Infinite Creator God

Chapter 083 The Truth About Magical Girls (4 More Updates, Please Subscribe~)

The seventh and eighth episodes of Puella Magi Madoka Magica are even darker and heavier.

The seventh episode mainly tells the story of the new character Sakura Kyoko, who is also a tragic girl.

His cup is mainly due to family reasons.

Sakura Kyoko's father is a pastor, but the beliefs he preaches are not generally accepted. Kyoko made a wish to become a magical girl in order to let more people listen to her father's beliefs. However, after her father learned that the truth about her widely spread beliefs was because of magic, his father became furious. Broken, killed her family and then committed suicide. From then on, Kyoko decided to use magic only for herself.

The eighth episode mainly tells the story of the protagonist Madoka's good friend, Sayaka Miki, who made a wish to become a magical girl in order to help her childhood sweetheart recover her unrecoverable left hand. However, she later learned the truth about magical girls, which made her unable to tell Kyousuke. Confession, but the sudden appearance of his love rival is his friend Hitomi Shizuki who saved his life, which makes him gradually depressed and mentally collapsed. He doesn't care about his own safety at all during the battle, and insists on not purifying the soul gem without asking for anything in return. It is no longer for the purpose of helping others but becomes a self-destructive obsession.

After that, despite the concern of Madoka and Sakura Kyoko, she still couldn't stop getting into trouble, and even began to brew a curse. After hearing the conversation between a bunch of scumbags on the train, Sayako finally collapsed completely. 227, her soul The gem was also completely shattered and changed, and underwent a shocking transformation.

"In this country, growing women are considered girls, so you who will eventually become witches should be called magical girls."

Kyubey's final words completely unraveled the dark world view of this animation.

At this time, the animation chat group Wang Fei joined was completely boiling.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect such an amazing transformation! I should have thought of it a long time ago!"

"With your intelligence, you can guess this!?"

"The shocking truth, I never thought that the final destination of a magical girl is to become a witch! It's so dark.

"Magical girl, witch, why didn't I think of the connection between these two simple words?"

"This is really a masterpiece! This animation has shocked me so many times!"

"As expected of the creator of the game 'Undertale', this animation shocked me once again!"

"Produced by Ghosts and Gods, the best product from Bitian!"

"I think the forum is going to explode tonight. This animation has become extremely popular recently. Now that such a shocking truth has emerged, I can't even imagine it!"

Wang Fei was also extremely excited, as if he had a burst of anger in his heart. He couldn't help but shouted at the window. After calming down, he opened the forum on his computer.

Sure enough, as Wang Fei expected, the forum was completely blown up. Not only the section dedicated to Puella Magi Madoka Magica was blocked, but even the entire Magical Girl section was blocked. Even Merulu, who posted a huge amount of posts every day, was blocked. None of the sections could withstand Puella Magi Madoka Magica’s brush.

"A shocking change. The ending of the magical girl is actually a witch. It is so shocking. Puella Magi Madoka Magica confirms that it is a masterpiece."

"It's definitely a masterpiece. The other magical girls are so weak! It's almost impossible to watch!"

"It's a shocking truth, but if you think about it carefully, there have actually been a lot of foreshadowings. Unfortunately, no one guessed it."

"Magical girls actually bear such a heavy fate!"

"QB: Sign a contract with me and become a magical girl!"

"QB must die!"

"Cut it down!"

"Cook it and eat it!"

"We have all kinds of QB recipes here! How do you want to eat it? Oh, one braised and one fried, what else do you want? Let's make soup for two. Please pay a total of 250 yuan in advance, thank you."

"I killed 5 QBs today. No thanks, brothers. This is what you should do!"

As one of the most popular animations in recent times, Puella Magi Madoka Magica's popularity has skyrocketed recently. Almost every episode is broadcast, the number of viewers has increased tremendously. And this time, even Neon Country's largest newspaper "Mainichi" Mainstream newspapers such as "News" and "Asahi Shimbun" have reported on this animation.

"Mainichi Shimbun": Recently, magical girl animations have become increasingly popular, especially after classic magical girl animations such as Merulu have achieved amazing ratings and returns.

Magical girl animations are popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain, but most of them are shoddy and made for the sake of making money. The low quality leads to the low quality of the overall magical girl animations.

However, the magical girl animation "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" co-produced by "Game Kishin", the producer of the full-scoring game "Undertale" by OGN's first independent producer, and an animation company, is different. Like a bomb, it completely shocked the magical girl animation industry, and even the entire animation industry is discussing this animation.

One thing I have to mention again is that when this animation was first aired, the officials were very bad. They initially exaggerated that they wanted to build a story that would warm people's hearts, and then the first two episodes were tepid. But in the third episode, a headless senior suddenly appeared. This change shocked everyone.

As the story develops, this animation has completely demonstrated its charm, with various subversive settings of traditional magical girls, which stunned audiences who are accustomed to the royal magical girl genre, especially the magical girl reported in the latest episode The truth has caused an explosion of discussion on the Internet. Almost all anime forums have been flooded with massacres by Puella Magi Madoka Magica fans. Moreover, the fierce discussion on the Internet has affected reality, not only in schools, but also on the roadside, This animation is being discussed in shopping malls, workplaces and other places. It seems that if you haven’t watched the animation, you are already behind the times!

Never believe the official propaganda, nor believe that you have seen through Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Madoka Magica's story will always exceed your expectations.

The editor is also an animation fan. I am confident that I have watched a lot of animations, and I firmly believe that I will not be impressed by Magical Girl animations. However, after watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica, I was severely slapped in the face. The plot of this animation is far beyond You can imagine, and the latest episode, even the editor was shocked by its cruel and dark truth.

It turns out that magical girl animation can be developed like this!

Beautiful picture quality, exciting battle scenes, and shocking game plot tension. If you like magical girl animation, or even don't like animation, you should check out the charm of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

"Mainichi Shimbun" still has a conscience in the industry. Although it praised Puella Magi Madoka Magica, it did not include too many spoilers. Some other small newspapers even gave a complete introduction to each episode and characters of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. In order to seize this hottest topic recently, these newspapers are also working hard. .

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