Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 438: Burn money

Chapter 438: Burning Money

The room fell into a deathly silence, except for the faint sobbing of the woman wearing a rabbit mask.

It took a moment for the muscular man in the dragon mask to react, pointing at the man in the cow mask.

"No, why didn't he die? Only one person dies every day? It should be him who dies, not the monkey. His mood value is already -310, while the monkey is -228. They are so different. It’s worth almost 100 points of mood.”

His words raised questions in the minds of many players.

However, this time, before the virtual beauty anchor could speak, someone replied, "It seems like you didn't listen to the rules."


The man in the dragon mask looked at the speaker, who was the guy in the chicken mask.

"The producer has made it very clear before that the pressure limit that everyone can bear is different. The reason why the monkey died and Boss Niu survived is simply because the pressure level has not reached Boss Niu's threshold. "

"Really or not, the pressure is on - 310 people are still okay?" The woman wearing a tiger mask was doubtful.

"Hahahahaha~" The man wearing the cow mask looked up to the sky and laughed wildly again.

"Are you stupid? I didn't finish junior high school, so I dropped out of school and started working. I moved bricks in a black coal kiln and worked as an assembly line worker. At the age of 23, I went to City B alone to start a business from scratch. I started my own business three times and went bankrupt three times. At most, I was rich. Over 1 billion.

"In the end, everything was lost. I still owed tens of millions, and my legs were broken by loan sharks! These guys survived, borrowed money to build resorts, and became bosses again.

"Do you think a mere rumor can defeat me? What a joke!"

His last two words were almost shouted out loud, "Those who have scolded me and spread rumors about me are all waiting for me. I will not let anyone go."

The dragon, snake and others acted a little unnaturally when they heard this, and the woman in the rabbit mask even shrank her body towards Yi Xiaxia.

While everyone was talking, the man in the chicken mask stood up, walked to the young man in the monkey mask who had just died, and then grabbed his body.

"What are you doing, Master Chicken?"

"Move the corpse to the side so that it doesn't disturb the eyes. Otherwise, are we going to have to look at the corpse while playing the game? Please, the game environment is also very important, right?"

As soon as the man in the chicken mask finished speaking, the woman in the rabbit mask spat it out.

Yi Xiaxia quickly patted her back and comforted her.

"Okay, meow." The virtual beauty anchor tilted her head and thought for a moment, then agreed.

So the man in the chicken mask dragged the body to the corner and placed it with the body of the woman in the horse mask.

Then the man in the chicken mask took out a lighter and lit his wallet.

"Ah, what's wrong with you?" the woman in the tiger mask exclaimed.

"Burn money and save some virtue." The man in the chicken mask burned his wallet, clasped his hands together, bowed to the two corpses, and muttered something.

"You have collected the money. If it is not enough, I can't help it. This is all the money I have, and I even burned my bank card to you. It can be said to be very sincere.

"So from now on, you guys must protect me from down there until the end."

"Burning money should be paper money, not real money." The man in the sheep mask couldn't help but said.

"Then where can you buy paper money?" the man wearing the chicken mask asked.

"Ah, this..." Indeed, now everyone is trapped in this room with neither doors nor windows. They can't get out, and naturally there is no place to buy paper money.

After burning his wallet, the man in the chicken mask walked back swaggeringly and sat back down in his seat.

The virtual beauty anchor's eyes stayed on him, "Strange meow, why are you in such a relaxed mood, Master Chicken~"

"Playing games, isn't it natural to relax?"

The man in the chicken mask asked rhetorically.

"You will make this meow a little troubled, meow, I always feel like there are some secrets hidden in you that I don't know about, meow~"

"You didn't choose us to play the game, then you should have collected our information."

The man in the chicken mask adjusted the scarf around his neck, crossed his legs, and looked at the virtual beauty anchor in the center of the round table.

"Well, I have indeed collected information about all the masters, but it's your other side. As for the true identities of the masters, this is the first time I've seen them~"

“I see,” the man in the chicken mask suddenly said, “I understand why we were chosen by you. It’s probably because we have all posted violent comments online.

"Wait, it's still not right. I've been busy recently and have restrained myself a lot. The number of times I argue has dropped significantly compared to before, and I also handed over many forum accounts to..."

At this point, the man in the chicken mask slapped his thigh, "I understand, I outsourced the argument before. No wonder I'm being targeted by you, so everything makes sense~"

"This meow is just a stupid cybermeow~ I don't understand what the chicken owner is talking about, meow~ I just hope that through the game, I can make all the owners happy, meow~"

The virtual beautiful girl host tried to continue to act stupid.

But the other nine people present heard the conversation between the two, and their hearts suddenly dropped.

"So this is... heavenly punishment?"

The man in the pig mask muttered, "It's going to kill us all with this game...just like we kill everyone else on the internet."

"I've never killed anyone on the Internet, wuwuwu..." the woman wearing the rabbit mask sobbed, "I'm very timid, I don't dare to confront people at all."

"Masters, don't be like this, meow. If you are so depressed, it will make it very difficult for me, meow~ Come and have a pleasant game together, meow~"

She put on her cheerleading uniform again, but no matter how hard she jumped up and down and waved the bouquet, the atmosphere in the room was as dead as a cemetery.

After dancing for a while, she saw that everyone still couldn't cheer up, so she stopped again and sighed.

"In this case, meow, starting from the next round, the mask will collect the real blood pressure values ​​​​of each player to calculate the fluctuations in mood values, so please be happy as soon as possible, meow~

"No, don't!"

The woman wearing the rabbit mask was frightened, and her psychological quality was undoubtedly the worst among the remaining players.

If the blood pressure value is collected, her mood value must also drop the fastest.

So after hearing the decision of the virtual beauty anchor, she immediately objected loudly.

However, the virtual beauty anchor ignored her protest and said to herself, "The third day is here, meow. Everyone is doing entertainment activities. The owner of the forum stayed up late, and his mood dropped. Meow~"

(End of chapter)

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