Infinite Creator God

Chapter 017 Rem’S Smile

Playing with a bunch of energetic kids requires more energy than ordinary people can handle.

At least Ye Chen, who didn't have much experience in taking care of naughty children, had a hard time coping.

Fortunately, Ye Chen can also use popular children's entertainment methods on earth to deal with this group of energetic children.

"I almost wanted to summon the junior shadow beings to deal with these naughty children... However, those things will probably only arouse the children's fear. After all, they are shadow monsters that can't even be seen in physical form..."

However, it was not without unexpected discoveries. For example, a slightly older little girl named Petra caught Ye Chen's attention. Although she was also an innocent little girl, she was different from other little girls. Fortunately, Petra seemed quite sensible and polite to people and things, which made Ye Chen very fond of her. For this reason, Ye Chen secretly took out the few lollipops left for her and gave them to her. He signaled her to hide it quickly, as he didn't have much left.

Seeing that Rem was still busy as usual not far away, Ye Chen looked at the children around him and suddenly thought of an idea.

Then, Ye Chen started whispering to the children...

After a while, Rem finally completed her purchase and came to Ye Chen.

"I didn't expect Ye Chen that you could actually get along with the children." Rem smiled when she saw a group of children around Ye Chen.

"Rem, I'm very angry right now!" Ye Chen said seriously.

"Huh?" Rem didn't know why.

"Didn't you agree to come here to have fun, but you left me alone as soon as you got here!"

"Rem... I still have work to do."

Ye Chen covered his head with one hand, looking like you were hopeless, and said: "Rem, you are really too serious. Look at your sister, she is either lazy or lazy. How much time does she have to work in a day? How leisurely , you should study more!"

Without giving Rem a chance to refute, Ye Chen continued: "So, now, you have to accept the punishment!"


"That's right, kids, come on!"

"Okay, come up quickly."

"Remlin, I caught you."

"Remlin, hurry up, stop him, the baby chicken is going to be caught behind..."

"Rem Linlin is really useless..."

"Behave well next time, Remlin~"

"Hey, hey, hey~" Rem, surrounded by children, suddenly became at a loss.

"Haha, little Rem, look, you can't even play a child's game!" Ye Chen looked on with amusement.

This is a game called Eagle Catching Chickens (don’t tell me anyone hasn’t played it as a child...). Rem is regarded as a hen protecting the chicks, and a little boy is played as an eagle. However, Rem obviously does not I have played a similar game. I stood there and had no idea what to do. I even had to be led by the children behind to protect the chicken. The chicken said: I still have to guide my mother to protect myself. This chicken is really good at it. very tired!

"I don't know if the rules are good or not." Rem said angrily. At this time, led by the children behind, Rem also roughly knew the rules and began to block the eagle.

The scene returns to Ye Chen's whispers with the naughty kids before the incident.

"Listen up, after a while, after Rem buys the things, follow my instructions. Last time I played a game with Rem."

"Hey -" one of the children was unhappy, "Ram is very cruel. Last time we wanted to play with Ram, but he was so cruel that we didn't dare to do it."

Well, it turns out there is a reason for having such a bad impression of Ram.

"Yeah, even though Rem doesn't look that fierce, she must be very scary when she's angry."

"Don't worry, don't worry, Rem will never be as fierce as Ram. You actually don't know Rem. Don't look at him who seems to have a cold face all day long. In fact, Rem is very lonely in her heart, so, Feel free to go."

"Okay... let's give it a try..."

"Hmph, if it makes Rem happy, I'll tell you another fun game."



Then, a "dirty" underground transaction was completed.

Seeing Rem being taken away to play by the children, Ye Chen looked relaxed: he could finally have a good rest.

However, before my butt was hot, the little girl Petra came over.

"Ye Chen, come too." As he said, he pulled Ye Chen and ran over.

At this time, Ye Chen noticed that a little girl with blue hair who had run away shyly came over holding a bald gray puppy.

"Woof woof woof!!"

The puppy stared at Ye Chen, as if facing an enemy, its eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and it kept barking.

Ye Chen felt that if the little girl hadn't been holding the dog, the crazy puppy would have rushed over and bit Ye Chen severely.

However, it was just a puppy, and Ye Chen didn't care.

Then, Ye Chen looked at the little girl again.

The little girl seemed a little shy and lowered her head again under Ye Chen's gaze.

Unlike other little girls in the village, this little girl seems to be quite shy and not very lively.


"Ugh... This, this is really bad. I actually forgot the time. How can I explain to my sister when I get back..."

It was approaching evening, and the red sunset connected the sky and the earth. It was so beautiful. However, Rem did not feel any romantic atmosphere at all, and just murmured without tears.

Although at first she was very concerned about time and wanted to go back, however, being infected by the pure joy of the children, Rem gradually integrated into them and played happily together.

Ye Chen felt that Rem had been very tired and spent every day seriously. The problem was that she was too serious!

In Ye Chen's eyes, Ram is a lazy sister who can be sad. Although she is sad, she still lives a happy life. However, this sister is omnipotent and is several times better than her sister in everything she does. She is a "capable" sister in every sense of the word. But it seemed like there was some heavy burden that kept pressing on her, and she couldn't see her heartfelt smile at all!

Today, it was very rare to see Rem playing with a child until she lost track of time.

"Rem, life is like this. It's not just about working hard, being a little lazy, and spending the day lazily. It's also a kind of life. In this regard, you should learn from your sister. No, your sister is too lazy. Already..."

"Pfft..." Rem smiled, "You're not allowed to say that about my sister. What about you, what kind of life do you want?"

"Me? That's not easy. I hope to spend every day lazily!"

"Then I can't imitate you!"

At this time, Rem's smile was so beautiful...

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