Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 291: conflict

Chapter 291 Conflict

Ma Lu hung up the call from the hardware store owner and dialed the number he sent, but no one answered after trying twice.

He didn't call a third time. He wrote a text message to briefly introduce himself and explain his purpose before going back to the house to catch up on his sleep.

This time he slept until 4pm before getting up. He looked at his phone first and saw two missed calls, but one was a courier and the other was marked as a harassing call.

 Lao Hei did not call, and Malu was not in a hurry. He and Lao Wang went to the restaurant to prepare for today's dinner.

This time I spent most of my time out in Malu solving puzzles and looking for Singer Sour Berries, but I didn't collect any ingredients above 4 stars.

But this is not a big problem. There is still a lot of stock in the tabletop farm, especially in terms of meat. Lao Wang just killed a ground dragon, and Hot Spring BBQ only ate half of the leg, and the rest is still frozen in the refrigerator.

Speaking of which, the signature dishes at the Infinite Universe Cafeteria have been vegetarian for several weeks, so it’s time for everyone to satisfy their cravings.

 Coupled with the fact that Lao Wang’s chef level was upgraded again last week, reaching lv5, he is now able to steadily add stars.

Every dish he cooks is half a star higher than the deliciousness index marked on the recipe.

 In this way, even ordinary ingredients can be tasted beyond their own taste in his hands.

Ma Lu wrote this week's menu on the small blackboard, and then looked at the line outside the door that had turned several corners but still couldn't see the end.

Although the business of Universe Infinite Canteen has been very good since the first day it opened, the exaggeration only started after Anqi posted those few photos on WeChat Moments.

 In just a few hours, there were so many people in the restaurant that a stampede almost occurred. Even if there was the little red devil behind it, it would at most encourage people outside to rush in.

 What attracted so many people here at the same time was An Qi's popularity as a top girl group idol. Ma Lu had to admit that this guy did have some ability.

 But the problem is that he is not short of customers. The dishes in the Universe Infinite Canteen are in limited supply. The number of servings sold before Anqi posted on Moments is the same as the number of servings sold now.

 It just sells faster and can be closed before it gets dark. However, with so many people gathering together, the probability of accidents will become higher, and it is not impossible for a stampede like before to happen again.

No, before the restaurant even opened, there was already a commotion in the queue. It seemed like two groups of people were quarreling.

He Xiaoqian quickly ran over to stop it, but the commotion did not stop five minutes later. The two groups even became more and more noisy and started pushing each other.

One of the strong men in a black down jacket performed particularly bravely. He fought with all the heroes on his own without falling behind. Not only did he have a loud voice and a lot of spit, but he also had a six-meridian divine sword in his hand, which he kept attacking people from a distance. go.

On the other side were several male college students, who were very angry. Someone pushed the strong man first, and the conflict between the two sides further intensified.

Poor He Xiaoqian was caught in the middle, still trying to calm the situation, but both sides were quarreling at this time, and no one paid attention to her at all.

 Fortunately, Malu also came later. In fact, he stood aside and listened for a while, and already understood the cause of the matter.

 Due to the booming business of the Universe Infinite Canteen, people who wanted to eat had to line up in advance. The black down jackets and the students came earlier, so they were further ahead in the line.

However, seeing that it was almost time for dinner, the man in the black down jacket suddenly called a dozen people in one breath and stood in front of him.

The students behind him were unhappy and accused him of asking people to join the team.

The man in the black down jacket said that these were all his friends. They had come to eat together, but there was no need for so many people to queue together. He asked his friends to go shopping elsewhere first. He was waiting here. It was almost time. Call them back again.

 In short, it sounds like each side has its own reasons. The two sides refused to give in to each other, and then they started to struggle together. After hearing this, Ma Lu almost walked up. When someone recognized him, he said, "The boss is here, the boss is here, don't fight!"

 After that, some people came forward to help and separated the two waves of people, but after that they were still yelling at each other in the distance.

Ma Lu advised, "Everyone came out to eat happily. There is no need to get into a big fight. It's like this. Let's calm down and calm down."

The black down jacket asked Qu Dao, "I don't want to be like a bunch of brats, but I went out to eat with my friends, and they insisted on asking me to add some stuff. I've been waiting in line for a long time. That's it. I have more friends.”

"You fart!" a college student said angrily, "How can one person help more than 20 people occupy a seat?"

“Please keep your mouth clean, why are there none? Isn’t it okay that I have many friends?” said the black down jacket, “Why, there is a limit on the number of people who can occupy a seat for others?”

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I already know what's going on." Ma Lu patted the shoulder of the black down jacket, "This is just a misunderstanding, why are you still taking action?"

 “They were the ones who hit first!”

“You were the one who cursed us first, and then said we would be killed if we meddle in our own business!” Another college student said, “Come if you can. I want to see how you kill us.”

“I’m giving you face, right?” Hearing this, the man in the black down jacket also started to roll up his sleeves, “Come on, come on, single fight or group fight?”

"Hey, hey, why are you arguing again?" Ma Lu said, "I've already told you, this is a misunderstanding, and it's my fault. I didn't expect so many people to line up. So, I'll give you two desserts.

Ma Lu deliberately lowered his voice a little as he spoke, "They are all special items, not on the menu. If you really want to sell a copy, it will cost you 199."

 “Special model?” The eyes of the black down jacket lit up.

"It's guaranteed to be delicious." Malu looked at the college students on the other side, "What do you think?"

The college students looked at each other, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you, boss."

"Okay, don't hit me any more, or you won't get any dessert." Malu warned again and went back to the shop.

 About 5 minutes later, he walked out of the kitchen, holding two portions of pudding.

The two puddings looked very nice, with egg-yellow and round bodies, crystal clear and round, lying on the plate, and they would tremble as the millipede walked.

After taking it out of the oven, Lao Wang sprinkled sugar powder on it and used a red-hot metal spoon to iron it into a crispy caramel shell.

Then I added some sea salt cream on top and garnished it with biscuit crumbs and mint leaves.

Just one look at it will make you feel appetizing.

"Please enjoy."

 Ma Lu handed the two puddings to the black down jacket and one of the college students respectively.

 (End of this chapter)

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