Infinite Creator God

Chapter 055 Game Release (34)

After the incident of forcibly breaking into her sister's room, no, to protect her sister's innocence, the relationship between Ye Chen and Sagiri improved a lot, especially after knowing their respective hidden identities, Sagiri no longer remained silent all day long. He would still hide in the room and not go out, but sometimes he would invite Ye Chen to the room to sit and chat.

And Ye Chen also understood why his sister became so depressed.

All because of the sudden death of her mother, Sagiri became sad, and the aunt of the two guardians planned to take Sagiri out of the room forcibly, which also brought a psychological shadow to Sagiri, so Sagiri began to refuse to leave the room. , I don’t even write about my favorite paintings.

Later, I learned about the Internet and live streaming, and while I was drawing, I watched other people say things like how cute I was. Then I was encouraged, and I started live streaming my drawing online, and I also started drawing for light novels.

All in all, the improvement in the relationship with her sister is gratifying. Of course, the next step is to make Sagiri more cheerful and even go out of the room more often.

Although Ye Chen doesn't hate otakus, on the contrary, cute otakus are quite lovable. However, Sagiri's otaku is really shocking and she won't even go out for a meal! What is Sagiri? What kind of determination can you resist even hunger?

Ye Chen admires this very much.

Of course, this also made Ye Chen very worried, because Ye Chen felt that without him, Sagiri would probably hang in the room...

The topic returns to the game produced by Ye Chen. After some time of transmission, Ye Chen provided creative support, Black Cat provided character design, and the game created by Hatsune was finally uploaded to STUUE.

STUUE is the most widely used game platform in the world. It is a comprehensive online game product that integrates game publishing, downloading, buying and selling, and commenting. It is not only used by many players, but also because of its relatively fair game publishing and low platform sharing. , is also a paradise for independent game producers.

For example, Ye Chen has released several small games on this platform under the name of Ultimate Shadow. Although the games are simple, they are quite unique and have been liked by many people.

Although the overall rating of STUUE is not high for several games released, they are indeed very popular among players.

This time, in order to distinguish it from the previous games, he changed his name and uploaded it to STUUE in the name of the game ghost. Of course, because the accounts were the same, STUUE staff still knew that the two were the same person.

This time, as soon as his game was uploaded to STUUE, several members of the evaluation team noticed it.

"Oh, it's the Ultimate Shadow. It actually changed its name. It's called Game Ghost. Well, I like the games he made before. They are exquisite and unique. Let's see what the game can be like this time after changing the name. What a surprise.

"Oh, the game installation file is quite large this time. It's close to 2G. It's good. It's worth looking forward to."

The small games produced by Ye Chen in the past had no graphics, such as "Limbo", which is less than 100M. This size will make you think that this is not a game. Obviously this time it will be very different.

After the installation was completed, the game reviewer began his game journey.

"Oh, the graphics this time are very detailed. It seems that a special artist was hired. The music is also great. Although it is a 2D game, the graphics alone are worth playing."

According to the laws of RPG, the first NPC you see in the game will give you some basic tutorials to teach you how to survive in this underground world full of monsters. This game reviewer also thinks so and follows the game introduction. , but Xiaohua soon let him know that people's hearts are sinister, and the protagonist who did not evade suffered a fatal blow from Xiaohua.

In an instant, the protagonist is dying, and Xiaohua's second attack has already begun. There is no way to avoid it!

Just when the appraiser thought he was about to give up and start over, Mother Sheep appeared and saved the protagonist.

With the perfect decoration of the black cat's character and Miku, the sheep mother looks exceptionally beautiful, and the mother-like gentle personality soon made the evaluator fall in love, especially the daily life with the sheep mother, which is full of warmth.

But soon a conflict broke out, and the protagonist, who was determined to go out, and the sheep mother, who earnestly advised the protagonist not to go out, had to start fighting.

This battle was very difficult, with almost no possibility of winning. After the evaluator tried to be merciful several times to no avail, he was beaten to death by the sheep mother and quickly chose to kill her.

But what the sheep mother said before she died made the appraiser even more depressed and entangled.

Why must she be killed? Such a good character!

After playing for a while, the designer finally couldn't bear the psychological depression and chose to load the file, only to find that the game process was actually different from the beginning!

For example, what Xiaohua said after escaping Xiaohua's attack this time seemed to know why she wanted to load the file. For example, the sheep mother would directly choose the dish you liked for the first time. For example, the sheep mother said "`々What's that look in your eyes?" ?It’s like seeing someone who has died once.”

Fighting against the Sheep Mother again, this time, the evaluator decided not to attack, but the Sheep Mother's attacks were profitable and difficult to dodge. Soon there were only two health left, and she would die after being attacked once.

"Xue Te, don't you just read the file again..."

However, the evaluator suddenly discovered that all the attacks from the sheep mother would no longer attack him, and he would not be hurt even if he remained motionless.

However, after being merciful for more than a dozen times, it still failed, which made the appraiser wonder whether he had to kill the sheep mother...

Unknowingly, the reviewer has become obsessed with this game. The exquisite graphics, outstanding character design, and some settings in the game all make the reviewer feel that there must be something more amazing in the end.

Although he was mentally prepared, the Sans trial that appeared at the end still shocked the evaluator's mind. (Winner) "WhatTheFXXX!!" the appraiser yelled, shocking the colleagues around him.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Are you playing a rubbish game and can't stand it anymore?"

"What a garbage game? This is your blasphemy against this game. This is the most shocking game I have ever played so far. You, you, go play it quickly. Damn it, I have to play it a second time quickly." Because When fighting, it always feels like mercy (that is, letting the monster go without killing it) is troublesome. This reviewer obviously killed the mobs in the first game and only got a neutral ending.

Then, the next day, on the STUUE platform, this "Undertale" game was listed in the strongly recommended column on the homepage, with reviews attached.

As the world's largest game platform, STUUE has an astonishing number of visits every day. Soon, someone discovered the strong recommendation on STUUE, which triggered a game storm!

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