Infinite Clone System

Chapter 288 Jiraiya and Orochimaru's Plan

When Hiei told Shin about Orochimaru's reasoning in the following meeting, the latter just nodded noncommittally.

Facing everyone's doubts, Shen just said seriously, "I went back to Jinglingting with Suzuki before, but I went to Wujian where the vampire beast was imprisoned. As expected, he disappeared."

His words changed the faces of everyone present, because they knew that the meaning of Shen's words meant that the assassin who killed Aizen must have something to do with Shichibukai!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the blood-sucking monsters that were imprisoned in the Qiwuhai base prison to be released!

"Although I don't want to do this..." Shin frowned at Fei Ying and Suzuki, and said in a deep voice, "The two of you must stay in Konoha from now on, and you can't go anywhere."

His words almost put doubts on the bright side, but in fact, only the two of them could do this.

"I understand." Fei Ying leaned back on the chair with her eyes closed, and said immediately after Shen finished speaking, "Although I don't think that Suzuki or I will be a traitor, there are many mysterious magics in the demons, which can be used unconsciously. Manipulating you, if one of the two of us is tricked, it is indeed a hidden danger."

"That's it." Suzuki also nodded, "I have no objection either."

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to imprison you." Shen pondered for a moment, and then said, "I will find a way to contact those two guys again, and see if I can learn from them the true identity of the man in the whirlpool mask." .”

"It's strange to say." Now that the masked man is mentioned, Tsunade, who has personally fought against him, naturally has something to say. We have all seen the strength of the first generation of Hokage with our own eyes, and that is the power that can fight against the Holy Master."

"You mean..." Jilai also touched his chin, and continued, "Is that guy too weak?"

"That's right." Tsunade said resolutely, "Compared to most people, that guy can be described as too strong, and the magical space-time ninjutsu is even more difficult to guard against, but compared with grandpa, That’s obviously not enough.”

"According to the legend, Uchiha Madara, who can compete with the first generation of Hokage, will be helpless in the counterattack siege we organized before?" Tsunade waved his hand, "So that guy is definitely not Madara."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, none of us believe that he is Uchiha Madara." Orochimaru said lightly, "You should ask the first generation, what kind of person Uchiha Madara is."

"Grandpa's resurrection time is too short. After fighting with the Holy Lord, he spent most of his time rebuilding Konoha. I didn't have time to communicate with him too much. He will return to the underworld when the time comes." Tsunade sighed. "And it didn't occur to me at the time."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's Madara Uchiha or not, anyway, everything will be clear when we find him." Jiraiya said, "Well, I'll go for a walk outside after that to see if I can find some masked people clues."

"You?" Tsunade looked suspiciously at Jiraiya, "You don't care about that kid in your family?"

He was talking about Joseph Joestar, who was adopted by Jiraiya, and a clone made by Katz, who was just one year old at the moment.

"Leave it to Zhishui for the time being." Jiraiya patted his head, "That guy seems to be good at taking care of children."

"That's fine, and you're on your way to find the masked man, and you should inquire about an organization by the way." Orochimaru nodded as he agreed to Jiraiya's application to go out. He looked at Jiraiya, thought for a while, and then said, "On the way, let's inquire about an organization named Akatsuki."

"Xiao?" Jilai also frowned, then raised his head suddenly, "Oh, I know, it must be the organization that appeared in Lietuo Kingdom to stop the Holy Lord."

Back then, when Piccolo came back to play with Five Kages, Pain Liudao tried to seal the Holy Lord, but under Piccolo's power, Pain Liudao was easily defeated.

This is the information they got, and they also investigated this organization after the incident. The source seems to be in the country of rain, and watching the demons invest in the country of rain is also very large, which also confirms this.

For the Land of Rain, Jiraiya is still very impressed. After all, the three of them got the title of Sannin from the leader of the ninja of the Land of Rain, Sanshoyu Hanzo, and later received the title of long-term ninja in the Land of Rain. Men, Yahiko, and Konan are disciples.

Unexpectedly, this Akatsuki organization also came from the Land of Rain, which is really unimaginable.

"That's right, according to the information delivered not long ago, there was a violent explosion in the south of Konoha, and the time of the explosion is estimated to be the time when the Holy Master flew to Konoha from the No. 1 Martial Arts Conference in the World."

"Are you suspicious?" Shen frowned. "Are you saying that Akatsuki might have something to do with those two mysterious people with golden masks?"

"That's right!" Orochimaru said decisively, "Our previous plan to kill the Holy Lord came from their hands, and the first Hokage was also resurrected by them, so the explosion in the middle may also be designed by them to weaken the Holy Lord. the strength of the Lord."

"So I suspect that they may have some kind of connection with Akatsuki. It may be the same as our relationship, or it may be closer. In short, it can be regarded as a path."

"But according to the battle situation in the Land of Rain, Akatsuki may have left." Jiraiya also seemed to have thought of something, and said, "The demons seem to have hit Yuyin easily, and they didn't suffer anything on the way. To resist, there is neither Akatsuki nor Sansho Hanzo, it is really weird."

Did you run away?

Jiraiya couldn't help but think of those three little devils at this time. Although they are not strong enough, they will definitely not back down in front of the demons. This courage comes from their heartfelt belief in wanting to change that country ,

It's a pity...they seem to have all sacrificed before this...

It has been almost a year since he heard the bad news about Nagato and the others, and he never thought that such a thing would happen one year later.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a bit of regret in his heart. If he hadn't left them so early, would the ending be different now?

After all, that child has the eyes of reincarnation...

Eye of Reincarnation, Child of Destiny...


Reincarnation eye? !

