Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 325: Floor 211

Chapter 325 Floor 211

 Ouroboros had no answer to Millipede's question.

“I know that great men always have something different from ordinary people, and they usually have good luck, but there are so many doubts about the Shrike that even luck cannot explain it.”

Ma Lu said, "There is also an instrument used by the Witch Alliance that can temporarily block the Ring of Order. As far as I know, it has never been unveiled before tonight. I just went to consult a researcher from the Weapons and Equipment Department.

"She said that even with the current technological level of Temple City, it is not easy to make similar equipment, let alone the Witch Alliance, which cannot even produce weapons and equipment... All these signs indicate that Shrike's There is a real screenwriter behind him, controlling everything that happens today and even in the past few decades.

“He must have a high position of authority in Temple City, otherwise he would not be able to mobilize so many resources secretly. I thought that person was the Pope at first, but judging from his reaction tonight, it is very unlikely that that person is him.

“And the Shrike is obviously full of resentment towards his father, and it is unlikely that he would train his daughter to deal with him specifically.

"Then I thought of Martin from the Holy Knights. He is the nominal leader of the Holy Knights. However, due to Levi's strong rise, his position is now in jeopardy. He did think of using the Witch Alliance to deal with Levi. Find someone to concoct a rumor that the Shrike is still alive.

"It's just that Martin is an old man. What he wants is very simple, which is to keep the power at hand as much as possible in the remaining days. He may be forced by the situation to allow the actions of the fallen witch and delay Levi's actions. hind legs.

“But he wouldn’t have the guts to cooperate with the Witch Alliance, let alone destroy the Holy Stone.

“As for Levi, he is about to replace Martin as the leader of the Holy Knights, and he has no motivation to do so, so I have to look elsewhere.”

At this time, the Bird of Paradise took over what Malu said, "The giant tower built by the prophet Yongyi has a total of 211 floors, because this number is full of the beauty of order. However, no one has ever climbed to the 211th floor since the tower was built.

“Except for the 211th floor, each floor of the giant tower corresponds to the relevant authority department. However, in all the books I can find, whether within the church or outside the church, there is no record of the 211th floor.

“Even the flying height of war horses in the city is set below the 200th floor, and the most noble person, such as the Pope, is prohibited from entering the 211th floor.”

"You want to say... that there is a big shot on the 211th floor who is higher than the Pope?" Ouroboros frowned, "People don't even know who he is, and then this big shot helped the Shrike and destroyed the Holy Land. Dian Cheng… This doesn’t make sense at all. Why would he do this?”

 “You have to ask him this question himself.” Ma Lu said.

"How do you plan to get to the 211th floor?" Ouroboros asked again, "Even if you are promoted to a master now, you can only move freely below the 100th floor. Unless you receive an invitation and are accompanied by a specialist, you can They don’t even have permission to run the elevator.”

"Who said I have to take the elevator?" Ma Lu said, "We have a faster way to go up."

"How to do it?"

 However, Malu did not answer Ouroboros this time, and the group of people had already arrived under the giant tower.

This place has now been blocked by citizens who came after hearing the news. Everyone wants to know whether the Holy Stone has really been completely destroyed, and where the Temple City will go next.

It is not easy to get in front of the crowd, and although everyone, including the Pope, is upset because of what happened tonight, the organizational system established by the church for a long time has not completely collapsed and is still relying on inertia. operation.

The guards of the giant tower are still at their posts. Malu can enter by virtue of his status as a master. However, at this juncture, the witch under his command may not be allowed to enter.

Contrary to Ouroboros's expectations, Malu did not plunge into the crowd. He just glanced at the dark crowd not far away, and then went straight to the apron, taking out the rope gun and other equipment that Thorgod had brought. Put it on the back seat.

 After Skylark and others came up, Malu started to take off in the aircraft. After rising to a height of about two hundred floors, the red light representing the upper limit of the aircraft's flight turned on. After that, no matter how much the horse was pulled up, the war horse would no longer continue to rise.

 “What now?” asked Ouroboros.

 “Let’s find a place to park first.”

 “Park in?” The Ouroboros looked around, but did not see any place to park.

 Until she heard Malu speak again, "Sit tight."

Then he saw Malu controlling his war horse and crashing into the glass curtain wall outside the giant tower.

Even bullet-proof glass that was as hard as bulletproof glass could not withstand a frontal impact from an aircraft. It instantly shattered and exploded, with broken glass pieces flying everywhere.

However, Malu also lost control of the aircraft due to the impact. Although he tried hard to slow down, the war horse crossed the corridor after crashing through the glass, spinning and hitting the opposite wall.

The front propeller was detached from its original position during the collision, flew dozens of meters away in the corridor, broke a glass curtain wall, and continued to spin and fly downstairs.

At this time, the aircraft also hit the wall, and the huge momentum directly collapsed half of the wall. Fortunately, the kinetic energy was almost consumed after that. The war horse was stuck between the walls, and the Malu and others inside The person was also beaten to pieces, and his whole body hurt.

After a long while, he kicked open the deformed hatch and climbed out.

 Bird of Paradise immediately releases a group healing spell to restore lost HP to everyone.

Ouroboros's face turned pale. She didn't expect that Malu's so-called entry was so barbaric.

Skylark was also frightened by the thrilling scene just now and was speechless. Only Cerberus was still in high spirits. He even patted Malu on the shoulder and grinned, "As expected of me, he is my apprentice. He learns landing very quickly."

Ma Lu didn't say anything. He just took out the rope gun from the back seat and came to the broken glass curtain wall. He first looked out at his feet and then fired a shot at the top of the tower, hooking the lightning rod above.

The millipede tried to bear the weight, and then the purple-haired girl walked in the front, followed by the bird of paradise, followed by ouroboros, while millipede and skylark stayed behind.

The guards from the giant tower arrived faster than Ma Lu imagined. Only 2 minutes and 42 seconds had passed since the aircraft crashed through the curtain wall, and the first team of guards appeared.

They wore similar power armor to the knights, but there was no witch behind them. As soon as they appeared, they were sniped by Skylarks.

However, their armor value is also as high as 12 points, and their durability is as high as 40 points. It takes almost 5 shots for Skylark to kill one of them, and after the guards tested her firepower, they launched a charge without hesitation!

There were six of them in total, and they rushed to Skylark at the cost of three people. But at this moment, Ma Lu took out a small blue electric hammer and pressed the yellow button.

As the yellow arc light hit the three people on the opposite side, the three people immediately collapsed on the ground and vomited uncontrollably, as if they wanted to vomit out all the bile.

 (End of this chapter)

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