Infinite Creator God

Chapter 143 Courage Testing Conference

"A test of courage?" At noon, while everyone was eating, the waiter brought out a flyer, but it was a large-scale event held by a commercial organization nearby tonight.

"Guest, this is a very famous large-scale event here. The location is on a hill not far from here. There is a dilapidated mansion on it. The courage test conference is held there..."

Everyone took the brochure and saw that it showed a dilapidated and scary foreign hotel. All kinds of familiar ghosts and monsters were wandering in the foreign hotel. There were also scared and crying adventurers outside. In the upper left corner, there was a section of this foreign hotel. The introduction is a very bloody story: the owner of a foreign hotel, a man in his 70s, used his money and power to marry a young girl of about 20 years old, but the wife had an affair with a young girl in the foreign hotel. The maid got married and was discovered by the owner. The owner brutally killed the two of them. Then, the whole mansion began to become strange. Everyone in the mansion got strange diseases and eventually died one after another. , even the owner of the mansion is the same.

Later, someone else bought the mansion, but everyone who lived in it would eventually die mysteriously... Later, no one dared to live in the mansion anymore. It is said that the mansion was occupied by a young man. The hostess cursed her, and residents nearby said that whenever night falls, they can hear the terrifying voice of a female ghost coming from there.

It sounds scary!

Everyone started to discuss.

"Let's go have some fun. It seems like you won't be able to go." Kasumigaoka Shiyu crossed her legs and said with a leisurely expression.

"What's so fun about this kind of activity! It's just some staff dressed up as funny and pitiful ghosts to scare the poor cowards. Hmm, only children will be scared!" Black Cat said hurriedly.

"Yes, yes! I'm not afraid of ghosts or anything like that. This kind of activity is too boring!" Yinglili also hurriedly agreed.

"Oh, but you look scared!" Shiyu said with a mocking smile.

"I'm not afraid.w!" "Yes, as a descendant of darkness, how can you be afraid of something like this that scares children!" The two retorted at the same time, but even Kirino could tell that they were scared by this reaction. , not to mention the sinister senior Shi Yu.

"If you're scared, just try to find excuses not to go. Anyway, you have to participate in this event as the last small event of this celebration!" Shiyu said.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Chen. As the leader of the club, the final decision-making power rested in his hands.

Shiyu stared at him, Kirino looked at him indifferently, and Black Cat and Erili looked at them with expressions of not being afraid at all, but very much hoping that Ye Chen would refuse to participate in this event... ...

Shiyu suddenly smiled and said: "Look, there is an introduction here. As long as men and women stay together in the mansion until the end of the event, they can get Cupid's blessing!"

Hearing this, Black Cat and Ying Lili's eyes lit up.

"But isn't that mansion cursed? Everyone who lives in it will die for various reasons!" Ying Lili said.

"That's just a story made up by the event planners to enhance the popularity and atmosphere. Do you even believe such a story to deceive children!?" Shiyu said with a smile.

"Uh..." Yinglili couldn't refute.

Therefore, the activity of participating in the courage test conference was decided.

In the evening, there was already a large crowd here at the event location.

According to the rules of the event, a group of two or three people can participate in the competition. They only need to walk from the bottom of the mountain to the mansion on the mountain within the specified time, and then stay in the mansion for a certain period of time. They will be the winning group of the courage test competition and receive generous rewards. If the gift is given to a male and female group, they can also receive special blessings.

"I heard that the courage test conference here is very famous, so I brought my girlfriend here this year!"

"This is your first time here. I suggest you take it easy. It is said that the actors here are super powerful and terrifying. Not one of them last year could persist!"

"So scary?"

"Yes, it is said that many men were frightened to tears, not to mention women... It was already very scary on the mountain road, plus that foreign hotel... Damn, that foreign hotel was really scary Yes!"

"Scared! This is my first time. Please tell me why that mansion is so scary. I still want to win this year's grand prize!"

"The atmosphere, props, sounds, various devices, and the sudden appearance of ghosts... I think this is the scariest dare test in all of Neon!"

"Mom, I'm scared!"

"Don't be afraid. Dad is here. Husband, what are you doing instead of comforting the child?"

"Here, wife, can we go back? I'm afraid too!"

While the contestants were discussing today's courage test meeting, on the other side, the members of the Animation and Game Research and Creation Club were engaged in another war, that is--

Yes, because the rules are for two or three people, the five Ye Chen must be divided into two groups to compete. Then, because there is only one male, Ye Chen, who is with Ye Chen has become the focus of everyone's discussion.

Shiyu took out the note he had prepared early in the morning and said that he was going to draw lots. Just as everyone was preparing to draw lots and divide into groups, Yinglili suddenly noticed that Shiyu had inadvertently showed an "`々evil" smile and immediately reacted [This is very possible] It was a trap prepared by Jiang Yu.

Then, Yinglili was determined not to draw lots, and the method she adopted was fine even if she thought of it on the spur of the moment.

"I don't believe my senior so much, senior said so sadly~" Shiyu showed a pitiful expression.

"I believe no one will believe a sinister woman!" Yinglili returned immediately.

"Tch!" Shi Yu was very unhappy when the blond defeated dog saw through the plan.

Finally, a simple and feasible method was discussed, that is, the four women represented the southeast, northwest, and Ye Chen randomly selected one without knowing who the southeast, northwest, and Ye Chen were. Then the one selected by Ye Chen would be paired with Ye Chen.

It's a very simple method, it's all about luck, and everyone agrees.

Ye Chen randomly reported a south, and then the black cat was selected by (hao Zhaohao).

So, Ye Chen, together with the black cat, Eiri, Shiyu and Kirino, began to participate in what some people rated as the most terrifying courage test competition.

However, no one expected that due to Ye Chen’s mischief during the event, the dare test event would really become Neon’s scariest dare test event!

The screen returned to the event. Under the arrangement of the staff, the contestants only entered one group every few minutes, so there was no teamwork. However, while Ye Chen and Black Cat were waiting, they had already seen Several groups had already run down crying, and some men even ran faster than the women. It was really embarrassing for men!

If men and women participate in this kind of activity together, wouldn't it be the best time to increase their favorability? You can run faster than your girlfriend, so how can you make your girlfriend so embarrassed?

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are women who take timid boys with them.

Then, it was finally the turn of Black Cat and Ye Chen. .

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