Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 89: Flame Heart Earth Dragon Stuffed Orange

Chapter 89 Flame Heart Earth Dragon Filled with Oranges

Snapped! Malu clapped his hands.

 “Now, you can open your eyes and look forward.”

The owner of the hardware store did not open his eyes as he was told. He twitched his nose twice and said, "Earth dragon meat?"

“Hey, has anyone told you that you will lose a lot of fun in life if your nose is so sensitive?”

Yanwu ignored Ma Lu and slowly opened his eyes.

 There were three oranges on the plate in front of him.

Seeing this, Yanwu also became interested. He picked up the chopsticks, picked up the top piece of orange peel, and took it off with a slight lift, revealing the meatballs inside.

"Speaking of earth dragons, I remember that there seems to be a plane full of deserts that produces the most delicious earth dragon meat, but the earth dragons there also have a strong earthy smell. Ordinary cooks will put a lot of seasonings when cooking, But this will also destroy the umami flavor of the earth dragon.”

 “Have you been to many places before?” Ma Lu asked curiously.

“Well, at that time I was still very young, energetic and had nothing to do. I had my own plane airship and traveled around the multiverse.”

There was a trace of nostalgia in Yanwu's eyes, "I once vowed to visit the entire multiverse, eat all the delicious food, see all the beautiful scenery, and [beep] see all the beautiful women with fluffy tails, but then It stopped when it reached the earth.”

“Why, have you fallen in love with someone here? Who is that person? What is her name? Is she still here?”

 Ma Lu’s Bagua spirit was ablaze.

"No, my airship is broken." The werewolf said, "And this **** place is so remote that it can't connect to the major alliance network, and the maintenance phone can't be reached. I've been stuck here for more than a thousand years.

"In order to save myself, I was forced to teach myself maintenance as I knew nothing about machinery. However, materials science here had not yet developed at that time, and qualified steel could not be made. I struggled for a long time, and in the end I just Vain."

 “It’s so miserable.”

"However, this experience made me fall in love with hardware by accident. Looking back, I find it incredible that this is hardware... When I was young, I never thought that I would embark on such a path in life. No one can really explain his fate.”

Yanwu said with emotion, "It wasn't until later that I met other people and found a way to communicate with the outside world. But how can I put it, at that time I was completely fascinated by hardware, and after staying in this plane for so long, I don't know Unexpectedly, when people reach middle age, they have lost the wildness of their youth.

“I found that the life of wandering around was not suitable for me, so I simply settled here and continued to study hardware. In short, my story illustrates a truth.” The hardware store owner said solemnly.

 “People should be loyal to what they love?”

"No, don't go to places without signal. If I hadn't been trapped here because I was running around when I was young, I might still be eating delicious food and watching the beautiful scenery and beautiful women with fluffy tails walking on the broken bridge aluminum [Beep] gun in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.”

 “Well, my condolences.”

"I just said it casually, not that I am complaining that life is not good now." The werewolf said as he picked up the meatballs, put them in his mouth, and started chewing.

 The next moment, his movements suddenly paused, and then his eyes widened, "This is it!"

"Have you felt it yet?" Ma Lu said, "This is no ordinary earth dragon meatball."

“That’s right, the earth dragon meat that has been pounded tens of thousands of times is just the outer skin. In addition to the pureed meat, there are also large meat particles inside, which makes it extremely satisfying to eat.”

Yanwu closed his eyes again and said quickly, "And there is no wine or other pungent spices to cover up the fishy smell of earth dragon meat. No, except for a small amount of salt, there are no seasonings. Tsk tsk, really. A bold approach.

“But it’s strange, the fishy smell has indeed disappeared. Not only that, the aftertaste also has a hint of fragrance. The answer should be in these oranges used to serve the meatballs, right?”

“Yes, Lao Wang hollowed out the oranges and left the orange peel in order to use the fruity aroma to dispel the fishy smell.”

"I see, I remember that in the Song Dynasty, the palace chefs also had similar cooking techniques. I can understand it up to this point, but why does this meatball still contain a hint of fire under the skin made of earth dragon meat? Did you put anything else in?"

Yanwu looked confused. "The second stomach of the lava monitor, which is where the lava monitor stores lava, was brought back by the millipede before. It has not been eaten yet and has been kept in the refrigerator." Lao Wang replied.

“It is this key part that meets all the cooking conditions for this Flame Heart Earth Dragon Stuffed Orange.”

 “Is Yanxin Earth Dragon stuffed with orange?” Yanwu tasted the taste between his lips and teeth carefully, then raised his head and swallowed it all, grinning and saying, “It’s delicious!”

His chopsticks kept moving. As he spoke, he picked up the meatballs from the second orange and stuffed them into his mouth.

 A hint of joy appeared in Ma Lu's eyes.

Yanwu's reaction was as expected. Ma Lu and Lao Wang originally planned to pick a ★★★☆ recipe, and then use Lao Wang's 25% chance of adding stars after reaching lv2 to put together a ★★★★ Dishes come.

However, when he came back this time, he unexpectedly discovered that he had just gathered the ingredients for the [Flame Heart Earth Dragon Stuffed Orange], which has a ★★★★ deliciousness index.

So Ma Lu decisively chose this dish to complete Yanwu's mission.

 Furthermore, Lao Wang was very lucky this time, and he triggered the star addition after only completing the second serving.

  In other words, the actual deliciousness index of the dish placed in front of Yanwu at this moment is as high as ★★★★☆.

 It is the highest peak of the number one food stall in the universe so far! The pinnacle among the pinnacles!

 “It’s so delicious!” Yanwu swallowed all the meatballs in the three oranges, then put down his chopsticks without hesitation and praised them without hesitation.

 “I haven’t tasted such delicious food in a long, long time!”

"As long as you are satisfied," Ma Lu said, "It seems that we have passed your test. Can you give us the three high-dimensional creations now?"

However, the hardware store owner shook his head when he heard this, "No."

"Huh? You said it was delicious, are you going to regret it?" Malu frowned.

"No," the werewolf smiled slyly, "The dish you made is indeed delicious, and I am very satisfied with it, but do you still remember the conditions we reached at that time?"

 “Create a dish that satisfies you?”

“No, I was talking about impressing. I want you to make a dish that is enough to impress me.”

 “Are you going to play word games with us?”

 Ma Lu’s expression was already a little unkind.

"This is a bit boring, Lao Yan, didn't you intend to give us those three high-dimensional creations from the beginning? Then just say it, there is no need to hang us up like this."

Yan Wu's eyes were innocent, "That's not true. If you don't believe me, you can ask others. Whether it's the pigeon or the residents of the nearby community, they will tell you that I, Yan Wu, always do business with integrity. Don’t cheat.”

 “How can I impress you?”

"I have no idea."


"I'm just a hardware store owner, and you are the chefs of the universe. How to make dishes that can impress a diner should be within your scope of work." Yanwu waved his hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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