Infinite Creator God

Chapter 060 Eri Kashiwagi (14) (Please Subscribe)

Back home, Black Cat first locked himself in the room to prevent his two sisters from seeing it, and then opened the package nervously.

The first thing to open is the first small gift box.

Inside is the collector's edition of "Undertale" that Ye Chen asked the manufacturer to customize. It is a collector's edition among collector's editions because it is specially made for the producer Ye Chen himself and Black Cat.

The Collector's Edition, in addition to the game CD, also has a game manual, including game background, strategies, secrets, etc., as well as a collection of characters and illustrations. The characters are basically the original drawings of Black Cat, and some of them have been refined by Hatsune. , and other images such as illustrations and wallpapers produced by Ye Chen for Hatsune, all of which are valuable for collection.

Others are some small gifts, a mouse pad from a monster atlas and a small pendant for the spider girl, etc.

The city where Ye Chen is located has very professional companies that produce these things, and the prices are fair and the products are exquisite. Ye Chen, who has made a lot of money recently, certainly doesn't care.

In addition to that, of course, is Black Cat’s salary.

A total of 500,000 yuan is equivalent to the salary of ordinary local people working for two years.

In the past week, "Undertale", which has a huge reputation and gameplay, sold a full 200,000 units (sales data increased slightly with reference to earth data). Although this sales volume cannot be compared with some first-line masterpieces, it is It's already very good, and the game's high ratings also make people look forward to subsequent game sales.

The game sold for 150 yuan, excluding the platform's 30% share and 10% tax, Ye Chen earned nearly 20 million yuan in one week, and suddenly became a small rich man.

The payment of 500,000 yuan to Black Cat was the result of Ye Chen's comprehensive consideration. After all, Black Cat did not have a heavy workload and only made some character drawings. The salary of 500,000 yuan was actually high, but after all, where was the sales volume? , this salary is also considered reasonable. And although the two are familiar with each other, they are not girlfriends after all, and it is not good to give too much. In addition, considering Black Cat's family considerations (Black Cat's family is not too wealthy, and Black Cat sometimes goes to work), it is not good to give too much at once. In the future, when the sales exceed 500,000 and 1 million, you can give out red envelopes to increase your favorability.

However, it is a small amount of money for Ye Chen now, but it is a big income for Black Cat. If she works part-time, she may not have this income in three years!

Under the deposit slip, a handwritten note was left:

To Chiba’s Fallen Saint Black Cat: Your character design fits the game very well, which has greatly increased the sales of the game. Many people like the game because of the characters. Thank you.

PS: Your painting is very creative and imaginative, but it still lacks some firepower. I hope you can continue to work hard.

—— BY Game Ghosts

"Really, I actually left a note..." Black Cat picked up the note, read it several times, and then collected it solemnly.

"That's a lot of money. I'm rich! I can buy a lot of games and anime!"

While thinking about it, Black Cat opened the second gift box.

Inside the gift box are the clothes that Black Cat liked today but didn't buy because they were too expensive.

"Ah, sister is in a daze, what's going on?"

"Wow, what a nice dress!"

At this time, Black Cat's two sisters didn't know when they had opened the room.

Black Cat hurriedly put away her clothes, put on her sister's posture and began to lecture:

"Didn't I tell you many times that you have to knock before entering?"

"I knocked, but my sister didn't respond.

"Knock, knock!"

In the evening, Ye Chen received a letter of thanks from Black Cat, but there was only the word "thank you" and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Little did he know that Black Cat spent more than an hour writing this letter, writing, deleting, deleting and writing. In the end, he didn’t even know what he should say, so he just left these two words.

A few days later, the comic fan club started. After preparing the meal for Sagiri at home, Ye Chen came out.

However, when we arrived at the entrance of the comic exhibition, there was already a long queue of thousands of people outside, but everyone lined up in an orderly manner.

Later, Ye Chen found Black Cat and others.

"Oh, you're here so early."

"Yeah, it's a bit of a mistake to come so early and there are so many people queuing up." Saori answered while looking at the big bag Ye Chen was carrying and asked, "Ah, by the way.

What is this big bag you are carrying?"

"Oh, this, I almost forgot, this is for you, I specially made it for my friends."

0…please give me flowers…

Ye Chen took out the collector's edition of "Undertale" and gave it to Saori and Kosaka.

"Hey? Isn't there a black cat?" Kousaka Kyosuke asked.

"Idiot, I must have given it to you a long time ago! You slow guy, find something for me to discover!" Kousaka Kirino couldn't help but give Kousaka Kyosuke an elbow, which made Kyousuke scream in pain.

"Haha, that's right, a special collector's edition that only the producer has." Ye Chen laughed.

"Oh oh -" Saori couldn't help but look at the black cat, but she saw the black cat blushing slightly. When she was about to say something, the staff announced that the fan exhibition had officially begun.

Suddenly the venue was boiling.

"Oh, it finally started!"

"Finally I have waited for this moment [so I quickly went to find the teacher I like (Nan Normal University!"]

"Haha, Merulu, I'm coming!"

A few people started hanging out at the fan club together.

"Oh, it's so surprising. There is even fan art for the game "Undertale" that was just released not long ago!" Black Cat said to Ye Chen while watching.

"Really, the game has only been released for half a month..."

"The character design of the black cat is really good. I didn't expect the black cat to have such ability." Saori said with a smile, which made the black cat blush slightly, but she was also a little proud that she was the one who designed it. The game was a hit.

"Ah, isn't that Teacher Eri Kashiwagi over there? It seems to be her in person. I like her painting style very much. Go over and have a look."

Kirino Kosaka seems to have found a painter he likes, and said in surprise.

Over there, there is a girl wearing a hat, who looks young, sitting in her booth selling fan comics she created.

Under normal circumstances, although Kashiwagi Eri is a cartoonist, because of her young age, in order to keep it confidential, she is not responsible for the sales, but is sold by her mother. Today, because her mother was temporarily busy, Kashiwagi Eri dressed up For a while, he pretended to be an assistant and sold at the stall. Then, due to some coincidence, Kosaka Kirino met the real Eri Kashiwagi.

"Eri Kashiwagi... I seem to have heard that name somewhere."

Ye Chen thought to himself and walked over five. .

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