Infinite Creator God

Chapter 103 Game Ghost High-Tech Website

When Homura's soul orb was about to be completely contaminated and turned into a witch, Madoka suddenly appeared next to Homura, holding Homura's little hand tightly.


"That's enough, that's enough, Homura..." Madoka said softly, then stood up and looked at the witch.

Xiaoyan looked at her in disbelief, and then found Kyubey next to Madoka, her eyes widened immediately: "Madoka, are you!"

Madoka turned her head and smiled at Xiaoyan: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyan..."

As soon as I finished saying this, the ending song played.

Suddenly, the chat group of Madoka Magica exploded.

"What was the last thing I heard? Is Madoka going to become a magical girl?"

"I'm sorry, Homura! It seems that Madoka is going to break her agreement with Homura and become a magical girl!"

"Haha, I knew Madoka would appear in the end!"

"After eleven episodes of soy sauce, Madoka finally stood up!"

"I didn't expect that it would take until the last episode for the name of this animation to be reflected! 03"

"But don't you think this name reflects the animation very well?"

"Yeah, now that I think about it, there seems to be no more suitable name for an animation than this name. He is indeed a genius author, Game Ghost!"

The protagonist of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" is Madoka, but from the beginning to the present, although Madoka's role is not the least, she is the one with the least presence. She is the only girl who has not become a magical girl. She has always been a bystander to various events. Many readers think she is useless.

But, things are different now. Just before Homura was about to become a witch, Madoka finally stood up and said that she was going to become a magic witch.

Although Madoka appears to be very much like the protagonist in the end, the last puzzle is still not solved!

That is, everyone who becomes a magical girl will eventually become a witch!

If Madoka becomes a witch, she cannot avoid this inevitable outcome!

But if this is the case, even if Homura can be saved, all of Homura's efforts will be in vain!

"Homura is so pitiful. After doing so many things, she still can't get along with Madoka and become a useless magician."

"Madoka transforms into a magical girl to destroy the witch for the night, and then she will also become a stronger witch... It makes no sense at all!"

“I really don’t know what the outcome of the last episode will be. I’m really looking forward to the amazing twist in the animation!”

"If the final episode can have a shocking result, then maybe Puella Magi Madoka Magica's animation can really become a masterpiece!"

"An unprecedented animation masterpiece!"

"In my heart, Madoka is already a masterpiece!"

Although it was already the end of the film, no one in the audience left the TV, quietly waiting for the preview of the next episode.

"Some people say that it's wrong to have hope. 'It's not like that'. I will answer this no matter how many times. I will always be able to persist like this, my best friend." In line with Madoka's words, the magic in the background The image of the girl’s family photo also appeared in the title of the last episode: Chapter 12——My Best Friend!

Although it is a simple six words, for some reason, many people have an indescribable feeling in their hearts after hearing this last title, and even some sensitive people have cried.

For a time, the entire Internet was discussing the story of Puella Magi Madoka Magica and speculation about the next episode.

Almost everyone believes that as long as Puella Magi Madoka Magica does not have a big collapse story in the end, its status as a masterpiece can no longer be shaken, and even the tenth animation throne in recent years must belong to her!

Until now, Puella Magi Madoka Magica has been a highly completed animation. The eleventh episode has almost finished all the foreshadowing, and the world view has been completely developed. However, the plot of the last episode is stuck. The timing is also very accurate. The climax of the story is the battle at Witch Night. After the heroic battle, the episode ends with Homura's defeat and Madoka's determination to become a magical girl.

All the emotions explode in the upcoming last episode!

What kind of wish will Madoka make, how to defeat the Night Witch, how to break the Witch's cup, and what will be the ending of the story? The audience's curiosity and tension are all heightened in this episode!

No one can imagine what kind of viewing climax it will cause by then! What kind of terrifying ratings it will achieve!

At least for now, the TV stations that broadcast Puella Magi Madoka Magica are already happy.

With a ratings of 18%, it instantly beats all other animations including TV series in recent years!

Although the animation's premiere rights cost a lot of money, the ratings can definitely earn several times the profit!

The director of NHK looked at the ratings and thought again. He felt that the 18% ratings could be improved even more, and could even become the highest ratings in recent years. In this way, whether it is advertising fees or the own TV station’s Reputation can rise to a big level.

Then, NHK began to carry out frenzied publicity before the last episode was broadcast. A series of publicity plans from publicity to news to interviews began.

Not only NHK TV station, but other news newspapers and media also seized on this news hot spot and began an overwhelming publicity, especially on the Internet, where Puella Magi Madoka Magica can be seen everywhere.

For example, Game Ghost's Twitter has more than a million comments.

Of course, there is also the official website of the game Ghost.

Recently, Ye Chen found that his publicity power was a bit weak. Apart from Twitter and Weibo, he did not have a good publicity website. Therefore, Ye Chen asked Hatsune to create an official website for the game Kishin, preparing to become the most important website in the future. 273 .

This website is divided into many large parts. One is the mall, which contains various official and cooperative products. Consumers can purchase them directly here. The other is official news, which contains game ghost animations and game introductions. There are also video areas, comics areas, novel areas, chat areas, etc. Netizens can post pictures, videos and novels on their own. Once there are excellent works, the website can sign contracts for online sales.

Under the production of Hatsune, the entire website looks extremely gorgeous. Every time the mouse is moved and clicked, different special effects may appear. It has a sense of sight of a future technology website. Many netizens are greatly surprised when they see this website. Surprised, I didn’t expect there to be such a gorgeous website. However, although it is gorgeous, it is stuck at all points, which also shocked many netizens.

【Hatsune Black Technology

Many netizens did not carefully read the content of the Game Ghost website, and just clicked through the entire website, enjoying the gorgeous special effects.

At present, the official content of the game Kishin website is not very much, but due to the fame of "Undertale" and "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", it has accumulated a certain name, coupled with the gorgeous special effects of the entire website, and the reasonable layout, it has attracted a lot of people Small producers come to publish their works, such as some COSER, some light novel writers, etc.

In the future, when Game Ghost becomes more famous, this Game Ghost website will have even more amazing potential...

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