Infinite Clone System

Chapter 114 The Valuable Beiliuhu

Seeing the monster approaching step by step, the two villagers were terrified, and every cell in their bodies was sending out alarms, warning them of what kind of monster the monster in front of them was.

But as long as you see the monster's eyes, there seems to be a picture of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, horror, rage, killing, despair... All the negative emotions of human beings are revealed from his eyes, making them almost breathless Come……

As if they were about to be killed in the next second, the picture of the tragic future has already appeared in their minds, but this second has not passed, which is undoubtedly a kind of torment...

"Forget it, Tambali..." Just when they thought they were about to be killed by monsters, they saw another monster with similar appearance descended from the sky, but compared with the first one, the later one was smaller in size. More fat, not as strong as the former.

"Two human beings in the area, just killed nothing at all, let them spread the horror of our demons to their heart's content."

The fat monster clapped one hand on the shoulder of the monster called Tambali, and then made a suggestion with that eerie voice

Tambali glanced at him boredly, then turned around and said, "It's up to you, but if you are so playful, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later."

"Let me suffer, Uncle Simbalu? They are mere human beings!" The fat monster made a disdainful voice

He walked up to the two villagers, chanted something in a low voice, and then looked into the eyes of the two of them...

Immediately, an indescribable mental oppression spread to the minds of the villagers along their gazes, and an indescribable and indescribable force crazily maximized the most frightening feeling in human hearts.

"Fear, hate, and spread the greatness and horror of our demon race to the world!"

The two of them are orthodox demons. They were created by Naoto's avatar Piccolo by spitting eggs, but their strength is far superior to the ones created by the aging Piccolo in the original work.

After all, Naoto's B-level card is a young Piccolo who is at his peak, and has Dr. Genos' rejuvenation technology, so he doesn't have to worry about aging at all.

Especially Tambali, you must know that he has surpassed Kling in the original book. Even Wukong was easily abused by him without eating enough, and his strength surpassed Simbalu several times.

But now under Naoto's strengthening, even Simbalu has a strength no less than Kageru, and Tambali is even more terrifying. At least Naoto can't accurately judge what level its strength is.

Maybe it can only be judged by fighting...

"According to the information, this guy should be here..."

Tambali walked to the door of the wooden house, and then pushed the door unceremoniously to enter. What caught his eyes was a white-haired man, wearing an elderly coat, with blood-red eyes, and his hair was quite long, fully left to his hips. , making people very suspicious of his gender.

"Who are you... exactly?!"

This person was obviously very surprised by Tambali's arrival, showing a face of panic at the moment

"Beliuho... Your name is Beiruhu, right?"

Ignoring the other party's question, Tambali asked directly

"...Yes... I am Beiliuhu." Seemingly aware of the other party's cruelty and not easy to mess with, Beiliuhu bowed his head and succumbed

"Very good." Tambali clapped his hands in satisfaction, and then issued a cold declaration, "The doctor likes your research very much. Now we have come out with great difficulty, and we will simply bring you to the doctor as an assistant."

"Doctor...?" Beiliuhu's eyes were full of confusion. He was originally a ninja of Konoha, but because he was discovered by the third Hokage because of his research on the forbidden technique [Kima Luo], he sent three ninjas to chase him down. To hide from XZ, you can only conduct your own research in the process of escaping.

His Ghost Bud Luo Jutsu is a forbidden jutsu that allows people to have multiple blood succession limit abilities. In terms of effectiveness, it is a powerful ninjutsu that is not inferior to the Jutsu of Reincarnation of the Unholy Earth and the Jutsu of Flying Thunder God, but after so many years of experience Research, the technique of ghost bud Luo has not made any progress.

Although he has a clue now, he lacks the strength to support the plan, so he can only lament in this cabin.

Therefore, he has been in a closed environment and lacks communication with the outside world. He is unaware of the recent major incidents in the ninja world, and he is even less aware of the Black Watch and Doctor who are only known to the upper echelons of the five major countries.

"Another ignorant human being." Tambali said proudly, "You just need to know that this is the person you will serve in the future. We demons will soon be able to break the shackles of the millennium and come back to this world Already, when the time comes, you, who will assist the doctor, will live as one of the few human beings in the future world."

are you crazy!

Beliuhu really wanted to say that, but he couldn't say it under such strong coercion. If the person in front of him is a lunatic, he is also a powerful lunatic.

Therefore, the technique of ghost bud Luo has not been completed yet, and he is not strong enough, so he can only succumb and say, "I am willing to serve as a doctor, but what can I get?"

The so-called living in the future in Tambali's mouth sounds like nonsense to him, the kind that can be ignored, just ignore it.

"Benefits?" Tambali snorted coldly, then let out a breath of cold air, and said, "The doctor can help you perfect your ghost bud technique."

"Really?! How is it possible?!" Beiliuhu was shocked when he heard the words. It was fine for the person in front of him to mention the technique he was researching. Bud Luo technique? Even he just had a clue about this!

"The doctor's ability is far beyond your imagination, nothing is impossible in front of him."

"Then what are you waiting for? When are we going to leave?!"

Beiliuhu said anxiously, it's not that he didn't doubt Tambali's words, but the situation is weaker than others at this moment, and he has to bow his head. In addition, from Tambali's tone, he could hear that this was a very proud person, and this kind of person had a characteristic of doing things, that is, he seldom made mistakes.

After all, the more proud people are, the more reliable they are in doing things, because they will never do shameful things.

"Don't worry." Tambali glanced at Beiliuhu unexpectedly, as if he didn't understand why the other party's attitude changed so quickly. But he didn't think about it too much. After all, the difference in strength was too great, and it was estimated that Beiliuhu had no ability to resist.

"Hey! Simbalu, how far are we from the stronghold in the east?!"

Xin Balu, who just came in, shook his fat body, and carefully estimated, "If you move forward at full will probably take 20 minutes."

"Twenty minutes... Forget it, I'll go over there to pick up the materials myself, and you can take him to the northern stronghold first."

"It's so boring, I thought I could come out for a while."

Simbalu shrugged boredly, then looked at Beiliuhu who was immersed in his own world, and said dissatisfiedly, "Boy, let's go, the doctor has been waiting for you for a long time..."

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