Infinite Creator God

Chapter 115 White Horse Chase

"That young couple over there, you violated the local traffic laws. Get off the horse quickly before anything happens!" Just as Ye Chen and Ying Lili were enjoying a warm moment in the commercial street, 110 finally Appeared, a policewoman with short hair shouted to the two of them with a loudspeaker.

——The world is really unfriendly to young lovers. We haven’t even played for a few minutes when the police uncle, no, the police sister came to arrest them.

Ye Chen sighed, but little did he know that a group of single men on the Internet were cursing at the two of them. When they saw the arrival of the police, they all cheered.

However, how could Ye Chen be caught so easily? You must know that this white horse is not an ordinary horse, but a magical product summoned by magic. Relying on Ye Chen's magical power supply, you can do many impossible things. !

In a blink of an eye, Ye Chen and the two ran past the "807" inspection sister holding a loudspeaker. As they passed by, Ye Chen even shouted at her, "You can't catch me." The greeting made the policewoman feel confused.

Soon, the police sister reacted and said fiercely: "Since I became a police officer, no one has dared to mock me like this!" After saying this, the sister immediately took out her walkie-talkie and started calling for help from her colleagues.

Because there are relatively few women in the police system, and the police sister is pretty and cheerful, she is very popular in the police system. Soon, the surrounding police officers who got the news began to take action, even some who were on vacation. The police began to take action.

The scene returns to Ye Chen and the two.

Although Ye Chen was worried about running in a crowded place on the commercial street, she saw that Ye Chen's skills in controlling horses were really good and she avoided many dangerous moments. She couldn't help but feel relieved and recalled the man who just passed by. Her expression when the police called her made her laugh out loud and said, "You are really bad. You actually mocked me like this. Look at that sister's face."

"Yes, I just said hello.

"I still dare not admit it!"

"Who dared her to hinder the journey of the knight and the princess?" Ye Chen teased, making Ying Lili quickly become shy.

However, after running for a while, Ye Chen found that the road ahead had been blocked by several police cars, and more than 10 policemen were watching eagerly.

"The two arrogant young lovers in front are finally going to catch you!" From behind, the policewoman who was ridiculed by Ye Chen also rode over on a donkey.

"What should I do? The road is blocked." Ying Lili said anxiously. If she was caught at this time, it would really be a bit bad...

"Haha, don't worry, a horse is much more convenient than a car!" Ye Chen said, and with a few movements, the white horse turned around and ran into a small pond next to it. The road was very small, and cars could not even move. Can't get in.

"How dare you run!" The female police officer behind saw the two people running away again and stamped her feet angrily.

"Officer Nojima Reiko, what should I do?" A young policeman walked over and said cautiously to the angry female police officer Nojima Reiko.

"What should we do? Of course we are going to arrest people. I don't believe that there are so many of us and we can't catch even one person riding a horse!" Nojima Reiko shouted loudly and drove the donkey into the white horse. On the trail.

The other police officers looked at me and I looked at you, and they also started to take action.

Ye Chen didn't expect that just by riding a horse and strolling around the commercial street, so many police officers would come to arrest him!

Fortunately, these were not a group of simple horses, but magical summons. Under the control of Ye Chen, the white horses controlled by Ye Chen completed many impossible actions and got rid of several police pursuits.

Then, several times, I was photographed by onlookers.

Afterwards, of course, the commercial street suddenly became excited. "Countless people came to watch this rare chase drama."

Yes, it's a big chase scene, and it's a chase scene between a white horse and a lot of police officers. It's unheard of. Even in Hollywood blockbusters, you rarely see such a scene.

There are chase scenes between motorcycles, chase scenes between cars, and even chase scenes between cars, tanks, and airplanes in a certain movie, but I have never seen a chase scene between cars and horses. It seems that the white horse has the upper hand. , what's going on, the white horse is so cool now, what kind of white horse is this, is a mysterious man riding a horse?

Countless people rushed to the commercial street, and of course the news media got wind of it!

"Big news, the ultimate chase battle in the shopping street! Come and watch!"

"The super horse rider and the super white horse are released, let's take a look at the shocking drifting skills of the white horse! All the police officers should learn from it!"

"Is this a commercial movie or a real-life event? I can't believe that such a powerful white horse has been running for so long and so fast without even a car accident... No, it was a horse accident. Is this white horse a success? You’re fine, you’re still an awesome horse rider!”

"Shocked, there are actually two people in Bai Ma. It looks like they are still a young couple. They are playing with the police and talking and laughing at the same time. Is it so difficult to pick up girls now?!"

"The horseman was so powerful that he was surrounded by the police several times. Even we felt that we could not escape, but we didn't expect that we still ran away. Really, this could be made into a movie!"

"Hello, sir, this is XX TV station. Could you please tell me what you just saw..."


After escaping from police chases several times in danger, even Yinglili, who was sitting on horseback, was on fire. She never thought that she would be able to experience such a dreamlike thing in her lifetime, as if it was a dream. ...

Now, Yinglili has let go and is enjoying the refreshing feeling of riding fast on the horse, especially when she looks at the flabbergasted policemen behind her. Several times, Yinglili couldn't help but wave hello to the policemen, but she didn't expect that. ,0.3 This action made the police even more angry.

"What the hell are you doing? There are so many people and so many police cars, and you can't even catch a horse!" This incident finally alerted the local police top brass, and soon a leader called the police below. The member yelled angrily.

"But that guy's horse riding skills are really good... I feel like he's better than the horse racers in the Olympic International Competition..."

"Shut up, is there any reason for failure? I will arrange for more people to coordinate the route and completely block that crazy horseman!"


The police over there were blocking Ye Chen's route, but little did they know that Hatsune knew about their conversation and the blocked route.

Ye Chen checked the route given by Miku and smiled: "It's time to end this chasing game."

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