Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 293: Extremely Tasty Storm Dongpo Pork

Chapter 293 Extremely Tasty Storm Dongpo Pork

I have to say that the most excited people at the moment are the college students. They almost got into a fight with the black down jackets because they jumped in line.

The latter has always been stubborn, saying that those people are his friends, but now the truth has finally come out, and everyone is now criticizing the scalping behavior of the black down jacket.

They finally felt proud and were about to join in the condemnation, but they didn't expect that they would also sing. However, compared to the black down jackets, their tunes were more relaxed and closer to R&B.

“Your lies are too clumsy~\\The harder you perform, the more stupid they appear\\We have noticed it a long time ago~”

 “Well, there’s even a chorus.”

The onlookers didn’t expect that they could go out to eat and watch a freestyle show for free, and the quality was actually not bad.

  After hearing the chorus, they looked at the black down jacket again, looking forward to what wonderful performance he would have next, but unexpectedly the latter had already covered his mouth.

  No matter how much others tried to persuade him, he didn’t speak, and then he rushed into the night and ran away along the road.

Passers-by lamented that it was rare to see such a high-level and face-saving rap, but it was so bad, and the singer was gone after only two verses.

 Ma Lu then clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone is lining up and ready to eat."

Seeing that there was no more excitement, the others could only return to the team.

At this time, the more than 20 people brought by the black down jackets seemed a little embarrassed. Some people couldn't help but turned around and walked away. Some people queued up to the back of the queue, and some wanted to continue standing in their original positions.

 But he was soon discovered by the people behind him, and he could only leave in despair amidst the chorus of accusations from everyone.

 But the two women who came last were still a little unwilling. Seeing that Malu was also preparing to go back to the store, they spoke.

“We spend money to hire people, so why doesn’t it count as queuing? Isn’t it okay if you don’t want to spend your own time?”

"Okay," Malu stopped, "just go to whoever you pay your money to. I will confiscate your money and I have no obligation to help you reserve a place."

“Humph, do you know how to do business? If you don’t make any money, let’s go.” A woman snorted coldly and took her best friend’s hand.

 But the latter did not move. He was still looking at the missing corner of the pudding in Malu's hand and swallowed his saliva.

 “You gave this to us, and it should belong to us.”

"No, this is the scalper I gave to you, but he didn't want it and has already left."

 “He sold it to us for 600 yuan.”

"Then you go find him." After finishing speaking, Ma Lu ignored the two of them and turned around to go back to the store.

 A storm was wiped out by two plates of pudding.

However, before He Xiaoqian had time to breathe a sigh of relief, she soon encountered new troubles.

 As she opened the store door and started to open for business, the first thing everyone who entered the store asked for was pudding.

“I also want to eat the little pudding from outside!”

“Yes, even the scalpers praise it, and the pudding that does not hesitate to reveal its identity must be delicious!”

“Even so, I want it too.” The diners started chirping, seemingly not caring about their relationship as husband and wife. He Xiaoqian hurriedly explained, "I'm sorry, the boss said that pudding is a special one and will not be sold. You can take a look at today's menu. It is also delicious."

The waitress pointed at the blackboard, but there were still many people clamoring for pudding.

“We’re not going to engage in hunger marketing again. It’s already too much if we can’t buy cat urine beer. Why are we not even allowed to eat pudding now?”

“Yes, the special version is delicious as soon as you hear it. It’s definitely better than the regular version.”

Ma Lu was speechless after listening to these speeches.

Singer's Sour Berry is only a 2-star ingredient. Even with Lao Wang's blessing, the Sour Berry Caramel Pudding is only ★★★. How can it be compared to today's signature dish.

These guys have pure reverse psychology. They just want to eat what they can't eat.

 Fortunately, the aroma of meat wafting from the kitchen soon attracted their attention again.

“Wow, what is this? It smells so good!” Someone took a deep breath and almost drooled.

Others could not help but twitch their noses at this time, and as a result, those who smelled the aroma were immediately captured.

Malu also spoke at the right time and said, "Our restaurant's extremely delicious Baofeng Dongpo Pork, this week's signature dish, costs 346 a bowl, 200 servings today, and 300 servings every day in the future. It is available for a limited time only for one week. If you want to eat it, hurry up and buy it. Late It’s gone.”

“Holy shit, after waiting for so long, boss, you are finally willing to serve this tough dish to satisfy everyone’s cravings.”

All the diners couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard this. They immediately forgot about the pudding they were thinking about just now and ordered the single-flavor Baofeng Dongpo Pork one after another.

 Some people thought the name was a bit difficult to pronounce at first, especially the storm in it was unclear.

 But when the dishes were served, they all immediately understood what the storm was.

 Because everyone has started eating in a storm, not many people in the huge restaurant opened their mouths, all they heard was swallowing.

The roasted earth dragon meat is so soft that it will be revealed when you **** it with chopsticks. With a gentle pinch, the upper layer of meat skin can be lifted off, revealing the tender fat meat below. Paired with the fragrant gravy, it is simply delicious. Rice killer!

 Take a sip and the aroma will fly! !

No matter men, women, old or young, a charming smile appeared on the corners of their mouths involuntarily.

 This is the body’s most primitive desire for fat!

This is not to say that the signature dishes of the past few weeks are not delicious. Even if they are just ordinary sweet potatoes (actually they are not ordinary), the ones made by Universe Infinite Canteen are several times more delicious than those made by other restaurants.

There have also been meat dishes such as spinach cheese chicken breast rolls and tomato stewed scorpion meat before, which are novel and novel, but I always feel that there is still something a little lacking.

 To this day, the most delicious Baofeng Dongpo Pork is one bite, and all that is left in your head is the word "Shuang". Basically, the average person starts with two bowls of rice.

Some people asked He Xiaoqian to scrape off all the soup at the bottom of the pot when packing. As long as this thing is taken back and heated up, even if there is no meat, it will be very fragrant when poured on white rice.

 Because the smell is so tempting, it even attracted dog walkers from several nearby communities.

Logically speaking, those dogs usually eat quite well at home. There are plenty of dog food and bones, and they often eat meat, but they still can't resist the temptation of the extremely delicious Baofeng Dongpo meat.

The owner was dragged in after smelling the smell, and then he was spinning around outside the door. He fell to the ground and couldn't be pulled away no matter how hard he tried. His eyes suggested that he was frantically pulling at the owner's trouser legs, and he almost took out his Alipay and rushed in to pay. .

 In the end, there was no other way, so the dog owners had no choice but to queue up one by one.

 (End of this chapter)

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