Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 42: Breaking ten thousand

Chapter 42 Breaking Ten Thousand

Ma Lu still needed Lao Wang to take time to support him from time to time at the beginning, but as time went by, his movements became more and more smooth.

 There is no need to think, the body instinctively knows what to do next.

 Lao Wang can also concentrate on processing the steaks, which allows the two of them to cook meals faster. The average cooking time of a burger is shortened to 18 seconds.

 From 11:50 to 12:40, in just 50 minutes, the number one food stall in the universe sold a total of 137 burgers.

 After lunch time, the drop in customer traffic was indeed more obvious than before, but even so, 80 more copies were sold one after another before 5 p.m.

Although burgers cannot be considered snacks, as word of mouth has grown again, there are also girls who buy one together for two or three people and eat them separately as afternoon tea. This way it will not take up too much, and it is not so expensive if it is spread equally among everyone. .

 Ma Lu was busy again during dinner time and sold the remaining 80 servings in one go.

Since it was the first day to sell dinner, and baking bread took time, even though Malu brought back 200 kilograms more meat than before, he still only prepared 300 ingredients, and finally sold out and closed the stall at 18:21.

 Although there has been no increase in meal preparation for the time being, thanks to the increase in unit prices, the daily income of the No. 1 food stall in the universe still exceeded 10,000 yuan, reaching 10,500.

 It has increased by a full 25% compared to the previous highest daily income, but the cost is also higher. Butter and cheese alone cost more than 700 yuan, as well as lettuce, tomatoes and onions.

 Add in the 193 spent on purchasing new gas stoves and iron plates, and the 115 spent on replacing gas tanks, the total expenditure rose to 1124.2.

  Final profit was 9375.8 yuan.

To celebrate this historic moment, Ma Lu immediately opened the shopping app and placed an order for a latex mattress.

He always felt that the palm mat in the bedroom was a bit hard, and he didn't know if it was 3cm thick. At first glance, it looked like a bargain bought by the landlord to deal with tenants.

  When I couldn’t find a job, I just made do with it, but now that I have money, I definitely have to change it.

 After that, Ma Lu asked Lao Wang to pick two more kitchen appliances. He also didn’t forget No. 6 and bought him a Redmi mobile phone.

  6 likes to buy mobile phones, and does not choose brands. Generally, consumers attach great importance to system smoothness, and bugs have little impact on the old and new value.

 Hence, Malu always buys brands with the best value for money, preferably with discounts.

But he hasn’t decided what to upgrade next.

 The priority of the Traveler's Bracelet and Chef's Knife is not that high. The level of the collection bag has currently reached lv3. If you want to upgrade it, you need to spend 400 new points.

 The exchange ratio between cash and new value is about 100:1, which means that Malu has to spend 40,000 yuan in exchange for an increase in the upper limit of 100 kilograms.

 It won’t be a loss, after all, no one will complain about bringing back a lot of things.

  But 40,000 is not a small number.

Moreover, although everyone who has eaten the sand snapper burger this time is full of praise, there are also many people who are enthusiastic about it in their circle of friends or other places.

However, it is indeed more "difficult to sell" than the previous fried jackal patties and giant claw lord roast.

 The problem is definitely not with the taste. After all, the deliciousness index of ★★☆ ranks first among all the dishes sold by the No. 1 food stall in the universe so far.

 The reaction of diners can also confirm this.

But for college students who have to gather around the dormitory to drink soup when making a bowl of instant noodles, a burger worth 35 yuan is obviously a bit too high.

Malu estimated through the first day of water testing that the daily sales volume of 400 copies should still be guaranteed, but it will be more difficult to increase further.

With the current level 3 collection bags, this supply can already be achieved.

 This like reaching a bottleneck in practicing Qigong. You will not make any progress if you practice step by step. You must seek some kind of breakthrough.

Is it really possible to rent a storefront and open a shop?

 Otherwise, it may be difficult to increase the price and increase the profit margin if you hunt for higher-star ingredients in the future.

However, there are many problems with opening a store. First of all, it requires a large amount of start-up capital. Secondly, Lao Wang is a shady person. In addition, it is difficult to explain the source of the ingredients. You also have to deal with a mess of inspections. Just thinking about it is a headache.

 Forget it, I’m making a lot of money now anyway, so I’d better sell it in front of the university for a while longer.

As we all know, college students are like rapeseed flowers. They don’t look like they have much oil or water, but if you squeeze them hard, you can still squeeze out a lot.

 In the next few days, Ma Lu and Lao Wang went to Hangzhou Ximen to sell hamburgers as usual, and the daily sales increased to 400, and the profit also increased to 13,000 yuan.

Looking at the amount received on WeChat and Alipay, Ma Lu suddenly felt that it was not impossible to set up a stall in front of his alma mater.

But on the fourth day, an accident happened.

Ma Lu handed the freshly made hamburger to the couple in front of him. Both of them must be students of Hangzhou University. The man was tall and handsome, wearing VETEMENTS and a pair of Hogan sneakers.

Although girls don’t have many famous brands, they have long legs, thin waists and outstanding temperament. Even on a university campus where beauties gather, they still stand out.

Ma Lu couldn't help but look at her a few more times. The boy was also very attentive and kept talking to the girl.

“Nannan, if you want to eat a burger, we can go to BlueFrog. What good food can be found at this kind of street stall? Or Slowboat tastes good. In my new 001, it can accelerate from 100 kilometers to 100 kilometers in 3.8 seconds.”

Zhang Yinan frowned slightly, "Cheng Cheng, please don't talk nonsense in front of the boss. I heard many people say that this burger is delicious. I have always wanted to try it and bought it all. Don't waste money."

"How much money can this make?" Cheng Cheng's eyes were always on Zhang Yinan and never moved away. Seeing Zhang Yinan take out his mobile phone to pay, he quickly jumped in first.

"I'll come, I'll come. You can't still eat at the street stalls with me, right?" His last words were to Ma Lu.


"Huh?" Cheng Cheng was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that the street stall burgers he mentioned could be sold at such a price, so he blurted out, "Did you recognize me and see me serving food and treat me like a scapegoat?"

Ma Lu pointed to the A4 paper posted in front of the food stall, "No, everyone is the same."

 “Can you sell this?”

 “Why not?”

The person who answered him was not Ma Lu, but an old man next to him who was wearing a white vest, waving a cattail leaf fan, and spoke with great energy.

He walked here last week and saw that the business of the No. 1 food stall in the universe was very booming. Out of curiosity, he also bought a portion of Deep Sea Supreme Emperor Yaki. After eating it, he became a big fan of the food stall.

Now I come here to buy it every now and then. When I see someone who dares to question Master Wang's craftsmanship, he immediately comes forward.

“Don’t use those foreign words. Let me tell you, you are young and may not know that the things of these foreigners were stolen from our Qing Dynasty.

"Hey, this burger is the same. Isn't it the Roujiamo? It was stolen by Kenji, right? He was a colonel. He entered the city with the Eight-Nation Allied Forces at the time... So this burger has to be Ours is the most authentic in China.”

Ma Lu saw that the uncle was getting more and more nonsense, so he quickly gave him his share of hamburger.

At this moment, Brother Squid, who was not far away, suddenly changed his expression. He dropped the half-baked squid skewers in his hand and jumped onto his tricycle with lightning speed.

 (End of this chapter)

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