Infinite Creator God

Chapter 067 Student Union (44 Please Subscribe And Collect)

On the afternoon of the next day, when everyone came to the activity room where the house was almost bare yesterday, they were completely shocked.

A modern room appeared in front of everyone.

The entire room is divided into three areas, office area, rest area and entertainment area.

Walking into the door is the office area, which is also the largest area. The first thing that catches the eye and the most presence are two host computers full of technology, coupled with two 32-inch monitors, people can't help but want to play. , in the middle is a modern rectangular desk, but the six top-notch laptops of different models on the desk blinded everyone's eyes. In addition, there are not many necessary things such as water dispensers, cabinets, refrigerators, etc.

The entertainment area is dominated by a 70-inch LCD TV and a variety of complete game consoles. Of course, there is also a large sofa and a small table in front filled with various snacks.

Finally, the rest area is equipped with a simple isolation board, where you can rest, and there is also a wardrobe, where you can also change clothes.

What surprised Black Cat and others is that not only is the layout carefully and rationally arranged, but there are also many feminine things, such as some cute dolls, etc., so that women can also like this kind of studio.

03 Kosaka Kirino rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Is this still the club room from yesterday? Are you sure we didn't go to the wrong room?"

"I can't believe... I actually finished all these things in one day, and how much did it cost!" Kousaka Kyosuke was also surprised.

It did cost a lot of money. For example, the most expensive thing was the purchase of electronic equipment, which cost more than 200,000 yuan. Other things including installation fees, it cost almost 400,000 yuan.

Originally, Ye Chen contacted the installation company yesterday and showed them the installation information and time. The staff said that the time was too short to do it, and then they raised it to 2 times the salary. The company hesitated and said that they could work hard and then 3 times the salary. , if it doesn’t work, just switch to another installation company, and then the other party seems to have been beaten to death, promising to complete the task.

"Not bad, not bad. You can come here during your break. Well, it's so soft and comfortable." Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't notice anything, and looked around. Soon he came to the entertainment area and lay down on the sofa. The face looks casual.

"What a lazy senior. I'm very worried about future club activities." Black Cat looked at the senior and said. For this senior who usually exudes amazing temptation in every move, Black Cat felt a huge threat.

"This is Alienware's latest flagship notebook. It's so expensive. And this is Apple's latest notebook!"

Kosaka Kirino came to the work area and exclaimed while checking the computer.

"Alright, let's all get familiar with the activity room first. Let's choose a laptop. Many things in the club will require laptops in the future. By the way, you can take them home, but remember to bring them back the next day. This is a club item.”

"Senior, that's great!" Kirino held up the alien notebook that could blind one's eyes.

After a while, the five people sat on the sofa and played video games.

"But is it really okay to just play games like this?" Kousaka Kyosuke expressed doubts.

"Haha, what does it matter? Don't you remember the name of our club? Animation and Game Research and Creation Club. We are currently studying games!

"As expected of an experienced senior, there seems to be no problem with this explanation! But I like it."

Kosaka Kirino, who originally had no interest in club activities, suddenly felt that joining this club would be a good idea.

"Is that why we named the club the Research and Creation Club? What a terrible senior. He can even describe his lazy activities so openly.

Black Cat also complained.

At this time, the door of the club activity room suddenly opened.

"Students of the new club, I heard that you don't have enough funds here, so I came to see if you need anything... Um, where is this?" This is a girl with long, straight black hair and a beautiful appearance.

"President, I told you to knock before opening the door." This was an inconspicuous boy.

"Oh my, this club activity room... seems like it doesn't need our help anymore." This was a big-breasted beauty with long orange hair.

"Um, who are you?"

"Ah, isn't this the student council president? Welcome." Kasumigaoka Shiyu obviously knew everyone, and introduced: "You are already in the second grade, and you don't know the famous students here.


Kasumigaoka Shiha turned white, like Ye Chen, and introduced: "This is the student council president, Amakusa Shino, and this is the vice president Tsuda Takatoshi and the secretary Nanjo Tenku."


"It's gone, who else is there?" Shiyu said with a strange look on his face.

"Hey, did you forget that there is another person here!?"

Next to the student union group, there was a very short beauty named Li.

"Oh, sorry....."

However, Kasumigaoka Shiyu showed a confused expression, as if she really didn't recognize the Loli in front of her, and then said kindly, "Who is this elementary school student? This is a high school.

If you get lost, my sister can help you. "

The loli girl, the student council accountant Suzu Hagimura, exploded.

"You did it on purpose, you definitely did it on purpose. We just met yesterday. Damn it, come here if you dare!"

While talking, Hagimura Suzu yelled that she wanted to teach Kasumigaoka Shiu a lesson, but she was stopped by Tsuda Takatoshi.

"I'm sorry, senior sister's memory is not very good, so I didn't remember it."

Kasumigaoka Shiu stuck out her tongue to express her embarrassment, looking like a silly elder sister, which made Hagimura Suzu even more furious.

Ye Chen and the other four people also looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu speechlessly, all thinking silently in their hearts: He is really a devil!

After Tsuda Takatoshi's tireless persuasion, Hagimura Suzu finally regained her composure, put her hands on her hips and said proudly:

"Listen, don't look at me like this. In fact, I am already 16 years old, and I am a returned child with an IQ of 180 and 410. I speak fluent English, and 10-digit mental arithmetic is a piece of cake! I was chosen because of my talent. I am currently serving as the accountant of the student union!! How about "After knowing this, do you still dare to treat me as a child?!"

"But I feel like going to bed as soon as 9 o'clock in the evening." The student council president on the side still complained mercilessly.

"Isn't this a child?" Even Ye Chen couldn't help complaining.

"You bastard! You bastard bastard bastard!!"

"But I really can't believe it. I heard the teacher said yesterday that this newly established club activity room should have nothing. Due to some reasons, there is no funding. I didn't expect..." Nanjo Tenten sighed. road.

The student union was originally a good person, just to see if the club needed help, such as some necessary tools, etc. Even if there was no funds, the student union might be able to find some way to help, but when Shiyu Kasumigaoka interrupted, The topic has been distorted.

Later, after seeing that there were no problems with the club, he left.

"The student union seems to be a strange combination." Black Cat couldn't help but sigh.

"Not only that, when you know their true identities, you will be even more speechless."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to know something, she was so confused.

That is the famous pornographic student union, although not many people know the inside story...

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