Infinite Creator God

Chapter 028 The Man Who Wants To Become Master

Rem became Ye Chen's exclusive maid.

With Ye Chen's request and Rem's consent, this matter was settled.

In the past few days, Ram has not looked down upon Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen didn't care. With the care of his exclusive maid, Ye Chen didn't know how comfortable he was these days.

What makes Ye Chen regretful is that although the time spent alone with Rem has increased greatly these days, under Ram's strict guard, the two of them have not had any in-depth contact, but their relationship has heated up a lot. quick.

For example, every morning, Rem would come over to wake Ye Chen up, help him change clothes, and prepare breakfast for him. At night, she would also accompany Ye Chen before he fell asleep. Although he had thought of sleeping with Ye Chen, Ram firmly disagreed and would drag Rem back to sleep with him every night.

Another important thing these days is that Ye Chen's mission in this world has finally been completed.

In fact, the mission started and was completed when Ye Chen killed the monster and left the village.

However, the system also gave Ye Chen a prompt, but Ye Chen was immersed in the communication with Rem and did not notice it at all. Then, the single-board system for artificial intelligence was missing and did not give Ye Chen a prompt afterwards. Ye Chen also Not found at all.

Until recently, when Ye Chen checked his status in the system, he accidentally discovered that the energy he had obtained in this world had exceeded 10,000 and reached a little over 20,000, and the task had been completed.

At this time, Ye Chen can already choose to return to the original world.

Ye Chen asked again if he could return to Earth, but the system reminded him that he could not travel through this world for the time being, which surprised Ye Chen.

I just got this mysterious system and took Ye Chen directly to the first different world. Now, there is no option to return to Earth!

Why exactly?

Ye Chen cannot know the reason without more information.

Ye Chen checked other aspects of the system's information and found that further repair of the damaged information actually required 100,000 energy!

This made Ye Chen, who had just gained more than 20,000 energy and felt a little rich, very depressed.

"Madan, it's energy energy again... This system needs energy..."

Of course, Ye Chen, who completed the initial challenge task, also received a reward, which is the complete magic system of the remaining world of gods!

This reward first strengthens Ye Chen's spirit and wisdom, allowing him to learn magic more easily, and secondly, it gains all the magic knowledge in the world of gods!

Unlike the advanced thieves ability and shadow ability, which are all abilities that are directly obtained at the beginning, magic requires Ye Chen's own learning and understanding.

Although Ye Chen could rely on Beatrice to quickly learn the magic possessed by Beatrice, Ye Chen discovered that although Beatrice's magic was powerful, the amount of magic power it consumed was terrifying! In addition, due to the magic system of this world, there are many restrictions on using the magic of the world from scratch in other worlds. Therefore, the magic of this world is not as versatile and practical as the magic of the world of gods!

The magic system in the world of gods is complex and diverse, including more than ten systems such as natural system, protection system, conjuration, prophecy, necromancy, etc. There are thousands of kinds of magic, which can realize various abilities and be used on various occasions. , almost all have usable magic.

Ye Chen took a look at some of the most advanced magics: Ultimate Destruction Sphere, Ultimate Darkness, Time Stop, Undead Catastrophe, Meteor Shower, etc. You can feel the horror of these magics just by listening to their names.

Of course, there are more powerful magics than these, but those are the various divine spells that can be performed after becoming a god, or some small amounts of divine spells that can be performed after becoming a demigod.

However, it is not without its shortcomings...

For example, the magic system in the world of gods is that if you want to cast magic, you need to memorize the spell model! The more advanced the magic, the more complex the spell model is, and the highest level magic made Ye Chen feel like giving up after just one glance!

The system suggestion is to start learning from the lower level.

Ye Chen always felt that the system was mocking his lack of IQ...

Fortunately, Ye Chen also knows that memorizing the spell model can be much easier with the help of the weapon spirit. But first, Ye Chen needs to find an artificial intelligence to repair the system's IQ!

"Let me see first, what kind of magic are there at levels 0-2... there are so many, magic missiles, fireballs, so familiar spells. Isn't this Master's signature magic? Well, other auxiliary magics look like Not bad, such as detecting thoughts, hypnosis, identification, shielding, etc. First pick a few that you feel are more useful and learn them..."

Then, Ye Chen turned on the student mode...

Another day passed, Rem got up early and finished the work she was supposed to do. After checking that it was almost time, she came to Ye Chen's room with a carefully prepared breakfast.

"Dong dong dong."

After knocking on the door gently, Rem waited for a moment and found that no one responded.

"Maybe I'm too tired. I haven't woken up yet. I seemed to have stayed up very late yesterday..." Rem murmured, "I'm coming in."

In the room, Ye Chen did not sleep on the bed as Rem imagined, but fell asleep lying on the table. There were many drawn papers in front of the table.

"Why are you sleeping on the table and not taking good care of yourself?"

"It seems that I will have to watch him carefully in the next night..."

Rem thought to herself, walking into Ye Chen and preparing to carry him to the bed to rest.

"Hey, what is this?"

After gently picking up Ye Chen, Rem discovered the paper on the table with some complicated models (spell models) drawn on it.

Since the spells in the world from scratch are very different from the magic system in the world of gods that Ye Chen learned, Rem was just a little confused and didn't think much about it.

However, Ye Chen, who was a bit obsessed with learning spell models yesterday, fell asleep very hard. Even if he was... by Rem, there was no sign of waking up.

Looking at Ye Chen's sleeping face, Rem thought: "Really, since it's so easy to sleep, don't sleep on the table..." As she said that, she couldn't help but...

But I didn’t expect that Ye Chen was not honest when sleeping (delete 500 words, see the work related for details)


Rem hugged Ye Chen gently...

This is also the job of a dedicated maid - Rem thought to herself with a blush.

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