had already completed all the preparations before taking action, including but not limited to planting the flag, adjusting the formation, and also throwing out the slowness trap.

 After that, he stopped talking nonsense, took out the small blue electric drill that was suspected to be a weapon and pressed the red button.

 Then he aimed at the yellow meat taro biter in front of him and decisively pulled the trigger.

 The next moment, a red light emitted from the metal head and hit the Yellow Meat Lobster Biter!

 Then the latter's body began to shrink rapidly, shrinking from the size of an adult Caucasus to only the size of a fist.

 In the end, it turned back into an ordinary taro.

 (End of this chapter)

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