Infinite Creator God

Chapter 130 The Perfect Ending

"This is my prayer, my wish... Come on, make it happen, Incubator!"

Madoka's wish was beyond everyone's expectations.

It is not resurrection, nor reincarnation again, but a desperate denial of all the past and future - Madoka's wish subverts the rules set by Kyubey!

If this is realized, then all the magical girls in all planes from ancient times to the present will become girls full of hope. They will not become witches out of despair, nor will they curse the world0

The meaning of the title of Madoka Magica is vividly reflected in this last episode. There is no doubt that Madoka is the best magical girl. At this final moment, Madoka Magica

Appearing magnificently as a savior.

I saw Madoka shooting into the sky with a bow and arrow. The bow and arrow shattered the dark clouds, and the apocalyptic scenery was instantly dispersed. That gorgeous arrow turned into a rain of millions of arrows, traveling across the universe and time, and came to all the magical girls in the past, present and future worlds, Take away their despair and leave them with a smile of beautiful hope.

"I will not let your wish end in despair. You will not curse or resent anyone. I will bear all the consequences, so please, believe in yourself in the end.

Madoka's figure appeared in front of magical girls in various time and space, including Cleopatra, Queen Yamatai, Joan of Arc, etc., absorbing their curses so that they could leave peacefully.

Some viewers have already cried. Madoka is so great. She not only saves magical girls in all time and space, but also dispels despair and brings hope to magical girls and even the world!

The segmentation and splicing of scenes in different time and space is a combination of audio and video montage, a classic storyboarding technique used in various animations and movies. Using this technique, Madoka's power is fully demonstrated.

"It's enough, it's... enough. There's no need to resent anyone, no need to curse anyone anymore. Before it becomes like that... let me accept you. ." In Madoka's words, the strongest Witch of the Night was also eliminated, no, dissipated, because Madoka's power had wiped out Witch of the Night before she was born. "There will be no more witches in the world!

In a burst of light, all the witches in the timeline were eliminated, and the universe was immediately reorganized!

However, as the price for the realization of that overly powerful wish, Madoka has also been burdened with a curse power that far exceeds anything else, which is the ultimate despair equivalent to the end of a universe!

Then, the strongest witch in history appeared!

The evil witch with the most powerful power, the terrifying witch who can wipe out the earth with just one blow!

However, Madoka, who has eliminated all the witches, no longer has any despair.

At this moment, Madoka transformed again. It was the image of Madoka after the previous official website change of Madoka Magica. It was rated as the most beautiful and holy image of Madoka by netizens!

The audience has been completely stunned by this beautiful scene.

I thought from the official website that this image of Madoka is particularly beautiful, but I didn’t expect that under the effect of animation, she would look even more holy and beautiful, like a goddess!

Madoka moved, she pulled up her bow and arrow, and with just one arrow, the strongest witch in history was wiped out by Madoka, and the universe was truly reorganized!

However, changing such a huge cause and effect and reshaping the universe also brought another side effect, that is, although Madoka saved all the magical girls, she herself can no longer exist in this world.

Her existence disappeared, and the character of Madoka did not exist from the beginning. She became a conceptual high-dimensional existence that is omnipresent but cannot be perceived or remembered by people.

This kind of existence, according to mortal understanding, can also be said to have become a god.

Madoka became a garden god, changing all cause and effect. At the same time, she also saw the countless reincarnations that Xiaoyan had experienced, the countless efforts he had made for her, as well as countless tears and sadness...

"my best friend."

This is the title of the final chapter, and it is also Madoka's confession to Homura. Madoka has become a higher-dimensional existence. She will disappear from everyone's memory, but she will not die - and the other time traveler Homura also Will not forget her. (At the same time, Homura also lost the ability to go back in time and can no longer go back to the time when she met Madoka)

The ending is undoubtedly healing and perfect. Because Madoka changed the past, the experiences of other magical girls have also changed.

Without the witch, the senior sister naturally did not have her head bitten off by the witch. Although Saya still died, she did not die of despair. Before she died, she also solved the knot in her heart.

Watched a performance by the boy I had a crush on.

In the end, Sayaka left with a smile and went with Madoka, but Kyoko naturally did not die with her.

There are three magical girls left: Senpai, Kyoko, and Homura - a happy ending for everyone.

The end point of the new magical girl is no longer despair, but a return to the new law, which is Madoka's embrace.

In the final scene where Homura comes into contact with Madoka's family, their parents have forgotten Madoka, and only one other child still remembers such a sister, once again making countless viewers burst into tears.

"Wuck! The last episode has to be so exciting!"

"Yeah, it's such a heart-warming scene, why do I want to cry? Isn't this the best ending!"

There was a lot of discussion online.

Miyu Yoshihara couldn't help but want to applaud, but she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes first. The final words were very touching and warm, so warm that she wanted to cry. Madoka's fraternity is so unexpected. She saves not just one person, but the sad fate of all magical girls. It can even be said that she saved the animation "Madoka Magica".

This animation subverts the traditional magical girl. Although it is good-looking, it is too sad. Many magical girls that the audience likes have died, and they died in a desperate way. It also shocked countless viewers. This is a group of people who are not as good as In the abyss, the magical girls without any hope have been doomed to their final fate from the beginning. Is there anything worse than this?!

0…Please give me flowers………………

However, the story of the last episode completely changed its atmosphere. After watching this last episode, people will feel that the dark colors of the entire animation have been purified, and the original dark tones have become colorful and gorgeous. The previous ten The suffering and sadness created in one episode are actually filled with happiness when I look back.


Little Madoka!

"There's nothing I can do, even I want to cry..." Yoshihara Miyu said with red eyes, "Sure enough, this kind of story with a happy ending after going through a lot of hardships is the best!"

Miyu Yoshihara looked around and saw that most of the women in the company were crying, while among the men, some could not help crying, while others were trying not to shed tears.


For example, Benzijun, in front of his (fake) girlfriend, tried to hold back his tears.

"Cry if you want. Look at your expression, it's so ugly." Yoshihara Miyu said to Honko-kun.

"I...fuck...stop, I'm really going to cry! I couldn't hold it back easily!"

Like the employees of this small company, countless viewers burst into tears after watching it and still sat in front of the TV for a long time without moving.

"Damn it, after the most advanced doctors in the United States treated my eyes, I swore not to cry again in this last episode, otherwise I would be really blind. Why can't I help crying? Can my eyes be saved?"

"6666, you blind man is not blind yet!"

"You deserve it if you can watch this animation before you become blind!"

"I'm obviously very happy, but I still can't help crying. Why is this happening!"

"You are truly worthy of being the creator of the game "Undertale". Such a happy ending did not forget to make us shed tears!"

On the Internet, in addition to crying, the audience was also shocked by the performance of Madoka, the protagonist of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica"!

"In this episode, Madoka blinded me. It was so touching. I thought she was just soy sauce. I didn't expect that she would be willing to sacrifice herself for's amazing!"

..... Madoka is a goddess, a true goddess!! Long live Madoka!!!"

"My wife is so shocking. She deserves to be Madoka and a heroine! But now we can no longer say that she is Madoka, she has become a god!"

"Yes, Madoka! Madoka in god form is so beautiful. I really want to take one home. By the way... there are peripherals! Hahaha, I want to buy peripherals!"

However, netizens who just realized that they went to the official website mall to buy figures found that the originally large number of peripherals was rapidly decreasing...

Next, it’s time to compete in hand speed E!.

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