Shen's strength is unquestionable. His initial battle with the golden masked man and his later battle with the Holy Lord in the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament under heaven all showed his great strength to the fullest.

What's more, he is also very likely to be pulled into the vortex of the dragon clan now-he and Orochimaru thought the same, except for Hiei and Suzuki Toichiro who are also Shichibukai, it is very likely that the one who killed Aizen The Dragon King who secretly laid out.

And in this way, it seems to be able to explain the astonishment on Aizen's face from another direction. After all, if the enemy is a super-standard existence, who can face it with a normal heart?

It's just that Hiei and Suzuki Toichiro are currently ordered not to go out in the area specially prepared by Konoha for them, and Shin will return to the base of Shichibukai at night to guard the important thing in Aizen's mouth, Only in the morning during the day would they come to Konoha to receive Tsunade's treatment, which is why the three of them did not appear in front of such monstrous flames.

Menek didn't say much, but fell into silence. Seeing this, Orochimaru didn't say anything, just came out of the sea of ​​fire with him, and then lifted the eight-point technique. After that, he felt a sense of emptiness in his body, There is not only the contrast between the two states, but also the reason why a lot of chakra and power of words are consumed.

Orochimaru in the Yaqi state has the self-confidence that he does not belong to a tailed beast, but while Chakra and the boiling dragon's blood allow him to gain great power, he also has to bear double consumption.

And he can also feel that in the state of Yanling Yaqi, a kind of spiritual power is also eroding his soul, just like the dead waiter who was unconscious because of the high concentration of dragon blood in Menek's mouth.

It's just that it has such an effect as its first appearance, and Orochimaru is already very satisfied. After all, there is still a long way to go, and he is best at studying ninjutsu and improving such things.

After that, they each started to use their own methods to put out the fire with their own minds. The flames were still burning until dawn. At this time, the storm finally stopped, and only the ninjas who were dedicated to reducing losses for the village were left. In the tireless struggle to put out the fire on the front line.

At this time, they finally received the news of Shisui's awakening. Orochimaru and Menek had been anxious for a long time, so they hurried to Konoha's infirmary after hastily handing over the task.

In the infirmary, Tsunade and Fugaku sat in front of Shisui and Itachi's beds respectively, and stood up when they saw Orochimaru and Menek coming in.

Of course they don’t even have to leave. In the case of Jiraiya going out, Tsunade, Orochimaru and Uchiha Fugaku are the top masters of Konoha. At this moment, a secret party leader Menek Cassel, It can be said that if these four people can join forces to fight against the enemy, it may be comparable to the five shadows joining forces.

Therefore, this information should be known by the four of them, even if it is not Fuyue from the Hokage family, they have not left.

This time it directly involved his son and Shisui of the Uchiha clan. He should know what happened because of emotion and reason.

Of course Orochimaru would not object, after all, this matter was supposed to be kept a secret by the Secret Party. At this moment, Menek didn't take any action, so he didn't have to worry.

It seems that the leader of this secret party has also begun to gradually let go of his thinking. In the face of a powerful enemy, closing himself is always the wrong decision. The enemy's best choice.

It's just that for the existence that can make Zhishui unconscious, it is still unknown how much effect this level of power can have.

"Shisui, tell me what happened before." Orochimaru looked at Shisui who seemed to be in a daze, and said first

"Relax, first tell me where you went and what you saw." Fu Yue said the same

Seeing the anxious eyes of the four people, Zhishui opened his mouth, and finally said in a hoarse voice, "I... saw God."


Orochimaru and Menek looked at each other, secretly thinking that it was true, and then Menek asked, "Is that god riding an eight-legged horse, with a red-gold single-eyed golden pupil, and holding a spear?!"

Zhishui was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly, "It really is a god related to mixed races... You are right, that god is exactly what you said."

"Sure enough? According to you, did Odin say something to you?"

"No, Senior Naoto told me." Zhishui shook his head

"Straight people?" Hearing this name, Orochimaru, Menek, and Tsunade all frowned, but Fu Yue's eyes widened.

"Could it be..."

"That's right, it's Naoto-senpai." Shisui explained, "At night, Itachi and I were having dinner with Naoto-senpai, because it was raining, so the time passed without paying attention, and then the senior suddenly left with a look of anxiety. , Itachi and I followed because we were curious..."

"Wait, Naoto..." Orochimaru pondered for a moment, and then made a gesture of recollection. After a few seconds, he said, "Could it be Naoto Uchiha? I just received a letter from him not long ago that he wants to retire Apply."

"If there is no other candidate, it should be him." Fuyue calmed down, and then murmured, "What's going on, Shishui?"

"..." Zhishui sighed, and then began to talk about what happened afterwards. After all, Naoto's previous words were to tell him what happened to Menek Cassel, including the embryo. , including the whisper of the shadow, including Zhiren calling himself the watcher.

And after listening, almost everyone showed a dumbfounded expression, because who would have imagined such a thing?

A mediocre chunin, a ninja who proposed to retire not long ago, his identity in the dark turned out to be a powerful mixed race, and the previous fire that devoured people and devoured the sky was not caused by some god, but This little pawn who has always been inconspicuous.

Candle Dragon, the ultimate speaking spirit in the lineage of the King of Bronze and Fire, unexpectedly reappeared on a mixed race at this moment...

If he hadn't talked to Menek before, Orochimaru might not have realized how outrageous it was, but at this moment he clearly knew that this so-called watchman was definitely related to a terrible secret.

Because according to Naoto himself, he is very likely to break through the threshold!

And this kind of breakthrough method, even the secret party that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, has not been able to master it!

"Only by breaking through the threshold can human beings grasp the power that belongs to the Dragon King and the realm of God..."

For this sentence, Orochimaru was very impressed, because when he was using Baqi, he was always being disturbed by a kind of spirit,

And Naoto Uchiha should have mastered the ultimate language of the candle dragon at the moment when he broke through the critical moment of the blood...

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