Infinite Cute King

One hundred and ninety-nine, unknowingly 200 chapters

On the other hand, Jiang Rui inserted the sharp blade into Ai Zali's chest without hesitation. Seeing the moment of blood spattering, Misaka Mikoto was completely anxious. There was a bang on Saten Leizi who had been blocking the way, and when the opponent was knocked down by the sudden lightning strike, he rushed towards Jiang Rui.


The iron sand condensed into a huge sharp blade and accompanied her side. Misaka Mikoto raised her fist angrily and pointed it at Jiang Rui's hateful face. The thunder in the sky turned into a violent electric current that spread to every part of the body, and finally gathered on the fist!

It's a punch!

Jiang Rui pulled out the blade without hesitation, and pulled out a line of blood along the way, splashing Misaka Mikoto's body with a puff, and at the same time with a bang, the back of Bingren's sword coldly blocked Jiang Rui's face, The ice quickly invaded, spreading to Misaka Mikoto's fist with a crackling crackling——


Violent energies intertwined, thunder and ice intertwined, and exploded! The severe pain and frostbite on her hand forced Misaka Mikoto to take a few steps back.

"he died."

Jiang Rui threw the ice blade casually, turned his head and said, seeing this scene, Tuyumen Yuanchun's hand holding the knife slightly trembled, and it cut the princess's neck, and a stream of bright red blood flowed out.

Nitrogen armor... cancelled?

He and the princess shrank their pupils at the same time, and heard Jiang Rui whisper: "People are ultimately responsible for their own decisions."

"Since you are willing to help them, Your Highness, you should be prepared to be killed if I don't cooperate."

"Now, the negotiations have broken down, and you can do it."

It's funny.

Jiang Rui glanced around coldly.

The reason why villains are feared is because they can kill hostages without hesitation, or take revenge on your whole family in the face of the same thing, but you...

But hesitated.

Juanqi opened her mouth silently the most and wanted to plead, but she saw Jiebiao Danxi silently gestured towards them, and the two hurried to Jiang Rui's side beside Jiebiao Danxi——

"Shut up, didn't you see that the captain was angry?"


"Oh, you're really cold-blooded..." Motoharu Tumimen glanced at the silent third princess, and lowered his eyes. For Motoharu Tumimen, killing the third princess was not something he couldn't do, after all, he It's not that he's a kind-hearted Xiaobai, but he understands that after killing the third princess, the two sides will really die forever, even...

Seeing the sneer in Limulu's eyes, he didn't hesitate as long as he made a move, his sister in Academy City might be attacked in the next second.

"Oh, don't you want to kill?"

After Jiang Rui taunted, he turned his head and looked at Misaka Mikoto—obviously, the other party was trying to suppress his anger.

"I remember I told you, Mikoto."

"The action patterns of people like you are really... too easy to guess."

As soon as Jiang Rui raised his hand, a black mist climbed up Ai Zali's body, slowly corroding——

"Even if I kill you, it's impossible for you to turn your anger on the third princess."

"The upright knight often dies on his uprightness, for he disdains to attack the weak points of his enemies."

"Since I know that it is impossible for you to kill the third princess, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?"

Misaka Mikoto didn't know how to understand her mood at this time.

Confused, angry.

With incomprehensible doubts, she was as confused as a puppet and completely collapsed.


The dull thunder around was like a bang, and the ion storm had already bloomed flowers like electric arcs. Jiang Rui suddenly looked at Accelerator, who was exiled by Nine Tails, and saw that he gritted his teeth and put his hands in a daze. One hand broke through the blockage of space, and touched the storm of this battlefield again——

"Don't...don't underestimate bastard!"


"Get rid of you guys!!"

Tsuchimikado Motoharu! Accelerator stared at the other side,

Gritting his teeth, he detonated the ion storm that gathered in the entire space—if you are smart, take that stupid woman away for me... ah.

Isn't running for your life the best thing you do? !

