Infinite Creator God

Chapter 111 Magical Modification Of The Elder Scrolls 5

Bringing the magic system and professional skill system of the world of gods into The Elder Scrolls 5 was decided by Ye Chen after thinking for a long time. Thousands of magics and dozens of professions and skills can make the battles in The Elder Scrolls 5 more exciting. Ascending countless steps, of course, the difficulties are not small. Without Miku's help, Ye Chen would definitely give up this great idea!

In addition, the major changes to the combat system, especially the many magics and skills, have also improved the enemy's combat capabilities unprecedentedly. Especially the cooperation of different magics and skills between various professions has increased the difficulty of defeating monsters by N There are several steps, so just letting the protagonist go through the level alone is an almost impossible task, unless the protagonist upgrades to a demigod or a god, which is still possible. Therefore, companions are very important.

Therefore, Ye Chen also made a relatively big change to the companion system "Four Six Three". A team can have up to 5 people. In other words, the protagonist can take four friends out on adventures, and different companions have different professions. The combination and playing methods will also be ever-changing, such as the combination of five mage turrets, the assassination style of five wretched stalkers, etc., for this

Miku will also greatly improve the AI ​​of her companions, and will even make some changes based on the actions of the protagonist.

With more companions, Ye Chen can add characters based on Yinglili, Shiyu, and Black Cat to Skyrim. He first builds a crystal palace in the game to let the girls see their dedication to the crystal palace!

In addition, Ye Chen will also make changes to the most criticized weapon system. The weapons produced in high-level ruins and other places are no worse than the highest-level weapons forged, and are even more powerful. They also come with various Such special effects, of course, in order not to make the side business of manufacturing seem too useless, the ruins will also produce various advanced drawings, including alchemy drawings, forging drawings, enchanting drawings, etc. Of course, there may also be rare magic and advanced skills, etc. Referring to Diablo's mechanism, random parameters are set. In addition to some fixed things, the weapons and drawings that explode may be different each time, allowing everyone to experience the joy (pain) of breaking out.

In addition, Ye Chen is also planning to add the ultimate weapon——artifact to the game. Obtaining each artifact will be a huge quest line and involve countless adventures.

The final weapon obtained through fighting makes the game more challenging.

The production of The Elder Scrolls 5, even for Miku, cannot be completed overnight, especially since Ye Chen has made such huge changes to the game. Even for Miku, it takes a lot of time and even energy to produce.

For example, the production of the map. The original Skyrim world is very beautiful. If there is a beautification MOD, it will be even more beautiful and will make people forget to leave. Some players don’t even do the tasks. They open the game client and control the protagonist to run around to see the scenery. The exquisite map is originally It’s a great enjoyment of the game.

However, the original Skyrim map also has shortcomings, such as the repetition of many scenes (mostly ruins), but Ye Chen has the terrain reference of the world of gods and can design a more stunning map.

In addition, there are complex character settings, interpersonal relationships, and power maps. Others such as mission design and plot influence lighting. It will take a long time to just rely on Hatsune to evolve. Ye Chen is also planning to see if he can get some information in the real world. Let Miku's work speed up.

It was getting closer and closer to the banquet held at Yinglili's house, and Ye Chen was also making preparations, such as asking an unscrupulous mother about Yinglili.

"Sister Sayuri, what gift does Yinglili like?" Ye Chen chatted with Sayuri on the mobile phone. After arriving at Yinglili's house that time, Sayuri took the initiative to exchange contact information with Ye Chen, so this time dialogue.

"Ella, shouldn't you think about this kind of problem by yourself? Shouldn't you ask Yinglili's mother... no, sister?" After all, she is also her own daughter, and she helps others chase her own daughter. Even a mother who is unscrupulous may have some weird psychology.

"With Yinglili's character... It seems that buying jewelry or something is too tacky, but you can't buy some game GAL or comics... although I feel that Yinglili will like it very much... "

"I seem to be sincerely worried, but don't worry, my Eiriri doesn't care much about gifts. "As long as Tadashi can receive the intention of the gift giver. Over there, Sawamura Sayuri quickly replied to the message.

"Okay...but having said that, what kind of gift would Sister Sayuri like?"

..What kind of twist happened before I asked my sister what kind of gift she likes? My sister was very surprised. Is it possible that not only Yinglili, but also me as the sister want a guide? This is not the second dimension. , but my sister is a little happy for some reason~" After a while, Sayuri sent a long message...

"Well, I just looked at my, it's what kind of gifts my sister likes, and then I just made a reference..."

"Well, this, of course I prefer shiny things like rings, necklaces, and bracelets~" Sayuri seems to have thought of the gift as a proposal gift.

"I also admire my sister for being able to say such things so naturally. She is indeed the senior otaku that Ying Lili calls her."

" seems that Yinglili still needs further education..."

"Okay, Sister Sayuri, let's not talk about gifts. Eiriri doesn't seem to like banquets."

Yes... Alas, this is all a failure in my family's education. I didn't expect Yinglili to become such a homebody... Even if there is a party, she will only hide in the room and play games.

But Yinglili is really cute like this~"

—The reason for all this is not all you!

"I went to a banquet, and it turned into a gaming convention in the end... By the way, sister, how would Eiriri like to appear?"


5.6 "Yes, such as clothing, appearance and so on..."

"It's really an interesting question. I haven't thought about it carefully. Generally speaking, men who come to a banquet wear similar suits, but women's clothes will have many changes..."

"That's it..."

"Ah, but it would be nice to change the appearance in an interesting way. Romantic or something like that is a dream in the hearts of many girls... Speaking of which, Yinglili seems to have this kind of dream too, with a handsome prince charming riding a horse. The white horse comes to greet the princess and so on... And I also like this way of appearance. It's exciting to think about it, haha, but I haven't seen it once since I was a child. Sure enough, in modern society, the white horse Princes and all that are just fairy tales," said Sayuri. .

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