Infinite Creator God

Chapter 058 Home Girl Party 1.5

The black cat puzzle set by Ye Chen has stumped everyone. There are constant discussions on the Internet, but no one has ever been able to really solve it. This has also aroused the curiosity of many people. The Internet is full of expectations, hoping that someone can explain it. Puzzles to learn all about the story of this wonderful game.

There are even rich people who put a high price on the puzzle. If someone can solve it and tell him first, he can get a lot of money, making this puzzle and the accompanying game even more famous.

The people at the otaku party accidentally discovered that one of their netizens, "Chiba's Fallen Holy Black Cat", had the same name as the character who appeared last in the game, and they were completely upset.

The game "Undertale" is also very popular at otaku gatherings, but they didn't expect that a traitor would appear among their friends!

Yes, the black cat who participated in the creation of the character didn’t even say a word!

There is no reason to refute what netizens said, so Black Cat can only aim its gun at Ye Chen!

In fact, that set of numbers needs to be used in a hidden location in the real laboratory, and it needs to meet certain conditions before it can be opened. After using it, you will get some of the character pictures sent by Black Cat (some of which have been modified by Hatsune), including the game The true identity of the black cat is the giant catwoman set by the black cat himself!

"Don't worry, it's just an easter egg. By the way, you helped a lot in this game. Come and meet me sometime and I'll give you the money.


"You are one of the two major game creators! How can you do this without giving me money!?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm just interested and want to help. Black Cat is very happy to be able to play the game with his own character."

"How can this happen? I still want to ask you to create characters or something in the future. How can I be embarrassed to ask you for money from you? Besides, this game is now a big hit. You deserve it."

"Okay...but there is one condition."

"?" Are there any conditions for giving money these days?

"This weekend, accompany me to the maid shop I went to last time."

"Oh, yes, I can give you the money by the way. By the way, what are you doing?"

"...You'll know when you go there, no more talking, 88."

- Wow, you hung up on me right away. What's going on over there? Could it be that your favorability level has increased and you want to take the initiative to ask me out?

Ye Chen thought a little wanderingly.

In fact, the black cat over there was still being urged by people in the chat group to bring the game ghost over. He was even called by someone Saori Bajina knew online to urge him. The black cat couldn't stand the bombardment. I can only try to invite Ye Chen.

Then on the weekend, Ye Chen came to the maid shop invited by Black Cat and found that it was a party for otakus, and the quality of these otakus was quite high, and there were a few very good-looking girls, although they might not be as good as Black Cat. , but on earth, she is also a great beauty.

Later, Ye Chen also discovered Kirino Kosaka, and then he reacted.

"Hey, is this the first meeting between Kousaka Kirino and Black Cat in the anime? So, there is also Kousaka Kyosuke, ah, I saw it, I saw it, sitting aside." Ye Chen, who was looking around, immediately discovered Kousaka Kyosuke.

"However, as expected of this two-dimensional world, these otakus seem to be pretty. 2

Of course, especially the administrator of this online community "Otaku Girls Gather!", whose online name is "Saori Bajina". He is huge, has a handkerchief tied on his head, round glasses, and wears plaid long-sleeved shirts. The hem of his shirt was tucked into his pants, and he was carrying a large backpack with posters on his back, a standard otaku outfit. Calling himself "I'm here" calls others "XX"

, the sentence ends with "yes". But after taking off her glasses, she turns out to be a beautiful woman who values ​​friendship and is very good at taking care of others.

Seeing Black Cat and Ye Chen coming together, the members of the Otaku Gathering were excited.

"This is a game ghost, so young!"

"How did Black Cat meet you? I'm curious, can you tell me?"

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​making such a great game? I love it so much. I was moved by the plot and characters of the game several times and cried several times.

"Yes, there has never been such a game that shocked my soul. I was so moved."

"And what is the mystery of the black cat? I'm curious."

"Game Ghost, can you sign your name?"

"Yes, yes, sign."

0…Please give me flowers…

"I want it too. I want it too."

Suddenly, the otaku girls took Ye Chen as the main one, even squeezing the black cat out of the room, and the scene suddenly became messy.

At this time, the importance of organizers is shown.

Saori shouted: "Okay, okay, standing in a mess at the door of the store is not good, it will affect the store's business. We have already reserved a seat, let's chat while eating, we have plenty of time."

Then, everyone gathered around the table.

"Don't be anxious. It's our first meeting. Let's introduce ourselves first. Just use your online name.

Under the leadership of Saori, everyone gathered in the otaku group had a good time talking, but the topic shifted to Ye Chen several times, asking questions about Undertale games and game production. There were several questions. One of them also gave ambiguous hints, and the more powerful one, a little girl with a petite appearance, who seemed to be the youngest girl in the group, also gave Ye Chen a small note, which made Ye Chen sigh: The society today Are all otaku girls so open-minded?

Then, before others noticed, Ye Chen carefully hid the small note.

After that, Ye Chen chatted with the other girls at the party and signed autographs for everyone except Black Cat and Kousaka Kirino.

Ye Chen learned that Kirino Kousaka has not played any of his own games, so he is not too cold towards him. After all, the game has only been out for a few days, and the game type is not very popular, so it is normal that he has not played it, and Kousaka Kirino prefers GAL!

Overall, this small gathering went very happily, especially the arrival of Ye Chen made the gathering more meaningful.

After the party broke up, Saori found Black Cat and Kousaka Kirino to hold a second party. Of course, Kousaka Kyosuke was also invited. The reason was naturally that the two did not get along at the party.

Well, even though Ye Chen was brought in, the inertia of the plot has not changed. It seems that because of the arrival of Ye Chen, most of the topics have focused on him, making the usually silent Black Cat and Kosaka Kirino even more unsociable. .

Then, the fierce battle of the century between Black Cat and Kosaka Kirino once again refreshed Ye Chen's understanding of the word "venomous tongue". .

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