Infinite Creator God

Chapter 172 Sacrifice Ceremony (2/4)

Ye Chen took it to heart when he heard Kaori Saeki's last-minute questions.

Originally, he felt that it was inappropriate to take away Minase Taki's "XX Bible" without taking any subsequent measures. Originally, Ye Chen wanted to go to Minase Taki's house last night. But something happened temporarily and it was delayed.

But he didn't expect that today, he would learn about Minase Taki and Imari Kurumi's unexplained absence from school. Ye Chen felt that their absence from school might have something to do with him or the XX Bible, so Ye Chen was planning to go there now.

With Ye Chen's authority as the current chairman, Ye Chen quickly found out the home of Minuse Taki. At the same time, his childhood sweetheart, Imari Kurumi also lived next door to his house.

Before going, Ye Chen also went to check on Guanyue and Sha's condition.

When I walked into the chairman's office, I found that Kanyue Hesha was studying day and night, and even the beef rice that was set aside and was a little cold was untouched. (Tuan Chen has already arranged for the delivery of work by a trustee.

If there is one thing that this three-nothing girl Guanyue Hesha cares about, apart from magic, it is Ye Chen. Therefore, Guanyue Hesha, who noticed Ye Chen's arrival, quickly said hello to Ye Chen

"Is there anything you don't understand?" Ye Chen smiled and picked up Guanyue Hesha and touched her head.

He Sha, who was killed by being touched on the head, showed an expression like a kitten and said: "Yes... yes, I understand, and... the magic book... is so magical... it will automatically explain………"

"Of course, this is a magic book I made. For those who are allowed to read it, if they encounter something they don't understand, they will explain it. Of course, not everything will be explained, but some key points. If there is anything else that is not clear, If you understand, just ask the teacher!"

"Yeah... Hesha, I will

"Also, what can you do without eating? If you are found reading without eating next time, you will not be allowed to learn magic again!" Ye Chen suddenly took out his trump card.

Sure enough, Sanwu was a little panicked and quickly opened the lunch box and said: " time, I on time..."..." As he said that, Hesha started to eat. box lunch.

Ye Chen touched He Sha's head again and said: "Okay, eat slowly, don't choke! I just scared you, but you also need to know that learning magic requires not only your brain, but also your body. It’s very important. Without a healthy body, how can you have the energy to learn magic? Moreover, some magic places a heavy burden on the body, so remember to exercise on the basis of eating well and sleeping well, you know?”

"I know...Teacher...Hesha, you will be obedient..." Hesha said, and then murmured in a voice that only she could hear, "She's like a sister."

However, although the voice was very soft, it was still heard by Ye Chen, who had strong hearing, and said: "Well, what did you say?"

"" He Sha buried her head in her food, not daring to look at Ye Chen.

"Okay, I have something to do and I'll leave now. You can eat slowly. I may come back later in the evening. Remember to have dinner!"


Soon, Ye Chen arrived near Minase Taki's residence, but found that the atmosphere nearby was very strange and quiet.

Although it was time to go to work in the afternoon, no one was normal in this relatively remote residential area. However, with the sensing ability of a high-level thief, Ye Chen could feel the abnormality of the atmosphere here.

"This feeling is a magic circle...and it seems like some kind of ritual is going on..." Ye Chen frowned and recalled the ritual magic in the XX Bible. Most of it was missing. What a good result...

Soon, Ye Chen pushed open the door of Minase Taki's house. The door was not locked and opened as soon as he pushed it.

Things in the house are a bit messy, and there are even broken flower plates lying on the ground, as if they have experienced something...

When he walked into the kitchen, Ye Chen found that there were a large number of chickens, ducks and small animals in the kitchen, but they were all corpses and there was blood all over the floor. Judging from the situation, it seemed that someone was collecting blood! And he seemed to be a novice and very unskilled. , this can be seen from the blood all over the ground!

"Blood donation ceremony?" Ye Chen frowned and quickly found a backyard warehouse based on the traces of blood.

Donating blood in the backyard tastes even better!

Ye Chen pushed open the warehouse door.

Inside, there is a bright red world!

On the floor of the warehouse is a magic circle made of animal blood. The magic circle emits red light, illuminating the entire warehouse in bright red, which is very scary!

In the middle of the magic circle, there was a temporary altar built with wooden chairs, and on it lay a woman in school uniform—Imari Kurumi!

It seems that although Imari Kurumi was used as a sacrifice, she was not harmed at all!

In front of the magic circle, stood a man wearing a school uniform. Of course, he was the person Ye Chen was looking for—Taki Minase!

However, at this time, Minase Taki's situation was a bit strange, with veins popping up all over his face and his eyes red...

Ye Chen looked at the magic circle, then at the man in front of him, and said: I see, are you summoning demons in order to gain power... I have to say, it's really stupid, let alone the blood of various animals. It will greatly reduce the success rate of the summoning, and even if the summoning is successful, is it possible to make a deal with a demon? Is it [a demon?" He also said to Taki Minase.

Ye Chen has basically guessed how things developed. Minase Taki was dissatisfied that her book was taken away, but felt that she could not beat Ye Chen who had magical power, so she thought of the summons she had seen in the XX Bible. Ritual, trying to gain power through ritual.

However, the half-hearted ritual made the summoned demon furious, and soon possessed Minase Taki through demonic means, controlling his body, and then met the demon who came to visit him. Imari Walnut.

A pure virgin happens to be the best sacrificial material, which can make up for the losses caused by the demon through incomplete summoning.

The current situation is just when the devil is about to perform the final sacrifice ceremony (of Li's).

Minase Taki, who was possessed by the devil, glanced at Ye Chen expressionlessly, let out a terrifying sinister smile, and then said: "Look what's coming...a little reptile, it seems to know The ritual thing is interesting!... It's a pity that the one who came is a dirty man, not a woman, let alone a virgin, otherwise it would be the best material... But, man, I'll take you Use it as a gift."

Ye Chen raised his eyelids and sneered: "A demon who can't even come down in the flesh, only has a trace of spiritual possession, what can you do?"

The possessed Minase Taki laughed sinisterly again: "Reptile, it's enough to deal with you!"

"You low-grade, dirty devil, feel free to use whatever tricks you have. It just so happens that I also want to see the tricks of the devils in this world!"

"Giggle————, I'll let you see it!" As he said that, the demon stretched out his arm and pointed it at Ye Chen, and at the same time began to recite a spell in his mouth.

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