Infinite Creator God

Chapter 141 I Can’T Hide It Anymore...

(Well, there is also a river crab version of this chapter...but the changes are very small, it is written more directly...if you are interested, you can read it)

"Then I will..." Before Tongno could finish speaking, the buzzing sound of business came from outside the door again.

Everyone was shocked again.

"It's me, Black Cat.

It’s actually a black cat!

What happened tonight? Except for senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiu who was fast asleep after drinking, they all came to Ye Chen's room one by one. If they were to meet each other, wouldn't this be a big Shura field?

Ye Chen is under a lot of pressure.

"Tongno, there's a big cabinet over there, hide!" Ye Chen lowered his voice.

"Oh oh——!" Tongno was also a little panicked. She quickly found the cabinet Ye Chen mentioned in the dark and hid in it. However, she accidentally touched it and made a "dong" sound.

"Senior, are you there? I thought I heard something just now..." the black cat outside the door asked.

"Um, it's nothing. What's wrong at this late hour?" Ye Chen said.

"Well, I want to ask something... is that okay? But you must not let others know, otherwise the Night Familiar will curse you!" Black Cat seemed a little nervous.

"I understand, come in." Black Cat came in wearing pajamas. Seeing the darkness inside, he breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to have no intention of turning on the lights.

Nowadays, girls like to talk in the dark, right?

But this also made Ye Chen and Ying Lili breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that they would not be exposed today.

After some time, Yinglili became more courageous and dared to try more actions.

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"So, Black Cat, what exactly do you want to ask?"

"Senior, what do seniors think of our club members?"

"Hey, what do you think of the members? This question is a bit strange... Well, our members are all very individual members..." Ye Chen said after thinking about his words for a moment.

Black Cat frowned. It was obvious that Ye Chen's answer was not what she wanted. She thought for a moment and said, "Another question, how do the seniors evaluate the members of the club? For example, senior Shiyu."

"Senior, well, of course she is very beautiful and straight with long black hair, but she has a bit of a venomous tongue, a bit of ego and strength... Well, all in all, she is a very good senior!

"That's not what you're asking!" Black Cat was anxious. Everyone can obviously see this, why do you have to say it!?

"Then what exactly are you asking?" Ye Chen said speechlessly, "Just say what you want to ask directly, don't beat around the bush..."

"Hmm... A mere senior is so arrogant... Look at the power of my Dark Familiar to completely suppress you!" Black Cat muttered.

"Well, Black Cat, I heard all your whispers!" Ye Chen reminded in a low voice.

.... By the way, this is it!" Black Cat seemed to have remembered something and said, "In my latest novel, I want to create a perfect woman, so I want to ask about the ideal woman in the eyes of boys... ...For example, take the senior sister, what advantages or charm does the senior think she has that the other three of us don’t have?”

—It turns out to be this...

Ye Chen thought of the character settings of Hakoba. The most feminine one, and the one who is somewhat similar to the senior sister, is the Usagi, no, the Black Usagi, and the eldest lady...

But the question for Black Cat is, does the senpai have a charm that the other three don’t have?

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"Um...․Black Cat?"

"Then let's change it to another one, and answer it well this time, senior~" The black cat exuded a terrifying demonic aura, as if the body of the Night Familiar had arrived, "Well, senior, let's evaluate Yinglili. one person."

"Yinglili..." (deleted content), it seems that Yinglili is also very concerned about her own evaluation.

———Oops (deleted content)


However, Ying Lili's textbook level of tsundere left such a deep impression on people that Ye Chen blurted out without hesitation: "She is indeed a tsundere with blond hair and twin tails!"

"Ye Chen let out another cold gasp.

—Hey, I summarized Yinglili’s characteristics so vividly in just a few words, why don’t you give me a reward?!

But Ying Lili still didn’t let Ye Chen go.

"Senior? What's wrong with you? You seem to be in pain..." Black Cat asked.

"'s really nothing...Of course, Yinglili's character is also very cute, and of course she looks even cuter..." After saying this, Ye Niao (deleted content 50 Character)

The thin line between heaven and hell!

"Sure enough, Ying Lili's kind of tsundere is very popular... and she has such beautiful blond hair... she also has a face, and a figure... except for her chest... ..." Black Cat underestimated and asked, "What about Kirino? Does the senior like her?"

Why did Kirino ask the question in a different way, so directly!?

There was a thud from the cabinet. Although it was small, it was enough for everyone to hear.

"Well, senior, there seemed to be some strange noise just now..." Black Cat asked.

"Uh hehe, no, you heard it wrong, oh, by the way, my hand accidentally touched something just now, maybe it was that sound..." Ye Chen said as carelessly as possible .

" that so..."

"Cough, it's Kirino. Of course, Kirino is also a cute girl. Although she is sometimes unreasonable, stubborn and unfrank, in fact, if you get along with her for a long time, you will find that Kirino is actually very cute. That's right, Black Cat, haven't you become best friends with her? I think you should know her best, instead of asking me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"No, that's not the case. Who can become good friends with that guy with such an awkward personality?" Black Cat immediately retorted anxiously.

However, there was a thud, and a louder sound came from the cabinet over there than before.

.....Senior, I really heard it this time. It’s not wrong. Sure enough, there seemed to be some strange sound. "The black cat frowned and did not listen to Ye Chen's explanation. Instead, he crawled towards the two of them in the dark.

——Kirino, what did you do? You can't hide it well and you have to cause trouble!

"Black Cat, it's really nothing. I just accidentally touched something. Look..." Ye Chen tried knocking on the floor and made a sound.

"No, the voice isn't like this, and it doesn't seem to be from that side... Senior... It seems like you are hiding something from the beginning, tell me! You can't hide from the black cat's evil eye. of!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Junior Jun, are you there? Ah——--senpai's head hurts so much that I can't even walk. I want to drink some cold water. Come and help me... It's really strange. Several other girls seem to None of them are here, they are not all in the toilet..."

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