Infinite Creator God

Chapter 203 Unexpected Materials (4/4)

The activities of teaching beauty | girls swimming are still going on, just as Ye Chen expected. Because Elf is really a beginner, just changing the water has consumed most of her energy, so those expected Nothing happened that could naturally connect closely with the heroine's living skin.

However, just as Ye Chen was taking Ilf to play in the deeper area, suddenly, he sensed something. Then, Ye Chen smiled, and then suddenly picked up Ilf, who was still swimming as a scholar.

Ilf was startled by this sudden movement, (200 words deleted)

While thinking about it, Ilf's face turned even redder, as if she remembered something embarrassing, and said: "Could it can't help it anymore and want to be here!?" Ilf looked back and said, Only then did I realize that the two of them were really far away from the beach.

Then, Ilf's face turned even redder, and she even panicked...

"Um, the ultimate shadow... what is the purpose of dragging the beautiful girl with lust into such a deserted place..."

With a snap, Ye Chen flicked Ilf's forehead.

"It hurts!" Ilf's eyes were filled with tears.

"Although I don't know what this beautiful girl is thinking about in middle school, but it's probably not what you think. She just comes here to play an interesting game."

"Youyouyouyouyouyou——play?" However, Irv obviously hadn't escaped from the delusion yet, and even waved her hands in panic.

Ye Chen ignored the delusional girl and said, "Then, let's invite our friends to come over and play."

"Hey, little friend?"

In Elv's confusion, Ye Chen whistled, and then, not far away, a sea creature swam over from a distance. The fins of this sea creature could be seen on the sea surface.

"Yeah, it's a dolphin!" Looking at Ye Chen's eyes, Irve was surprised to find that there was a dolphin about 3-4 meters in the distance. The dolphin looked at the two of them with cheerful eyes. He sped up and swam over, jumping out of the sea with a jump in the middle.

After a while, the dolphin swam to the side of the two people, touched them lightly with its small mouth, and then stopped on the edge.

"This is!" "?" Irv was speechless in surprise, staring blankly at the dolphin in front of her.

This dolphin was discovered when Ye Chen was teaching Ilf to swim. He discovered that there was a group of dolphins in the sea not far from the island. So, Ye Chen used magic to talk to the largest one among them. After a spiritual connection was established, the dolphin felt the kindness of humans, and Ye Chen promised to give it a good meal after playing, the dolphin swam over.

"You, are you really just a novelist? You can't be some hidden magician, right? This is your first time here. How did you make the dolphins in the sea come over?" Irv couldn't help but a series of questions. Questions, but as everyone knows, in this series of questions, Ilf has already guessed a certain answer.

"Is this a question..." Ye Chen held it while stroking the dolphin. The dolphin also swayed its body in a considerate manner, seeming to like Ye Chen's stroking very much. Seeing this, Elf couldn't help but stretched out her little hand and touched it.

"It's a real dolphin! This is the first time I've touched a dolphin so close. I never noticed them when I was here before!" This smooth feeling immediately made Elv fall in love with dolphins, and then she suddenly remembered something. , said, "You haven't answered my question yet. How did you get the dolphin to come over? You wouldn't really come over just by whistling."

"Yes, you can try it." Ye Chen smiled.

"Really?" Ilf was very doubtful, but there seemed to be no problem from Ye Chen's "sincere" face, so she whistled like Ye Chen, but of course Ilf had never whistled before. I couldn't blow it anymore, I only heard the sound of "plop".

When Ye Chen saw this, he couldn't help laughing. Elf blushed and hit Ye Chen hard, saying, "Don't tell me!"

"Hehe, this is a man's secret, you need to discover it!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"This is what women say to men, I think I've seen it in some novel!" Irv rolled her eyes at Ye Chen, and immediately put on another pose and said excitedly, "Humph, but there is nothing in this world that can You can't hide it from Lady Ilf's divine eyes! Just watch, Ultimate Shadow, sooner or later I will study you from beginning to end!"

"Oh, is it on the bed?" Ye Chen chuckled.

"You, you, you! What are you talking about? Huh, you are indeed a man, and you will do this kind of thing all day long!" Irve said in a panic, of course she couldn't show off the gorgeous pose just now.

"Okay, don't keep our dolphin waiting for too long, let's go up. As he said that, Ye Chen hugged Elf and let her sit on the back of the dolphin. After feeling the movements of the two of them, the dolphin dived slightly. , Elf sat on it smoothly, and then Ye Chen also sat behind.

"`々Then, dear little dolphin, please take us for a swim. This is my first time riding a dolphin too~" Ye Chen patted the dolphin and said.

The dolphin called out, seeming to understand Ye Chen's voice, and then began to swim.

"It's amazing. I seem to really understand what you say. Now, tell me, you haven't been a dolphin breeder before, right?" Seeing the obedient dolphins, Irv liked it even more and wanted to keep one. A dolphin...043510303 Feilu021381581]

"Hey, that's because I'm so handsome that even dolphins are fascinated by me."

"Huh, being fascinated by a beautiful girl like me is enough!" Irv couldn't help but retorted, and laughed after she finished speaking.

"Wow - this is what it feels like to be on the sea, and you are riding a dolphin. It's really cool!" It's like driving on the sea, but it's a more high-end and spiritual dolphin, Irve I was so excited that I couldn't help but open my arms and pose.

Seeing Elf happily enjoying it, Ye Chen patted the dolphin a little and said: "Haha, go faster, our princess seems to want to feel right faster.

Hearing this, the dolphin began to speed up.

"Wow-oh-oh-so-great-this feeling!" Irv began to shout loudly, "Whoa-oh-so dangerous!!"

Because she was too excited, Ilf couldn't sit still on the dolphin and began to shake from side to side. Seeing this, Ye Chen hugged Ilf from behind and said with a smile: "Hey, you have to be careful when you are excited, otherwise It’s really going to fall.”

"Well...thank you, but it's really great. I will definitely add this scene to my novel.

"Then how do you explain dolphins?"

"Humph, of course you should give me the answer quickly!"

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