Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 5: beagle

Chapter 5 Beagle

Those six motorcycles came very quickly, but they did not stop when they passed by the two people, but continued to drive towards the patch of sand not far away.

As he was approaching the edge of the sand, one of them jumped out of the car, chanted something in a low voice, and then crossed his hands in a tearing motion.

The next moment, he tore a hole in the middle of the sky-filled sandstorm. The other five motorcycles rushed in, but after a while they withdrew from it and moved closer to this side.

The leader pulled off the face towel, revealing a weathered face with Chinese characters, "Look at the good thing you did, that guy has already gone underground and ran away."

"Although Thousand Tooth Sand Snapper is very big, it is very timid. It took us two weeks to find it, and now we don't know where it has slipped away." Another man with a mohawk Riders complained too.

“If it were my father here, he would make the same choice.” The little rider said unconvinced.

“I’m not talking about you rescuing people,” the middle-aged man with a Chinese character shook his head, “Do you still remember the mission I gave you?”

 “Carry out investigation and alert.”

"That's right, do a good job of reconnaissance and vigilance." The middle-aged man with a Chinese-style face pointed at Ma Ludao, "You should have discovered him earlier, so that he would not be in danger, and the Thousand-tooth Sand Snapper would not be attracted to him. Miss him. The trap we set on the other side.”

 “Um…can I interrupt for a moment?”

Hearing this, Malu probably understood what happened. This group of people came to hunt the monster just now, but just in time he came to this plane, causing their hunting plan to abort, and now there is internal strife.

However, before he could help clarify the misunderstanding, the two of them agreed, "Shut up, it's none of your business here."

 “Okay.” Malu could only remain quiet.

The little rider stared hard into the eyes of the middle-aged man with a Chinese-character face. After a moment, he pulled off the copper brooch on his left chest and threw it on the ground.

  The middle-aged man with a Chinese character frowned and said, "Don't do anything stupid."

"Anyway, I will only do stupid things in your mouth. What does it matter if there is one more?" the little rider said coldly, "I announce that I am withdrawing from the Harper Hunting Group."

Hearing what he said, Mohawk and the other three group members, who had been complaining before, began to persuade them. Only the young rider who opened the passage for his companions in the dust did not move.

The middle-aged man’s brows deepened, “Do you think your father wants to see this?”

 “I don’t know, but this should be something you have been looking forward to.”

  After saying these angry words, the little rider didn’t care about the reactions of others and just rode on the motorcycle.

However, he only rode out less than two hundred meters before he turned around and came back.

Seeing him go and come back, the middle-aged man's frown also relaxed. He bent down and picked up the brooch that had been thrown away by the little rider on the ground.

 However, the latter did not look at him at all, but instead looked at Ma Ludao who was squatting aside.

“Hey, man in black, didn’t you lose your motorcycle? I’m going back to the city now, do you want to come with me?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Upon hearing this, Ma Lu quickly tore off the head of the red lizard that was only about the size of his thumb, threw the remaining part into the plastic bag he carried with him, and then climbed onto the little rider's motorcycle.

 Can lizards be eaten? Malu actually didn't have an answer to this question, but just when a few people were arguing, a new notification popped up on the [Traveler Bracelet].

He said that he had scanned the 1-star ingredient [Flame Young Lizard]. Ma Lu was also idle, so he searched around for a while, and he actually found it.

The young flame lizard looks very similar to the leopard gecko on Earth, but the patterns on its body are brighter, and sparks are emitted from its mouth. It looks like a flat lighter, and it looks a bit silly at first glance.

Ma Lu also felt sympathy, and he visually inspected the little thing's meat yield rate to be very average, so he wanted to let it go. But I didn't expect that the young flame lizard was not big but had a bad temper. Malu just picked it up and looked at it. After putting it down, it was still unwilling to leave. Instead, it kept circling around Malu and kept attacking his shoes. .

 So Malu finally decided to accept this gift from another world.

  As for why the head needs to be removed, it is because live animals are not allowed in the [collection bag].

Ma Lu secretly wiped the blood on his hands under the seat, while the little rider was driving in front. Neither of them spoke for a long time.

In the end, the little rider couldn't hold himself back and said in a low voice, "Why don't you say anything? Do you think I'm willful?"


The brutal murder of the young flame lizards just now made Malu make a new discovery. At this moment, he was concentrating on studying the new situation. He didn't come back to his senses until the little rider spoke.

“I think it’s okay. For things like work, if you’re not happy in one place, there’s no need to force yourself. It’s good to change the environment, provided you can find another job.”

"This statement is quite new." The little rider sighed, "Actually, I never thought that I would leave the Harpers one day. That hunting group was established by my father, and just a year later, I also came into this world.

"It can be said that I grew up with the Harper. It holds many memories of my father and I. Before my father died, I promised him that I would inherit his career and continue the glory of the Harper. But now... the Harper has been with me. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

There was a hint of loneliness in the little rider's voice.

 “Then what are your plans next?” Malu asked.

"I don't know," the little rider said, "I plan to have a drink first after returning to the city. If you have nothing else to do, come with me. I'll treat you."

This is not to say that Malu is very attractive, but mainly because what happened today had a great impact on the little rider. He urgently needs someone to talk to, and strangers have a natural bonus in this regard.

Malu knew this, and he happened to have many problems to figure out, including but not limited to the monster he encountered in the sand before, the sand that was torn apart by force, and the hunting group mentioned by the little rider. Not to mention there are free alien drinks to drink.

Hence, Malu readily agreed.

 An hour and a half later, the two arrived outside the city called the Giant Screen by the little rider.

From a distance, you can see the outline of the city, which looks a bit like an enlarged version of the Tokyo Dome.

According to what the little rider said on the road, the cities here are different from those on Earth. Most of them are semi-sunken. In addition to the ground part, there is also an underground part, and some even have more than one floor.

Taking the giant screen as an example, there are two floors of space underground. In addition, there is a ceiling above the ground. In addition to protecting against wind and sand and strong light, the ceiling is also equipped with adjustable-angle solar panels to collect light energy. Then converted into electrical energy and stored.

For example, the electric energy consumed by the motorcycle the two of them are riding now comes from this.

Shortly after Ma Lu entered the city, the solar panels were completely closed, and the entire city turned from day to night.

 Because there are two suns in the sky above this planet, it is under direct sunlight all the time. People here can only create darkness artificially in this way.

But I have to say that when the neon lights in the city light up, it feels like night is falling.

The little rider parked his motorcycle outside a small bar, then took off the goggles and face towel on his face, revealing a slightly green face.

Long hours of sunshine and wind have turned his skin into light brown, which is a bit rougher than that of his peers. There are grains of sand between his hair and eyebrows, making him a veritable gray-headed face.

 But even so, it can still be seen that he has a good foundation. Except for a pair of straight eyes that look a bit fierce, the lines of the rest of his facial features are very soft, but the lips that are always pursed make people feel as if he is always on guard.

Like a beagle ready to pounce, but nowadays this type of young lady is more likely to capture the hearts of older sisters.

 (End of this chapter)

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