Jiraiya's mind quickly recalled the leader of the Akatsuki organization described by his teacher Sandai Hokage, and then overlapped him with the Yahiko in his memory, and the two faces slowly overlapped, and finally... there was no mistake !

At this moment, it seemed as if a thunderbolt flashed in his mind, and it seemed as if the earth was shaking, and Zilai was also stunned for a moment!

Why, why did I only think of it now? !

When he first heard that the leader of the Akatsuki organization from the third generation of Hokage had the eyes of reincarnation, he assumed that that person was Nagato, but when he heard that there were six people in total, and none of them had red hair, he selectively ignored it.

After all, he had already received the news of Nagato's death at that time!

But how is it possible?

Unexpectedly... it will really be them!

Moreover, did he have the eyes of reincarnation? !

Nagato and Konan... so what?

For a moment, his mind was extremely chaotic. It took him a long time to react, and then he opened his mouth, but he didn't speak for a while...

"What's wrong with you? Alzheimer's? Stopped suddenly?" Orochimaru couldn't stand it any longer, and asked with a frown

"No, it's nothing..." After thinking about it, Jiraiya still didn't express his speculation. After all, it was really amazing, but he had already begun to slowly accept the answer in his heart.

"Then it's up to you, as long as you don't die outside who lost me."

Taking a deep look at Jiraiya, Orochimaru chuckled, "If there's nothing else to do, then let us start when we have information."

As an old partner for so many years, Oshemaru knew that Zilai must have thought of something, but he must have his own reasons if he didn't say anything, so there is no need for him to continue asking.

Although he and Zilai always quarrel and can't get used to each other, but at the critical moment, they will never hold each other back.


Orochimaru walked out of the Hokage building, and then slowly walked into his research institute.

After becoming the nominal agent of Hokage, he no longer has to be constrained by many experiments that he dared not bring to the public in the past. Although it is still not visible, at least he can mobilize some resources to perfect it.

And what interests him the most now is the dragon cell transplantation experiment.

"Dragon cells are very active, similar to the cells of the first generation of Hokage. If they are not well controlled, they will swallow their own cells."

On the way, Orochimaru thought about the details of the dragon cells,

The more he researched, the more he found that he was opening a brand new door. Inside the door was the wealth of a world, a power system completely different from ninjas, and a new type of power accumulation.

The previous battle between Menek and the vampire monster fully proved that this power also has a very high upper limit, and this is only a mixed race, let alone the legendary Dragon King and Black King.

In contrast, he had a bolder idea.

It's just that whether this idea is successful or not depends on whether the foundation of today's step can be successfully built.

"Teacher, you are back."

Opening the door of the laboratory, I saw Hongdou getting up from the seat and trotting over

Orochimaru touched Hongdou's head with one hand, and said with a smile, "The next step is the most important experiment, is Xiaohongdou afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Hongdou said pouting, "I believe the teacher will succeed!"

Orochimaru didn't refute, just turned on the instrument lightly, squinted his eyes and said, "Yes, I will definitely succeed."

"Lie down, Hongdou."


Hong Dou tiptoed over to the instrument, at first he seemed a little scared, but soon he mustered up his courage, and then lay down on the cold instrument.

"Relax next." Orochimaru walked to the pipeline, and his face was slightly nervous. Although this experiment has been done many times, there are many successful cases, and even many ninjas have succeeded, but they show Orochimaru was not satisfied with the result.

In several experiments, Orochimaru found that one of the most important points of the erosion of dragon blood is the corruption of the spirit. If the injected person cannot survive, the spirit will be swallowed by the powerful dragon blood, and then degenerate into insanity. Qing monster.

That kind of monster seems to be called Deadpool in the mouth of the mixed race. They are muddleheaded, have no strength but don't know how to use it, and they are out-and-out failures.

That's why he made several improvements to see if he could reduce this side effect, mainly to reduce the aspect of mental erosion.

After all, the spiritual aspect is too illusory. Compared with the physical and material realm, which is easier to manipulate, the spiritual world cannot be determined by anyone. It is impossible for Orochimaru to bet on himself to see if he can survive the spiritual erosion.

At this time, Hongdou just jumped out, which immediately made him discover the target.

If even Hongdou, who is a child, can resist mental erosion, then it proves that his dragon gene medicine is really mature!

It can be said that the potion that is about to be injected into Hongdou's body is a nearly perfect potion that he developed with all his efforts. If the spiritual erosion is further weakened, the power of the dragon clan may be weakened to a rather weak level. This is also unacceptable to him.

Thinking of this, he injected the medicine into the pipe, and many pinholes appeared on the instrument where the red bean was lying. Howl in pain!

She only felt a liquid that was as hot as lava and corroded the human body like a deadly poison entered her body, and flowed back and forth in her body along the blood circulation. The extreme pain that she had never felt in her life was in her body When it came out, it seemed that her body was bursting apart inch by inch. She only felt that her eyes were extremely hot, like thousands of suns exploding in front of her eyes, stimulated by the strong light. Her eyes could hardly see anything except the whiteness.

At the same time, whispers like demons sounded in my ears, which was a language I couldn't understand at all. They seemed to be whispering, crying, or howling. This kind of noise was everywhere in the complicated world, and These countless noises finally kept lingering in her mind, accompanied by the burning fire that seemed to ignite, making Hongdou extremely uncomfortable.


Orochimaru stared at the painful red bean, but even though the latter was in such pain, he still had no intention of stopping the experiment. The red bean was his disciple and his experimental product, and no matter which of these two Regardless of his status, he would not have the sympathy to keep his hand.

"As my disciple, you should have the qualifications to survive."

Orochimaru said coldly

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