Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 304: promotion ceremony

Chapter 304 Promotion Ceremony

 Two pieces of golden equipment cost 100,000 each and 80,000 atonement points each.

 While buying new equipment, Malu also heard about one thing.

 Last time, he and Levi brought back Shrike's damaged staff in order to prove that she was dead, which aroused great interest among researchers from the weapons and equipment department.

 The equipment used by the fallen witches usually comes from the witches they killed, or is defective products that flowed out of the Temple City through some unspeakable channels.

  In other words, they do not know how to make equipment themselves.

However, the weapons and equipment department did not find any relevant information about Shrike's staff in the weapons arsenal.

  —This is a brand new weapon.

 The church's top leaders attach great importance to this, because it means that the Witches Alliance has probably mastered the manufacturing process of weapons and equipment.

Moreover, research by the Weapons and Equipment Department found that the manufacturing level of this staff is even higher than that of the church.

This discovery also caused an uproar in the Weapons and Equipment Department.

The smartest brains in the entire Temple City are gathered here, and the church continuously provides money, materials and equipment. As a result, their research on witch equipment actually lags behind those precarious traitors outside the city.

 This was something they could not accept under any circumstances, so almost all researchers suspended their work at this time and began to devote themselves to the detection and analysis of this staff.

 The more they studied it, the more they were shocked. The complexity and advanced level of this weapon far exceeded their imagination.

It is not as powerful as the creations of this era. Fortunately, Shrike was killed by the missile before she could use it. Otherwise, even someone as strong as Levi might not be able to defeat her.

This description reminded Malu of the small blue electric drill he was wearing.

  Could it be that the Shrike also found the relics left by the pointed hat like he did?

But Shrike doesn’t have a traveler’s bracelet like him, and can read the messages left by Pointed Hat hundreds of years ago.

Moreover, the guy with the pointed hat is just a doctoral student, and he is not an intelligence agent. It is normal to have a backup point to store data. It is normal to have some spares, but it is impossible to have several safe houses. If he really has this Your vigilance will not be fooled so badly by your good friends.

 Ma Lu was certain that no one had entered the secret backup point he discovered before.

Where did the relic in the shrike’s hand come from?

Ma Lu had some guesses about this, but he didn't want to wade into this muddy water too much. He went to the weapons and equipment department to get new armor, bought new equipment, and then went to the auditorium on the 6th floor.

The friar who calls himself the herald is already waiting for him here.

The master's promotion ceremony is not complicated. After all the senior members of the Holy Knights have arrived, someone first reads out Malu's achievements as a knight.

However, due to the short time he joined the Paladin Order, his achievements are obviously a little thin compared to the other 12 masters in the Paladin Order.

Li Wei was also aware of this, so he gave more credit to Malu for killing the Shrike. In his statement to the church, Malu participated in the battle with the Shrike and played a role in it. important role.

In addition, not long ago, Malu killed a group of fallen witches hiding in the Red Rock Grand Canyon, and his achievements were so-so.

 Later, Martin, the leader of the Holy Knights, came forward and personally awarded Malu the Master Medal and the Long Sword.

This was the first time that Malu met the nominal leader of the Holy Knights. Martin is very old, he looks to be at least seventy years old, with white hair and deep wrinkles on his face. However, he stands very straight, speaks clearly, and does not have any slowness in his movements.

 As an old man, he is undoubtedly still in good health.

However, as the leader of the Holy Knights, health is obviously not enough. Ma Lu even heard rumors that he could no longer wear his knight armor. He had not been to the front line for more than 20 years. In recent years, he had Even the daily affairs of the Knights were left to others to take care of.

 No wonder Livy would have the ambition to replace it.

In addition to Li Wei, the Holy Knights also have a deputy leader who is more than ten years younger than Martin, but is still in his prime. Unfortunately, he has health problems and has been busy treating illnesses for most of these years.

Hence, Levi became the actual person in charge of the Holy Knights.

 Martin handed the sword to Malu's hand, then reached out and patted Malu on the shoulder, smiling.

“Congratulations on your promotion to master, Knight of Westwood. I hope you can continue to serve the church and the Paladin Order in the future. May the glory of the Lord of Order always shine on you.”

Ma Lu didn't know if it was his own imagination, but Martin seemed to have specially emphasized the words "Church" and "Paladin Order".

 He took the sword, nodded and said, "I will."

 Afterwards, Malu took an oath, and the other 12 masters came forward to bless him and accepted him into the Round Table.

After so much trouble, Malu finally completed the entire process of the promotion ceremony and officially became the master of the Holy Knights.

When the ceremony was over, Martin came to him as soon as possible and enthusiastically invited him to the office on the 33rd floor, saying that he would discuss the next development of the Knights with him.

However, he was politely rejected by Ma Lu. Afterwards, Martin saw Ma Lu walking towards Li Wei in front of him, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

 On the contrary, Li Wei was quite satisfied with Malu's attitude.

"Very good. It seems that after becoming a master, you still keep your head clear, which is rare. Remember, I can make you a master, but I can also deprive you of your identity."

After a pause, his tone slowed down a little, "Since you are already a master, don't just be busy doing tasks, but also participate in the management of the Knights. I have already arranged your next steps for you. The specific positions will be announced in due course.

"But don't worry. Before that, you should relax first. By the way, there will be a celebration in the city next week to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the founding of the Temple City. On that day, the church will temporarily lift the prohibition on alcohol. Maybe we can also Have a drink."

Unlike Martin, Levi did not use a tone of discussion. The deputy leader of the Paladins showed a more powerful aura than the nominal first leader of the Paladins, as if everything was under his control. It is under control and cannot be questioned by anyone.

With the merit of killing the Shrike, Levi's reputation in the Holy Knights has now reached its peak, completely overwhelming Martin.

Ma Lu speculated that he should have been ready to seize power. The conflict between him and Martin had now become completely public. According to Malu's observation, most of the 12 masters other than him had also made their choice to support Li Wei's plan. There are significantly more people.

 Perhaps the Holy Knights will really change in a few months.

But this has little to do with Malu. He, the master, picked it up for nothing. It doesn’t matter whether he takes it seriously or not. The worst result is just to throw it away again.

 (End of this chapter)

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