Infinite Creator God

Chapter 149 How Did The Cheating Organizer Award The |Couple Award! ?

"How is it? Are all the contestants here?" The leader of the event organization was also on site to confirm the personnel. Although such a strange thing happened, the leader couldn't believe it, but there were so many contestants. There is no guarantee that the leaders will not take it seriously if all the actors swear by it.

I would rather believe that it exists than believe that it doesn’t exist!

Of course, the safety of personnel must be ensured first.

"Leader, it's not good. According to our confirmation, it seems that there are still three people trapped in the mansion!"

"What!? There are actually people! What did you do? Why don't you start organizing people to go look for people?"

"But the leaders and the people below were all frightened...

"You have to go even if you are scared. How can you leave the contestants up there!"


When the organizer quickly organized a group of talented people to go up the mountain, they discovered that the last three participants, namely Ye Chen, Kirino and Black Cat, had come down.

Because Kirino's ankle was injured, Ye Chen carried Kirino along the way (Delete 200 words)

On the other side, Black Cat looked at Kirino with some displeasure, but because Kirino was injured, he couldn't say anything and just followed Ye Chen down quietly.

Seeing the last contestants come down, the staff also breathed a sigh of relief. On the one hand, they were glad that they didn't have to go to any scary place. On the other hand, they were also glad that this event had happened. Although all kinds of strange things happened, in the end all the participants Still safe.

Just as several staff members were carrying towels and water and were about to go up to ask for help, a pair of figures quickly rushed over!

"Sir and two ladies, are you in a group? What happened up there? Why didn't you come down until now? Have you encountered ghosts, skeletons and other monsters?" The reporter's super-fast news sense still responded. Ability, as well as a series of questions, completely stunned the staff on the side.

Ye Chen said helplessly: "Mr. Reporter, I don't know what to answer to so many of your questions!"

The reporter seemed to feel that the interviewee would be at a loss with so many questions. When he was about to apologize and ask again, the staff immediately gathered around him and brought tea to help him wipe away his sweat. The whole scene was in a mess.

"Okay, stop, don't you see there are still injured people here? Kirino's ankle is injured, do you have a doctor here?" Ye Chen immediately shouted with some dissatisfaction.

"Oh--yes, yes, please come here." The staff was stunned and immediately led Ye Chen to the temporary treatment center.

The doctor checked Kirino's injury, and said to Kirino who was still a little worried: "Don't worry, madam, your sprained corner seems to have been treated, and the treatment is very good. You only need to rest for a few days." ”

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Let me tell you, just give it a massage and it will be fine. I'll see you looking worried and about to cry!"

"I'm not crying!" Tongno retorted immediately, but her attitude softened immediately. After struggling for a while, she said coyly: "Thank you, thank you, senior.

"It's okay. You are also my lovely member. When you have difficulties, shouldn't you give me help in time?" Ye Chen said with a smile, but in the end he took a breath of cold air. The black cat behind him was pinching Ye Chen's flesh with no expression on his face.


"Oh it's all right………

"Ah, Ye Chen, Black Cat and Kirino, you are finally down. I knew you were fine." At this time, Shiyu and Eiri also came over.

"Senior sister and Eiri, you really came down early, but you actually left another teammate Kirino alone. You are really unqualified teammates." Ye Chen said.

"Yinglili is not a primary school student who was so scared by ghosts. She ran so fast that she almost broke her legs trying to take care of her sister!" Shiyu sighed.

"I'm not scared to death. Don't slander others in front of everyone!" Ying Lili exploded.

The black cat knocked his hand, and said as if he suddenly realized: "Sure enough, the person we saw crying in the corridor was you Yinglili... Those ponytails are really too conspicuous...

After hearing this, Yinglili blushed and was speechless.

Ye Chen also smiled at Ying Lili and said: "Ying Lili, you have to make a good draft before you refute next time. How about wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes first?"

"!!" Upon hearing this, Yinglili started wiping in a panic. Everyone laughed, and Yinglili immediately became even more dissatisfied.

Everyone gathered together to discuss:


"So, Kirino was so frightened that he ran into that room.

"It's not a panic, it's just a strategic retreat!"

"But our president is really awesome. He was able to save Kirino in that situation. Senior sister really wants to be saved once~"

"Huh, no one will save the dark senior sister, let her fend for herself!"

"Yinglili - be careful I tell you all about your state after you burst into tears -" Shiyu looked away at Yinglili with a dangerous look.

Yinglili froze again.

"By the way, are those monsters you mentioned real? Why didn't I see any of them!?" Black Cat asked, then seemed to think of something and stared at Ye Chen. She remembered that when they were two people , there was a short section where Ye Chen’s movements were a little weird... Moreover, my duo did not encounter any so-called ghosts...


"You didn't see it? What good luck. If you had seen it, maybe Yinglili No. 2 would be born!" Shiyu said while looking at Yinglili.

.........." Ying Lili did not dare to refute this time.

"It's really terrifying!" Kirino also sighed.

"Black cat?" Ye Chen seemed a little uncomfortable being stared at by the black cat.

"Senior... The eyes of the Dark Familiar are unmistakable. You must be hiding something!" Black Cat lowered his voice and said to Ye Chen.

At this time, Ye Chen discovered that the reporter had not left, staring at the five people, especially Ye Chen. "It seems that he really wanted to interview the last owner."

Finally, after the organizers’ research, the Daring Test event was declared over. Because such a strange incident happened, the organizers were a little unprepared. However, after their research, they decided that the grand prize should still be awarded. It happened that the last three people who came down were the same. Belonging to a club, they simply awarded the grand prize to three people, and of course there were so-called blessing gifts for couples.

The cheating organizer directly handed it over to Ye Chen and asked him to choose one to send away. Then, noticing the eager eyes of four pairs of people around him, Ye Chen ran away.

Damn it, how did you, the organizer, distribute the prizes!? Do you want to organize a Shura field?

In this regard, the courage test conference came to an end "successfully". .

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