Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 49: Helping hand

Chapter 49 Helping Hands

Pochi saw eight people through the telescope, two of them were lying down but not dead, and one had an abdominal injury, was wrapped in a bandage, and was still bleeding.

 The other had a broken leg and was unconscious, but his chest was still heaving.

Of the remaining six people, four are working together to deal with a monitor lizard that is over ten meters tall, and the other two are trying to lure another smaller monitor lizard aside.

 As far as the situation observed so far is concerned, there is not much difference from that in regional broadcasting.

But Boqi still did not relax his vigilance. He scanned the surroundings twice more with the binoculars and saw no suspicious characters before jumping off the sand dune.

 “Save people.”

  As she uttered these two words, everyone in the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group immediately took action.

Those people in the distance also noticed the movement here, with joy on their faces, but at the same time there was a hint of wariness in their eyes.

 One of the bearded men was the first to ask, "Which hunting group are you from?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ma Lu recognized the voice from the previous broadcast. If nothing else happened, he should be Hogg, the deputy leader of the Skyrim Hunting Group.

"We are from the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group, and I am the leader, Boqi." Boqi also revealed his identity, "We received your regional broadcast and happened to be nearby, so we rushed here."

“Shuangyanghua Hunting Group?” Hogg was startled.

 “We have only been established for two weeks, and you haven’t heard of it yet…”

"No, I know you guys." Hogg said, "You are very famous in the city recently, and I have heard your name for a long time. Your father is Li, the former leader of the Harpers."

  His expression softened a lot at the end, and he seemed to want to talk about his relationship with Li, but behind him came the anxious shouts of his teammates.

"Deputy Head!"

Originally, Hogg and another person were dealing with a lava giant lizard, but after talking for a while, the man could hardly hold on.

Hogue hurried to the other side and continued, "Have you ever dealt with a lava giant lizard before?"

 “No.” Pochi followed behind him.

“Be careful of the lava ejected from their mouths. In addition, they have scales on their skin. Those scales are very hard. It is difficult for ordinary weapons to pose a threat to them. Well... Also, they move very fast and have excellent vision..."

Poqi has seen these things in the textbook, but she did not interrupt Hogg's words, mainly so that others, especially Malu, could hear.

Maimai put one hand on her backpack, and she was ready to take action. Facing such a large prey with outstanding defense, this is when her telekinesis ability, the electric field, came in handy.

 But then she was held down by another hand.

Maimai turned around and found that it was Malu.

“Don’t worry, try my method first.”

Maimai's ability is very powerful, but it can only be used once per hunting, and after using it, he will be paralyzed.

It would be okay if we were alone, but now that there is another hunting group around us, it is best not to use this strategic weapon so early.

Furthermore, Ma Lu’s new genre was finally completed, and he wanted to try out its power after it was formed.

Pochi said to Hogg, "Leave this lava giant lizard to us, and you can go help the people over there."

Hogue was stunned again when he heard this. "Any more questions?" Pochi had already drawn out the mechanical spear.

"Ah, I don't have any objection, but there are only five of you..." Before he could finish his words, Seta had already made a sand puppet and crashed into the lava giant lizard.

However, in front of the lava monitor's strong body, the two-meter-tall sand puppet also looks very petite.

 But its collision still attracted the attention of the lava monitor, causing the latter to turn its head.

Seta often relies on this move to make the sand puppet attract hatred, so that he and other teammates can launch attacks from behind.

 But this time he miscalculated.

The lava giant lizard just glanced at the sand puppet, and then its eyes passed over the big guy and fell on the people of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group.


Boqi reacted the fastest, and immediately created 7 water shields, and then rushed forward with a mechanical spear. However, she only briefly blocked the lava dragon, and was forced by the latter's tail to get out of the way. .

Senqi then shot nearly 50 thorns at the lava monitor's eyes, but the lava monitor just closed its eyelids lightly to block all the thorns.

Facing the oncoming lava giant lizard Senqi, she could only roll over to avoid it.

Ma Lu and Mai Mai, the two members of the spectator duo, looked at each other, and then ran towards their respective motorcycles together.

Since Mai Mai was carrying a huge battery pack behind her, she ran relatively slowly and was ready to be overtaken by the lava giant lizard. Pochi and Seta were also following closely behind, rushing towards her.

However, Maimai stopped halfway through the run because she found that the lava giant lizard ignored her slow movement and instead pounced on the fastest escaping millipede.

 Fortunately, Ma Lu was always very careful about his life. He did not turn off the power of the motorcycle at all, jumped on the car at a sprint speed of 100 meters, and then turned off the accelerator.

The motorcycle accelerated violently, but the lava monitor was not slow either. It followed closely behind, its four giant palms scraping rapidly on the sand.

 He caught up soon. Malu quickly drew out his hand crossbow, not caring about aiming, and just fired randomly.

One of the arrows triggered the [Headshot] effect and hit the head of the lava dragon, but was bounced off by the scales on it.

However, this insignificant arrow made the lava dragon's body stiffen.

 Ma Lu’s character exploded. In addition to [Headshot], another blue blessing was triggered.

 【Petrified Arrow: After a team member's long-range attack hits the target, there is a 15% chance of petrifying the target for 0.3 seconds. In the petrified state, the target cannot move and the defense is doubled】

This is a relatively rare control blessing. Although the control effect is not as powerful as the previous [circle], the victory is because the threshold is low enough, and Ma Lu took it after seeing it.

Although the control time of 0.3 seconds is not long, you are suddenly frozen in place. After you regain your senses, you usually have to be confused for a while and wonder why you can't move.

Ma Lu took the opportunity to turn the car around and turned back.

 He has to let Seta or Pochi take away the hatred of the thing behind him. He is a ruthless blessing machine, but he cannot do the job of a human shield warrior.

However, after finally running back to Seta's sand puppet, the latter was ignored by the lava giant lizard again.

 Slapping the sand puppet away with a slap, the lava monitor continued to pursue Malu.

   Thanks for my tips on playing with cats, Xina’s underwear, bubbles, Pikachu knocking on the door and other children’s boots~



 (End of this chapter)

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