Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 330: hapiness

Chapter 330 Happiness

Yongyi was silent for a long time this time before speaking again, "Do you want to say that the pursuit of equality is meaningless?"

"No, I want to say that the universe is chaotic, full of discrimination, disagreements, and all kinds of messy things." Ma Lu said, "It's like a five-nut mooncake that has been put together for eight hundred years, and there are still... Green hair.

"And you, and people like you, are just using your tongue to clean up those green hairs. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate people like you. In fact, from a certain aspect, I quite admire you. Yours.

“Some of you, after paying an unimaginable price, really eliminated part of the green hair to make that moon cake look better, but...

“But you can’t lick all the green hair on the entire mooncake, and even the parts you clean up will grow green hair again for various reasons after being left for a period of time.

"You should be very clear about this. You establish the Church of Order and find good people like Martin and Levi. They are indeed full of ideals and motivation at the beginning, but as time goes by, they are either overwhelmed by wealth or power. , family affection and so on are corrupted.

"This is the same as green hair growing on mooncakes after being stored for a long time. Besides, even if you are really talented and have a long life, you can completely lick that piece of mooncake clean and not be poisoned to death. Hey, don't forget , it’s just a five-nut mooncake, the least popular type of mooncake.”

"I understand, you are a pessimist." Yong Yi took a deep look at Ma Lu and said.

"No, no, no, on the contrary, I am an optimist." Malu said, "I'm just not that obsessed with...those green hairs. After all, those things are quite toxic when licked into the stomach."

“Except for some guys who pretend to lick cakes and play with fools and public opinion in order to earn money and fame so that they can live a better life, the warriors who really lick cakes basically end up miserable.

"I have read a novel called "The Working Prophet" before. The protagonist of that book has something in common with you. Faced with the inequality around him, both chose to rise up and resist, but he is much smarter than you. many.

"He didn't intend to clean up the entire mooncake, but he just found a small area the size of a fingernail. But even so, he paid a huge price to clean up that small piece of green hair, and was even called traitor."

"And I, I'm just an ordinary person... I don't want to spend my precious life fighting against infinite green hair, and I don't want to lick that thing either."

 “Then what is the meaning of your life?”

"Let's have some fun in this chaotic universe." Malu shrugged. "Unlike you, I don't have such lofty ambitions. I never planned to solve those green hairs from the beginning. I spent most of my energy and time on personal matters." Enjoy.

“I want a bigger house, a nicer car, a beautiful woman, delicious food, and all kinds of cool things. Oh, by the way, explore different worlds, make different friends, and see different things. The scenery is also very interesting... these are the meaning of my life.”

Yong Yi felt a little hard to understand. He frowned, "These are just the lowest material desires. Don't you have any more noble ideals? What can these things bring you in the end?"

 "Uh...happy?" Malu blinked.


Ouroboros suddenly spoke at this time, interrupting the conversation between the two, "How long are you two going to be chattering? Instead of worrying about the **** universe and moon cakes, you should think about how to solve the trouble over there."

The purple-haired girl pointed in the direction of the city wall. There were already many activated plants gathered there, but most of them were relatively weak. There was nothing they could do against the strong city wall.

 However, further away, there is already a huge black shadow moving towards here. Yongyi didn't care much about this. As he said himself, his life was running out in the long sleep and disappointments. Moreover, the experiment failed, and he no longer had any nostalgia for this world.

However, Yongyi can get off work early, but Ma Lu cannot.

He also wants to come to this plane in the future to continue collecting activated plants. Although he now has a small blue electric drill in his hand, this thing consumes energy.

 Use it once or less. If it is not for catching live animals, it is actually not as easy to use as the witch.

What's more, once the Temple City is lost, Malu can leave here and go to the next plane at worst, but the natives like Skylark and Ouroboros cannot leave and can only stay here to wait for death.

Although Mr. Ma is not interested in the grand proposition of saving the world, he is actually quite good to the people around him, and he will definitely save them if he can.

However, there are so many activated plants outside the city now, and other activated plants will continue to arrive in the future. It is no longer something that can be resisted by human power alone.

Ma Lu said to Yong Yiyi, "Do you mind if I take a look around here?"

"You can do whatever you want. This place has no use for me anymore." Yongdao said, "I can probably guess what you are looking for, but I may disappoint you. This is just Pai Pu's laboratory and nothing is stored there. arms.

“If you want weapons, you can go to the church’s arsenal and take a look. I remember there are some pretty good pieces of equipment there, as well as some new products just made in the laboratory. You can take them together.

Ma Lu didn’t expect such an unexpected surprise, but the top priority right now was to search the Pointy Hat’s laboratory first.

Previously, Malu not only got a small blue electric drill and matching energy storage gems, but also several other things from the secret laboratory under the boulder.

 The thermos flask taken out of the red box, according to Pointed Hat, was the secret weapon he left for those who came after him to help him deal with the aftermath.

Although Pointed Hat may not have expected at that time that there would be so many activated plants here that they would become overrun, and he died suddenly, Ma Lu was not sure whether he had time to put the weapon into the thermos.

 But at this point, Millipeda can only treat it as that thing exists and is useful.

But if you want to get that weapon, you must first unlock the code on the thermos.

Ma Lu tried to find the password from the image left by the pointed hat before, but unfortunately he failed, and now he came to the pointed hat's laboratory.

If you still can't find it, you can only try violent disassembly, but violent disassembly has a certain probability of damaging the contents inside. It is even possible that the thermos bottle itself is a weapon, but it is only in an encrypted state.

 It is definitely the safest to be able to open it through a password.

 (End of this chapter)

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