Infinite Creator God

Chapter 153 To LoveるInteresting Facts

Thanks to the halo effect of Game Ghost and the vigorous promotion of JUMP, ToLOVE has already become popular before it was released. After seeing the promotion on the official website, many fans of Game Ghost, especially otakus, are gearing up to buy a copy. .

Of course, in addition to the fans of the game Kishin, there are also quite a few fans of Eri Kashiwagi who are also confused and ready to rush to the market to buy a few copies of it!

Yes, I was confused, because in the promotion of JUMP, Eri Kashiwagi was not highlighted, but the comics about the cooperation between game ghosts and gods were vigorously promoted. This is quite understandable. After all, Eri Kashiwagi is only in the industry (book world) He is just a relatively famous painter. Although his painting skills are good, the audience is only a small part of the audience, which is far from the wide range of game ghosts.

However, Eri Kashiwagi’s fan base cannot be underestimated. After a fan suddenly discovered that Eri Kashiwagi was going to collaborate with Yukigami to produce a comic and notified the fan base, the fan base suddenly exploded.

"What's the "840" situation? Why did Mr. Eri Kashiwagi suddenly start drawing serious comics? There's no news at all!"

"Yes, and we are still cooperating with the game ghosts, that's it!"

"What's even more amazing is that it was published in JUMP, the comic magazine with the largest sales in neon! Can you believe that the comic artist has reached the pinnacle of his life as soon as he was whitewashed!"

"The new work seems to be a fantasy campus youth love drama. When did JUMP release a series of this type? Aren't they all about passionate battles?"

"Maybe it's because of the game Kishin... He's been so popular recently! Besides, I'm a fan of Madoka Magica!"

"Me too!"


"It's a pity that there are so few Madoka books now... Although the animation is touching, there is no male protagonist!"

"Hey, your topic has gone off topic!"

"Many of us have sent a lot of questions and messages on her Weibo, but Teacher Eri Kashiwagi hasn't replied yet. Has she been drawing new comics recently..."

"No matter what, the new book is released, so be sure to support it! Although it is no longer a book, I hope it can be beneficial. After all, the women drawn by Eri Kashiwagi are so beautiful!"

As the most neon boy comic, JUMP magazine is of course placed in the most conspicuous position in bookstores, and the cover of the latest issue has attracted the attention of countless people!

This is the first issue of ToLOVE serialization, and JUMP is very proud to use a color page of ToLOVE stone as the cover, and that color page is officially a lesbian in the bathroom!

A beautiful alien princess - Lala!

In Yinglili's writing, (deleted) shows a temperament that is different from her body, her pure expression and crystal clear eyes, like a girl's eyes, lively, cute, innocent, and holy .......But the temperament is pure and innocent. These two contradictory but perfectly combined characters were drawn very well by Yinglili!

She has an innocent and cute expression with a confused expression, but her plump body can instantly arouse a man's desire... This picture is already in the book, but what makes the otaku hate it is that Key parts can always be covered up cleverly, such as Lala on the cover, which is blocked by Lala's tail underneath.

As a book artist, Yinglili obviously knows how to express a beautiful woman, so almost everyone who sees this cover will be attracted to her.

Soon, a crowd of people gathered in front of the JUMP comic magazine:

"What did I see? JUMP changed its strategy and drew cartoons that sell meat?"

"Holy crap, it's really true, but the painting is so great. Which painter is so good, Eri Kashiwagi? I haven't heard of it!"

"It's a comic cooperating with Game Ghost. I've been looking forward to this for a long time! Boss, give me a copy!"

"No matter what, I want to buy it too. Just because of the cover, I think it's not a loss to buy this issue!"

At this time, another group of people rushed in from outside.

"Get out of the way, the Eri Kashiwagi fan group is here to clear the dungeon!"

"Boss, give me 100 copies!"

"Holy crap, who are you? If you buy so much at once, we won't be able to buy it anymore!" The remaining people were anxious.

The aura of the game ghosts is indeed powerful. In the new week, the magazine's sales increased by more than 15% compared to the previous issue, which made the leaders of JUMP Comic Magazine very happy.

However, the reviews for this new comic are mixed. Some people like it and say that this is the only comic that can be read in the entire comic magazine. Some people who don't like it say that ToLOVE has lowered the taste of JUMP magazine and is based on passion. This suddenly appears in a youth-themed comic. It is too out of place and is strongly recommended to be axed.

Although sales are gradually increasing, ToLOVE's evaluation has been hovering in the middle, which has made leaders begin to wonder whether the increase in sales is due to the ToLOVE stone. After all, several popular comics in JUMP recently have reached the most critical level. At this time, sales should increase.

Moreover, some fans of JUMP have also begun to frequently send emails and other messages asking the magazine to stop serializing ToLOVE, otherwise they will lose these long-term loyal fans.


In any case, after ToLOVE was serialized for a period of time, the evaluation was still hovering in the middle, and the magazine received more serious protests from some fans, so they finally made a decision to suspend the serialization of ToLOVE.

However, I didn't expect that this would become the stupidest decision within JUMP magazine.

Because, as soon as ToLOVE stopped serializing the first issue, sales dropped by more than 20%. At the same time, the magazine received N times more protests than before.

"Holy shit, I just watched ToLOVE so wonderfully, why did it suddenly disappear!"

"How can I survive without weekly welfare coloring pages!"

"JUMP you are eating shit, why did you stop ToLOVE!"

"Even if it doesn't match your passionate theme, there's no need to stop it, ah, my lesbian, and my Yui Furutekawa!"

"I can't see my sister Yuuki Mikan and I'm worried about you!!"

As time went by, the protests grew louder and louder.

JUMP magazine is crying without tears. There are so many people protesting, but I didn’t see you voting for ToLOVE before. Why did you suddenly show up just after we stopped!

JUMP was very puzzled.

Deciding to discover the root cause of the problem, JUMP made up its mind and organized a special investigation team to investigate. After a careful investigation, JUMP discovered that ToLOVE is actually very popular, especially on the official website of the game Kishin, because of the special game produced by Hatsune. Because of the themed web page, 5.6 will also update information simultaneously with the comics, and even have mysterious interactive links, which attract huge clicks every day!

However, unlike the explosive fire of hot-blooded comics, ToLOVE's fire is somewhat quiet. Many readers who like ToLOVE, although they like ToLOVE stones very much, but because ToLOVE is a harem comic and there are too many welfare pages, So I’m embarrassed to vote for her, but readers who are dissatisfied with her straightforwardness will still secretly read this comic over and over again...

JUMP's in-depth investigation shows that the true popularity of ToLOVE is far beyond what can be seen on the surface! It is even not much different from JUMP's most popular hot-blooded comics.

JUMP is about to burst into tears. If you like it so much, why don’t you say a word? The reviews have always been in the middle but can’t improve. Then we also received a lot of protests, so the group

Now that it has stopped, you have all jumped out!

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