Infinite Cute King

One hundred and one, dispute

This question has completely stumped Saten Leiko. As a newcomer to the magic world, she still hasn't even figured out the concept of spiritual outfits—but, in her impression, the so-called spiritual outfits should be It is the kind of extremely powerful, exclusive weapon that can represent identity, full of representativeness and deterrence.

Saten Reniko thought for a long time with a sad face, and asked, "Are ordinary magician's spiritual outfits all magic staffs?"


After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Rui shook his head with a strange expression: "Speaking of which, I really haven't seen a few straight staffs, but most of them are sword blades, hidden weapons, etc. A better weapon, right?"

Jiang Rui recalled for a long time, except for Aleister's shocking staff, he didn't think of the second spiritual equipment of the staff type. In the end, it can only be boiled down to the uniqueness of the mages in the forbidden world.

Looking at the expression on the other party's pensive mind, Jiang Rui chuckled and said, "You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, before you become a teacher, I'm afraid you won't be able to use a high-level spiritual outfit. Take your time, but if you think you like it Type, remember to tell me in advance, I will help you pay attention."

"Okay!" Saten Ruiko nodded, expressing her understanding.

She still hasn't dabbled in the ability of gravity, but she has indeed made rapid progress in wind magic related to air flow. So what kind of weapon is more suitable for the ability to manipulate air flow?

Saten Reniko muttered in her heart, could it be, fan?

No, no!

Too LOW!

Jiang Rui sat beside the floor-to-ceiling windows, bent one leg and leaned against the wall, glanced at Saten Saten who was nodding for a while and shook his head for a while, and shook his head helplessly. His talent in magic isn't too bad, but compared to his little apprentices in the Forbidden World, the gap in aptitude is really a bit big.

I don't know if Elaire has grown taller now...

Sighing lightly, Jiang Rui shook off the extra thoughts, asked the great sage to retrieve the contents of the basic grimoire, and continued the journey of training his apprentice.

When Jiang Rui thought he was going to spend a few days in such a quiet way, who knew that just in the evening of that day, he received an invitation from Aleister.

Invite him to the closed building for a talk.

What about Synema! !

Jiang Ruiqi's nose crooked, I said I would do my best for you, you really dare to use it to your death, don't you?

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Jiuwei, who was quietly watching TV beside Jiang Rui, was keenly aware of his emotional fluctuations, and asked.

"Aleister is looking for me."

"He looks for you every day." Nine Tails said with a smile, "You two are almost becoming good friends working together."

"Oh." Jiang Rui rolled his eyes: "If you want to say embarrassment, I will take you as a compliment, but if you want to say friend... Tsk, I wanted to turn my face yesterday..."

"Hmm..." Nine Tails snorted softly, then turned his head suddenly and said, "Do you need me to go with you? I haven't met Aleister yet. If necessary, I can help you..."

Jiang Rui raised his head when he heard the words, and saw Ninetails turned his head seriously, and wiped his neck with one hand: "Aiwass may not be my opponent in the state of trying my best."

"Don't make trouble." Jiang Rui chuckled, feeling warm in his heart, but he still rejected Nine Tails: "Even if Aiwass is not yet finished, he is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but he is still a demigod, no matter how weak a demigod is... Is it stronger than your Sequence 5 peak?"

"Qi, how do you know..."

"Okay." Jiang Rui stood up and said, "Aleister wants to start the plan in advance. In this way, some things that we don't have to get involved in September will come earlier. The most important thing is that once the artificial heaven is leaked If it unfolds, magicians from all over the world will start a war against Academy City."

"The third world war may come earlier... This is not necessarily a bad thing. Fishing in troubled waters is often a good way to make war money."

"What if it doesn't leak?"

Hearing this, Jiang Rui chuckled lightly: "There are so many extraordinary people, how could it not be revealed.


Half an hour later - the building is closed.

Jiebiao Danxi stared blankly at her team leader who suddenly came out of the black hole. She was dazed for a long time, and suddenly said: "I suddenly wonder if I should retire. The vice-captain is obviously better than me."


Just as Jiang Rui wanted to taunt Aleister, he was overwhelmed by the sudden question.

I didn't provoke you, did I?

Tsk, girl... I don't know why.

Jiang Rui shook his head, wisely, he didn't choose to provoke the other party, but looked straight at the ladyboy who was spitting bubbles in the jar: "You look for me."

Jie Biao Danxi saw that the two were about to talk about business, so it was not good to continue to disturb, Zheng Neng gave Jiang Rui a dissatisfied look, and disappeared into the closed building with a whoosh, Jiang Rui couldn't help but touched his head in confusion, really I don't know where to provoke her.