Misaka Mikoto stared blankly at Accelerator, and suddenly her tea eyes lit up, as if she had grasped the backbone: "At least... At least I will stop you here."

No matter what your purpose is, at least defeat you here to stop your conspiracy!

Jiang Rui read this information in Misaka Mikoto's eyes.

Shadows converged on the ground, and besides the storm that was shooting blue ions everywhere, the sky was once again covered by dark clouds—this is Misaka Mikoto's... Thunder!

"Wind, thunder, electricity..."

Kyuubi raised his head, smiled lightly and said, "It's just right, it's almost raining."


Jiang Rui glanced at the nearly 3,000 magic power in his body, and his strange voice overlapped with Misaka Mikoto's intermittent, slightly weak voice.

"Experience...for a while...the real fall..."

"Thunder." Jiang Rui whispered, in Misaka Mikoto's suddenly terrified eyes, the dark clouds above his head suddenly expanded, and the moment the light rain fell, thousands of thunder came crashing down!

The moment the ion storm was detonated, the whole world was turned into a purgatory of gold and blue thunder.


Shakespeare's hometown, which is nearly a dozen kilometers away from the forest on the outskirts of London, witnessed another forest evaporation after a day.

It's just that what evaporated last time was a part of the forest, but this time, even one-fifth of London and the entire suburbs were turned into a purgatory of thunder.

And, the entire London was completely cut off.


Thirty minutes later, Archbishop Lola arrived late, silently looking at the three unconscious "corpses" lying on the ground.

the other side--

"Why did you kill Ai Zali? For you, that is an ant, right?"

On the desert-like land, Jiang Rui's face was pale, and his footsteps were supported by Jiuwei. After the three princesses were silent for a long time, they still asked a question with a little fear.

No matter how much Jiang Rui emphasizes that the blow consumes all his magic power and is the most powerful trump card, it cannot conceal that if he is in the center of London when he releases that move, he can completely blow a city covering nearly a hundred kilometers directly. Totally destroyed the facts.

"He wanted to kill me, and he also shattered Leivinia's life-saving card."

Jiang Rui shook his head slowly, looked at the third princess and said, "And your request, which seems to be a transaction, is actually using your ability and hostages to oppress it. This is a threat."

"Speaking of which, I may have behaved too well to them before, so good that they forgot my title."

Hearing this, the three princesses were silent—what is Jiang Rui's title?


Since she is a tyrant, how could she endure the threat of the enemy? Thinking of this, she suddenly regretted...Maybe, taking the initiative to be the hostage of Motoharu Tsuchimikado, instead...killed them...

Jiang Rui lowered his eyes without too much explanation.

I will leave this world in a month at the latest, and maybe I will never see you again in the future.

That being the case, it doesn't matter whether it is hate or love in the end.

Misaka Mikoto can finally survive in this world transformed by the extraordinary space, which is the best blessing that Jiang Rui can give her.

Kill the S-level character Aizali and complete the task: Guardian of Misaka Mikoto

Get 364 points.

Swallowing Azali gains attributes to increase spirit by 0.3 points, agility by 0.7 points, and charisma by 0.4 points.

Ability acquired: Human skin camouflage.

And... After directly devouring the obsidian dagger, Jiang Rui harvested the so-called spiritual outfit that can decompose everything.

It's useless, but it's some gains anyway.

But this obviously didn't make Jiang Rui feel much better.

The side effect of using Thunder Prayer made his magic power empty. The most important thing is that the high-intensity battles twice a day made him consume a lot of magic power potions, and finally had the overdrawn consequence of not being able to recover the magic power in a short period of time.

Now Jiang Rui can only hope that forty minutes later, his legendary passive mana tide will play a role and make him more comfortable.

In addition, Jiang Rui also has an emergency method to use command spells and heroic spirits to fight with other people's magic power, but this is also one of his trump cards.

With the teleportation ability of Kyuubi and Yubi Danxi, it is very simple for Jiang Rui and others to go to the destination Buckingham Palace. It is worth mentioning that Kyuubi is eager to go to the battlefield of Lola and Kailisa to die , but was flatly rejected by Jiang Rui.

