Infinite Creator God

Chapter 200 What A Perfect Game!

"Hey, what's going on with you guys? You're so quiet. Don't you usually scream about how good this game is and how rubbish it is, and then sprint away as soon as you get off work? Why is there no movement at all today?" An employee opened the door. At the door of the game evaluation studio, I found that all the evaluators were wearing headphones and playing the game attentively.

He didn't pay any attention to the visitor.

"Hey - are you listening?" the employee shouted in confusion, but still no one paid attention to him.

"You don't have dinner!?"

As soon as he said this sentence, he heard one evaluator's stomach growling in protest. Then, it seemed to cause a chain reaction, and the stomachs of other evaluators also began to growl.

"I'm lying on the grass... I'm so hungry... Who the f*ck, hurry up and get some food!"

"Who has time? It's too late to play games. Damn, I haven't eaten lunch yet! I'm the one who's starving to death."

"Fuck you, Fatty, Fatty won't be the first one to starve to death!"

"This is not a game, it's simply a work of art! What a shocking work of art! I feel like I don't want to sleep today, I want to continue playing games!"

"I have never encountered such a fun game in my life! This picture, this scene, the battle! The game ghost really makes me kneel down!"

"I just look at the scenery. 503TMD didn't expect that the scenery in a game can attract me so much!"

"I joined the Brotherhood in Snowrun City, and there are actually werewolves there. Have you joined? You can transform into a werewolf. Your style has changed drastically! It's so handsome!"

"That's nothing. I want to learn magic. After getting the information, I will go straight to the Winter Castle of Skyline Magic Academy. The buildings of Winter Castle are so shocking and so handsome. You should all go and see it! It is indeed a city of magic. In addition, That magic, damn, I saw no less than thousands of magics that can be learned! It’s too exaggerated. This game actually has so many magics. Isn’t balance considered? I didn’t know which one to learn at first. Fortunately, in winter I found recommended magic combinations in some of Fort’s books…”

"What do you mean? Have you ever seen the battle with the giant dragon? The follow-up plot of Snowman City follows a large number of warriors fighting the giant dragon. The scene is really shocking. In front of the giant dragon, human beings are really It’s too small! Fortunately, I won in the end, and guess what I learned!? I learned Dragon Roar! It’s the skill that reverses the situation in the animation.

So powerful!”

"You know, I joined the Imperial Army and what I saw, there was really a battle! I am now (adcb) a centurion. After completing an important mission, I also met the Widow Queen. Damn, she is so beautiful. I wonder if I can eventually become the emperor and take her..."

"I joined the rebels with a trembling hand, but I couldn't stand the arrogant rebel leader, so they finally had a falling out. Now we are independent! We are ready to attack the rebel city!"

"Lying on the grass, can you still play like this?"

"Um, how come everyone's gaming experience is so different?"

At this time, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and then they realized that none of the evaluators seemed to have the same gaming experience.

"Could this be the so-called sandbox game, the most free game?"

"That should be it. You can do whatever you want in the game. There are no restrictions at all. You can go anywhere. Of course, if you don't have the strength to go to some places, you will be looking for death."

"Didn't you look at the task list? The ones with a star mark are the main tasks, which should be the plot tasks."

"Haha, I noticed it, but I am a task maniac. I want to complete other tasks before doing the main quest. But I, Cao Le, find that I can't finish the side quests! Haha, and some tasks are super interesting, so I don't care about the main quest. Mission accomplished.”

"Tell me, how many points should we give this game?"

"Needless to say, full marks! Who dares not to give full marks to CNM? Who am I?"

“Full marks!”

“Full marks!”

“I feel that even a perfect score cannot express my love for the game!”

"Yeah! I've never played such an excellent game. If I have to say it's not good, it's that this game is so perfect. I don't know how to find fault..."

As if to express their love for this game, a group of reviewers began to share their game experiences frantically.

At this time, Pan G walked over tremblingly, holding on to the wall, and everyone noticed him.

"Boss, you are finally here."

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"MD, I haven't eaten anything all day long, I'm starving to death——!" Fatty G said with difficulty.

Another person who is so attracted by the game that he forgets to eat...

Of course, in addition to STUUE, Ye Chen also sent the game to FAMI, Neon's largest game magazine, and OGN, the world's most famous game website, waiting for their game reviews.

The next day, Ye Chen received a personal phone call from STUUE’s G Fat, saying that STUUE had agreed to Ye Chen’s conditions and would add more resources to the situation on the original basis!

Then, before Ye Chen could calm down, he received messages from several people in the club.

Black Cat’s message: “Congratulations to senior for another great game. I’m so excited. However, it’s a pity that our club didn’t participate too much in the production of this game. Also, senior, the promotional animation has a girl with cat ears and a cat tail. , I’m very curious, can you introduce it?”

A message from senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiha: "Congratulations on Junk-kun's new work. The promotional animation is really great. Although I don't play games very much, but after watching this animation, I want to play it in the future~ I hope Junk will play it next time Can you come to my house and teach me how to play the game step by step?"

Senior sister, the message you sent contains a lot of information. I don’t know how to answer it!

Fortunately, my senior has not noticed that the female warrior holding a sword and shield in the animation is based on my senior. She is a long, straight black character. In addition to beautifying her face, her personality , is a replica of senior sister...

Fortunately, the female warrior in the animation always wears a helmet...

Then came the message from Yinglili, first with a blushing expression: Chen, the character you mentioned based on me must be this magician! Right, blond twintails! It must be, but why They look so alike! How will I meet people in the future?

But Magic is really handsome. Hehe, I like this handsome character very much. Thank you, senior. Also, people are not so loli and their chests are not so flat!

It ends with an angry expression.

Okay, Eiriri, you are being arrogant again. It is obvious that the female magician in the promotional animation has a bigger chest than you...

Of course, there is also Kirino’s message: Senior, I saw the promotional animation for the new game. It’s really great. You’ll be tempted to play it just by looking at it. Can you introduce the game in detail? The information on the official website is too good. Less, I can’t wait to find out.

Of course, there is also a message from Kyousuke, a message of congratulations. .

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