"Other people's tasks are sent directly to the mobile phone. Why do you have to come to this place every time you come to my place? Why, do you have to face the saint?"

In the face of Jiang Rui's ridicule, Aleister's life support warehouse burst into bubbles, but there was no expression or rebuttal of dissatisfaction, but he calmly said: "You promised me before that you will participate in international missions .”

"..." Jiang Rui was slightly stunned, and slowly clenched his fists: "The whole Anbu?"

"It's up to you." Aleister said calmly, "What's the matter, you seem very dissatisfied."

Jiang Rui narrowed his eyes, his golden pupils tumbling.

The follow-up action of the Absolutely Abilities Plan is ahead, but you want to let yourself go abroad to perform missions...?

Is it a conspiracy against himself, or to prevent himself from interfering with Mimoto Mikoto and others?

But no matter what... Aleister has no good intentions for sure.

Jiang Rui lowered his eyes, but heard again: "Are you worried about Misaka Mikoto?"

Aleister's body hanging upside down slowly floated, and he opened his eyes.

"Don't you have a second body? Just keep him in Academy City. I won't do anything, but I just happen to have no one to use it."

"You tell me what the mission is first."

Jiang Rui's face darkened, and he interrupted Aleister's self-serving explanation, not to mention what the other party was planning, but listening to the other party's words, it was obvious that he was using him alone as two people, you bastard.

As the supervisor of the Absolutely Capable Person Project, he not only wants to recover and save Misaka sister who is still breathless, but as a person who knows the follow-up plan, he will inevitably help Misaka Mikoto save the remaining Misaka sisters, and then help Yalei Star sends her sister to best executors around the world.

In other words, if he delays his return from abroad, then for the time being, it will be assumed that Aleister has no conspiracy, and his clone will not be able to escape the fate of being sent by Aleister in Academy City, because Misaka Mikoto, he It was impossible not to participate in the action against Accelerator.

You're really crushing me to death, Aleister.

"Britain sent a request for help. As an ally, we must send trustworthy personnel..." Accompanied by Aleister's calm tone, a projection appeared in front of Jiang Rui, which made him tilt his head. Adjusted the standing posture and looked seriously.

"Oh? Then do I have to thank you for your trust?" Jiang Rui raised his eyebrows and looked at the virtual projection that suddenly appeared in front of him.

This place is... Jiang Rui quickly noticed the Russian text on the shop plaque in the picture.


Strange, what are the English Puritans doing in Russia?

I saw that the screen zoomed rapidly, turning into a red dot flashing on the map. Soon, Jiang Rui learned the specific method of the task, and went to the designated place to meet the corresponding magic association.

"It's not English Puritanism..."

Jiang Rui muttered to himself, Aleister really cooperated with the British royal family...

The magic society he wants to meet is not a British consultant, but a diehard loyalist of the British royal family.

"Oh, one more thing!"

Aleister's tone seemed to contain a hint of schadenfreude and said, "Because of the information given by your apprentice, Misaka Mikoto has accurately grasped the locations of all the laboratories involved in the cloning project, and two of them were destroyed yesterday—"


"So, since you provoked it, you have to deal with it, it's not too much."

"Aleister, do you have no one under your command?" Jiang Rui shook his body in disbelief, raised his head and said, "You mean to disgust me here on purpose? Shouldn't this kind of thing be done to avoid suspicion? What the hell do you want me to get up to?"

Having said that, Jiang Rui's heart is like a bright mirror. Aleister just wants to see himself and Misaka Mikoto tit for tat.

Even if he uses the identity of a vampire to be a villain, in the end, Aleister can still use the information that he is the vampire Lilith to split the friendship between himself and Misaka Mikoto at any time.

However, in Jiang Rui's impression, Aleister's policy of action is often to eradicate other people's desires and design others naturally, and rarely pursue other people's handles.

Or, is it because I think too much?

"Send someone else?" Aleister laughed softly, inaudibly: "Do you want to kill him?"

Aleister knows exactly what kind of person Jiang Rui is. Jiang Rui has great sages to assist in personality simulation calculations, and Aleister also has computer calculations to conduct behavioral logic analysis, so he knows very well that if other people are sent Go, maybe Jiang Rui will take the opportunity to solve it instead. While protecting his wife with strength, he will gain a wave of goodwill, and then feel disgusted at himself.

Instead of doing this, it's better to act first and leave everything to him before the other party disgusts him. As for how Limulu wants to act and how to deal with it, he doesn't care.

He, Aleister, is a person who only pays attention to results, and he is most proud of his style of acting by directing everything to the results he wants.


