Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 431: Get happy games

 Chapter 431 The Game of Gaining Happiness

"What do you want so many of us to play at the table?" the man wearing a dragon mask asked, "Do you want to kill the script?"

The virtual girl anchor shook her head, "No, no, no, script killing requires reasoning. Using clues to find the culprit is too brain-burning, and this game is to bring happiness to everyone~"

"If you didn't kidnap us, we would be happier." The man wearing a cow mask next to Yi Xiaxia said.

The virtual beautiful girl anchor opened her big, confused eyes, "What the master is saying, I can't understand. I'm just a stupid cat, and I need to be taught a lesson by my master~"


Facing the sudden appearance of the water heater, all the men present fell silent.

"Okay, meow, that's it for the opening remarks, let's move into the first round of the game."

"Wait a minute," another person raised his hand.

It was a man wearing a mouse mask, and he looked to be in his mid-twenties.

Yi Xiaxia felt that his voice sounded familiar and searched in her mind.

I remembered that he must be the person who said in the dark that he had been unemployed at home for seven years, had severed ties with his parents, and had no money.

"Please speak meow~" The virtual beautiful girl anchor turned her head and looked like she was listening.

The man in the mouse mask swallowed and said in a trembling voice, "Since we are going to play a game, shouldn't we tell us the rules first?"

"Rules?" The two-dimensional beautiful girl who calls herself a gold medal producer seems a little confused when she hears this word.

"Like what kind of game is this?"

"Text adventure genre."

Hearing these four words, everyone present had different reactions. The muscular man wearing a dragon mask was obviously unhappy and clenched his fists.

Although the virtual beauty anchor has said before that there is no need to worry about the unfairness caused by the physical gap.

But the man in the dragon mask is still holding on to a bit of luck. He is a fitness instructor. If it is a game similar to battle royale, he still has a great advantage.

Because he had just looked around and no one was physically stronger than him.

However, his good body is of little use in a text adventure game.

On the contrary, the man wearing the mouse mask and many women present breathed a sigh of relief.

The man in the mouse mask asked again, "What are the conditions for victory?"

"Get happy meow~"


"Get happy meow~"

The virtual beautiful girl host blinked and repeated it again.

"I said my game is for everyone to be happy. This is not a script-killing game. Mina-san doesn't have to use your brain to do logical reasoning in the game. You just need to be yourself and be happy~"

The eleven people present looked at each other in confusion. Although the biggest function of the game is to gain happiness, this is the first time I have heard of a game that uses this as an in-game goal.

"And because it's just a text adventure game, physical combat is definitely not good~"

The virtual beautiful girl host changed into a police uniform in an instant, then made a forbidding gesture and changed back into the sailor uniform.

"Then, masters, can we start the game?"

Mouse Mask nodded, "I, I have no problem."

"Okay, let's move on to the first round of the game."

As her words fell, a small area in front of the eleven people sank slightly, and then a small round light ball rose.

The light **** are all light green at first, with a smiley face and numbers on the base.

Yi Xiaxia looked at her own number and the numbers of those around her, and found that they were all 30.

"A new day has begun, meow. Everyone had a good sleep last night, and the mood is +10."

As the beautiful virtual girl anchor finished speaking, the light ball in front of everyone turned greener, and the number below increased from 30 to 40.

So this light ball... does it represent mood? Yi Xiaxia's eyes moved and she heard the virtual beauty anchor continue.

“I successfully bought my favorite breakfast at a roadside food stall, which gave me a +2 mood value.

"I ate and rushed to the station. I was very lucky. I got on the bus and arrived at the company on time. I checked in smoothly and my mood value was +3.

"Sit down at your workstation and start working, meow, work, work seriously, meow... Complete the work successfully, meow, your mood value will be -30."

"Eh? Didn't you finish the work successfully? Why did your mood drop so much?"

The man in the cow mask widened his eyes.

"Because in reality, working will make you lose your mood~" the virtual beautiful girl anchor said with her neck tilted.

"Who said it? I'm very happy at work." The man in the cow mask said, "Not only am I very happy at work, but the busier I am, the happier I am."

"That's because you are a capitalist," the man in the mouse mask muttered.

However, he did not expect that the virtual beautiful girl anchor nodded after hearing this.

"It makes sense, meow. I originally planned to let everyone get familiar with the meow in the game in the first two rounds, and then judge each person's meow based on their actual situation.

"But since there is a strong request from the owner now, from this round on, I can keep score separately for you, the owner of the cow."

"Master Cow, after a day's work, your mood value is +40."




There was a lot of noise in the room, but the man in the cow mask looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahahaha, this is the right thing. People should go to work and contribute to the society and the country. I despise today's young people the most. They are about to fall flat at every turn. They deserve to be without money for the rest of their lives!"

"Master Cow, meow, please remind me, it's not your speech yet, meow. This is the first warning. If there is another time, your mask will explode, meow~"

The man in the cow mask's laughter stopped abruptly when he heard the virtual beauty anchor's words, and he didn't dare to make a sound anymore.

"Then let's continue meowing. Does anyone else want to keep separate scores?"

After a moment, another person raised her hand, but it was the woman wearing a rabbit mask who had been huddled in the corner. She whispered.

"I, I also want to separate the points. I live with my boyfriend and I don't work."

"It's okay, meow~" The virtual beauty anchor smiled sweetly at her.

"Then after a day's work, Master Rabbit, your mood will be +10 points, meow."

"Okay, okay." Although she didn't know what the mood value was for, the woman in the rabbit mask still nodded desperately.

"Is there anyone else?" The virtual beauty anchor looked around.

The man in the mouse mask moved his mouth, as if he was about to raise his hand, but finally gave up.

After graduating from high school, he only worked a few odd jobs and then never worked again. He stayed at home and played a lot of games.

Therefore, I am accustomed to thinking from the perspective of a game player and starting a new game. Especially when it comes to a completely unfamiliar game, it’s best to play through the tutorial levels honestly first.

After you figure out the basic gameplay, you can then consider whether to do any extra work.

So he finally decided to be consistent with most people.

Seeing that no one spoke again, the virtual beauty anchor continued.

"Then let's continue, meow... It's finally time to get off work, meow. I'll take the subway back to the rental house. What will the owners do next? Meow, I'm really looking forward to it.

"Please choose from the following five options:

1. Fitness cat

2. Watch a recently popular movie Meow

3. Read online articles

4. Lying on the bed and watching short videos

5. Study hard~

"Half a minute to think, meow. After half a minute, please speak in order of the zodiac, meow~"

(End of chapter)

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