Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 56: Pigeon

Chapter 56 Pigeon

 Even until the last sausage was sold, there were still many people in front of the food stall.

Ma Lu could only add them all to the fan group and said he would notify them when the stall opens tomorrow. He now has four WeChat groups and the number of fans is almost 1,900.

 At the beginning, they were mainly students from Hangzhou University, but now there are more and more outsiders like Hou Yihan.

These are valuable customer sources that will come in handy when new stores open in the future.

Ma Lu finished cleaning up the food stall and turned around to see Lao Wang with his head raised, looking at something.

 He followed Lao Wang’s gaze and saw a group of pigeons perched on a telephone pole.

"What's wrong?"

“Those pigeons have been sitting there for several days.”

 “Well...pigeons are like this, they like to land in one place.”

As he spoke, Malu squinted his eyes and observed carefully. He didn't find any difference between them and ordinary pigeons, so he asked Lao Wang.

 “Is it doing anything strange?”


 “Then there should be no problem.”

"Hmm." Lao Wang also retracted his gaze at this time, "I don't know much about this universe."

“It’s okay, if you don’t understand anything, just ask me.” Malu patted Lao Wang on the shoulder.

 “Are you going home?”

“Well, it sold out early today, so why not drop by and check out the store.” Ma Lu looked at the time on his phone. It was not yet 5 pm.

 Since he made the decision to open a store, he has started to search for relevant information online in the past two days.

 Generally speaking, four documents are required to open a store.

 They are business license, health certificate, door approval certificate and business license respectively.

  Among them, a business license is relatively simple. You only need to bring a lease contract, a copy of the real estate certificate, an ID card and a one-inch photo to the local industrial and commercial bureau or market supervision office to apply for it.

As for the health certificate, Ma Lu will definitely be able to get it, but Lao Wang will be in a bit of trouble, although there should be no one in the universe who can compare to him in terms of health.

As a silicon-based life, it is truly invulnerable to all poisons. However, it is impossible for him to go to the hospital to take X-rays so arrogantly, nor to test urine and stool routines.

Hmm, but as a robot, it seems that you don’t need to apply for a health certificate. You just need to be careful and not be discovered.

As for the door approval certificate, this is not difficult. You only need to report to the urban management department before the door sign is replaced.

 The last step is the business license. If the store is not larger than 50 square meters, you generally only need to apply for a small catering business license. Submit relevant information to the government affairs hall, and then there will be an on-site inspection.

 If there is no problem, you can get the certificate.

Ma Lu feels that the procedures for opening a store are not complicated. Apart from the health certificate, the real challenge is actually the various subsequent inspections.

Ma Lu uses all-dimensional ingredients, although the freshness is far superior to its peers, and Lao Wang can also ensure the safety of the ingredients.

But if you really open the freezer and see a frozen elephant-like monitor lizard or a jackal with two heads, fines will definitely not be the solution.

  The inspector was probably stunned and fainted on the spot.

But Ma Lu’s life creed is that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

He has even been to another universe, adopted a washing machine that likes to eat mobile phones, and gave up the sofa to an alien mechanical life form with amnesia. What other troubles can't be solved?

Ma Lu and Lao Wang looked at 4 sets of storefronts in total on their way back. One of them was a rental notice they saw on the roadside, two were found with the help of an agent, and one was found on

However, after reading it, Malu was not very satisfied.

 Opening a store is actually the same as setting up a stall. The location is the first priority. As long as you choose the right place, it is half the battle. On the other hand, if there is a problem with the location selection, no matter how hard you try, you will get twice the result with twice the result.

Most people understand this, so rents for places with good locations are generally very high. For example, the monthly rent for a shopping mall store that Ma Lu visited was 28,000 yuan for 45 square meters.

 Shops in commercial streets are also not cheap. In comparison, community stores on the roadside are cheaper, but they are basically linked to the flow of people around them. You get what you pay for.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Malu ended today's shop visit, ate a bowl of rice noodles on the roadside, and headed back home with Lao Wang.

 When he went to ride a tricycle, Ma Lu noticed that Lao Wang was staring at a place again.

It was a Mixue Bingcheng restaurant. There were two pigeons in the open space in front of the door, looking for food on the ground with a frame-like pace.

This is an ordinary scene that can be seen everywhere in this city, but Malu became a little concerned about what Lao Wang said before.

 He looked at the two pigeons for a while and took two steps towards them.

Probably because they have lived in the city for a long time, the two pigeons were not very afraid of people. They only walked quickly for a short distance, and then slowed down again after putting some distance between them and the millipedes.

 He continued walking while nodding his head.

Ma Lu ignored them and rode a three-wheeler to drive Lao Wang back to the rental community.

Ma Lu first went to Cainiao Station to pick up the Redmi phone he had ordered previously.

No. 6, probably because of the smell, was particularly excited when the door opened and kept circling around the millipede.

 It wasn’t until the millipede told him to sit down that it stopped and shook the drain pipe.

 Ma Lu tore open the package and threw the phone inside to it. The charger and charging cable were not wasted either.

 After swallowing them all, No. 6 returned to the balcony with satisfaction, while Ma Lu went back to the room to read a novel for a while.

 It’s a pity that the latex mattress will not be delivered until tomorrow morning.

 Because he didn't sleep all night for hunting last night, Malu went to bed earlier than usual today. He said hello to Lao Wang who was watching TV in the living room and went to bed before nine o'clock.

Just after he fell asleep, a pigeon landed in front of his window, tilting its head and looking at him with its red eyes.

 Different from the dullness of ordinary pigeons, there is a hint of scrutiny in its eyes.

It stood on the edge of the bed for about 3 minutes, and then as the millipede turned over, it spread its wings and flew away.

Ma Lu slept until 7 o'clock the next morning. When he opened his eyes, he felt alive again, but the bowl of rice noodles he had eaten last night had also been digested.

So he went into the kitchen with a toothbrush in his mouth, took two buns that Lao Wang had baked before from the refrigerator, and put them in the oven to heat them.

Malu continued to brush his teeth while waiting for the bread. He was bored and looked out the window.

 After that, his face suddenly became serious.

 Because he saw another pigeon, standing on the roof of the building opposite, looking towards this side.

Ma Lu didn’t know if he was too deeply influenced by Lao Wang, and he began to care more and more about those pigeons. No matter where he went, the first thing he did was to look for pigeons.

 This resulted in him seeing pigeons more and more frequently.

   Thanks to Detective Pikachu, Tiantian Tianqing, Book Friends 20200918223154768 and other children’s boots for their rewards.

Let's add it again. You can look at this book as a parallel world. It is impossible to be exactly the same as reality. If there is any deviation, it is based on me.

Kyoto is the constant stage in Morimi Nobumihiko's novels, but he himself said in an interview that what he wrote was actually his imaginary Kyoto and had nothing to do with the real Kyoto.

We are the same, chatting with you is a pleasure, there is no need to sit down.



 (End of this chapter)

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