In the hospital, Jiang Rui's avatar was standing in front of the window, and on the hospital bed behind him, Kamijou Touma was carefully moving his strong arm wrapped in bandages.

"Your arm recovered quickly, don't worry, it's fine."

"It's amazing that an arm can be restored to this state overnight after a broken arm." Kamijou Touma lifted the arm hanging around his neck in disbelief, leaving Jiang Rui speechless: ...

He turned his head and looked out of the window again, thinking it's better to forget it, or not to tell him that he has the ability to regenerate his broken right hand...

"Bang bang bang."

Kamijou Touma: "Ah, please come in!"

"Hey! Hedgehog head! I heard that you are injured, I'll come—" Misaka Mikoto just walked in carelessly, seeing the blue hair by the wall, her voice suddenly weakened... "Ha...that... are too..."

"Good afternoon, Misaka-san." Jiang Rui turned around, her golden pupils swept over Misaka Mikoto, she felt a feeling of being seen through all over her body, she pushed back half a step guiltily, and quickly put the fruit basket on the On the table beside him, he woke up with a dry laugh: "Ha, next time... good afternoon, since I have someone to accompany you, I'll go first hahaha."

"Hey..." Jiang Rui sighed: "I don't believe you will come to the hospital specially to see Kamijou Touma, have you met your sisters?"

Misaka Mikoto stiffened her jade hand stretched towards the door, and said dryly: "You, you, you already know?"

"Stop lying to my little apprentice in the future, and come to me directly if you have anything to do." Jiang Rui said helplessly: "Do you know what reading that file means? How dangerous is it?"

"Is...really? Hahaha, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it so much for a while--" Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief, it's not as if she came to Xingshi to ask her guilt.

She destroyed two research institutes yesterday, and the information was obtained from Jiang Rui's authority and Saten Leiko's operation. In addition, Jiang Rui himself is a trusted official of the council, it's like she took advantage of a friend's It's like stabbing a friend's department backhanded by inside information, and you can see how much trouble it will bring to the other party when you think about it.

So although she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, she still felt guilty and guilty when facing Jiang Rui, but for things like Misaka's sister...she didn't want to ask for help——

That was the mistake I made when I was a child, trusting those shameless researchers...

"You guys, what more?"

"Recover well." Jiang Rui glanced at Kamijou Touma and said, "I will need your help in the future."

Immediately afterwards, he stepped forward, pulled Misaka Mikoto's wrist without hesitation, and said coldly, "Come with me—"

"Eh?! Eh! I know! Let me go first, bastard!" Misaka Mikoto blushed, staggered, and was dragged out by Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui dragged Misaka Mikoto straight into the ward next door, and further to the right was the office of Mingtu Zhuishun. It is conceivable how much Mingtu Zhuishun attaches importance to Kamijou Touma.


As soon as he entered the room, an electric arc erupted suddenly, and Misaka Mikoto pulled back his wrist with a flushed face, and rubbed the red marks on it in dissatisfaction——

This guy has great strength!

"..." Jiang Rui looked helplessly at the oxygen supply machine, electrocardiogram monitor, etc. not far away that were affected by the current flowing around, all of which had already emitted black smoke... Well, I guess I have to pay for the money ...

Reminiscing about his little money, Jiang Rui turned around and faced Misaka Mikoto and said, "How do you know?"


"How did you know about the plans of the Absolutely Powerful? Why did you suddenly come to me to find out about this? Aren't you always not interested in the dark side of Academy City?"

"Are you kidding, that involves me! And...and..."

And I thought it was just cloning myself, but... I actually cloned 20,000 people to slaughter...

That's 20,000 lives! ! !

"So, how do you know that it's related to you?"

Misaka Mikoto was startled when she heard that, and lowered her head.

Jiang Rui said indifferently: "Has Aleister already deliberately let Misaka sister go shopping? Impossible, if the Misaka sisters are allowed to move freely, then I will definitely know, so, who told you—— —”

"You bastard..."

The original shyness disappeared with Jiang Rui's words, replaced by anger and uncontrollable trembling, she clenched her fists, and the slightest electric arc shot out of her forehead-his gesture and words were nothing more than He admitted in disguise that he already knew about this matter——

This reminded Misaka Mikoto of the first night when they played as four, the two had an argument on the bridge that night——

"Sure enough, you know?"

"Ah, so, who told you—"

"So are you still planning to ask the teacher? Want to find out the informer and deal with it?"

Misaka Mikoto raised her head angrily, and the thunder and lightning on her bangs almost solidified: "You brought me here just to make me betray the person who helped me?!"

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