Up to now, he still has drooping hair and a small mouth.

But Jiang Rui didn't care about it. It wasn't that he didn't give Nine-Tails a chance, but that the confrontation between him and one team would obviously attract the attention of the two teams. Even the distance from the thunderstorm might have covered both sides— —In this case, it is obviously impossible for the two parties to continue fighting.

However, Laura's goal is to destroy Aleister instead of Academy City. Jiang Rui thought about it for a while, and felt that it is not impossible for the two parties to cooperate.

When a person is sick, in addition to being in a bad mood, even some bad tastes and things that he likes to do become lack of interest, listless, and lead to abnormal decisiveness.

Jiang Rui seems to have fallen into this weird state of mental malaise now, he staggered as he walked without a single drop left in his body, let alone aroused any troublesome thoughts, the first time he came to Buckingham Palace, he I saw Miss Beichuan who greeted everyone outside the ruins.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a ruin.

Because Carissa just set a big fire, thus destroying most of the spell books related to the royal family and the method of making Katina in Buckingham Palace.

So what appeared in front of Jiang Rui was still the outline is still complete, some places collapsed, but the whole has been reduced to charred black, except for the ashes, there is only a huge hollow building of concrete.

"It's rare to see you like this, Rimuru."

Bei Chuan led the way with a chuckle. In the scorched hall, several relatively complete and clean rooms have been cleared out and given to different forces.

"It was nearly an hour later than expected, and the magic overdraft debuff, tsk, are you fighting Laura?"

For the chattering, I don't know whether she is caring or joking about Yujie Beichuan, Jiang Rui was not interested in counterattacking or answering for the first time, and lazily pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

"Uh, why is he so cold?" Bei Chuan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the few people who followed Jiang Rui in a file, always feeling that the other party was not in a good mood.

The third princess tightly clasped her chest with her hands, and looked nervously at the crowd who sat in a circle that was suddenly silent. After performing a little princess etiquette, she walked in gently and heard her question.

Slightly stunned, when she was about to explain a few words to Limulu, she heard Limulu's voice inside: "His Royal Highness Third Princess?"

The third princess nodded apologetically to Beichuan, the enchanting lady who had been protected all the way by the captain of the knights, and hurried in——

Wuyan Fahai and others are not the only ones waiting for Jiang Rui in Buckingham Palace.

Including those who are good at acting alone, but don't like to see Jiang Rui very much, Shenlin, who is not convinced by Jiang Rui's leadership, and other extraordinary people are also waiting here for the next plan. Of course, it is not so much a plan as they just want to understand After those things can't be done, I go directly to do things freely.

In addition, Leisa, who represents the University of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh magician forces, and others gave the three princesses some surprises, especially when Leisa ran directly to Jiang Rui with her devil's tail, her thoughts even had a certain meaning. A little off...

The girls around Limuru who like him... are there too many?

Out of political considerations, the third princess soon thought of another possibility inexplicably... Judging from the fact that this tyrant seems to take good care of the girls around him... Is it possible to consider marriage in the future to strengthen both parties? Relationship?

Uh... But obviously she is still a long way from having an heir. In her own words... the other party doesn't seem very interested?

Representatives of the two factional parties in Parliament are also here, but they seem to be negotiating for the Queen?

It’s no big deal for Limulu to call the three princesses here, but it’s just to introduce the identity of the three princesses and tell those British political groups who were brought here by the “Dawn Morning Light” of Leisa and Leivinia about the rule they Lalyye follow By.

It is equivalent to issuing a statement in disguise, and releasing a press conference in the magic world. This seemingly meaningless, but effective way to increase influence.

It may be because of a bad mood, or because of physical discomfort, Jiang Rui's movements this time are a little less gentle and less deliberative.

A little more domineering and resolute.

He directly used actions to kill a few parties and governments that did not give face to him in a simple way, and told these people in the other world roughly that strength is the only criterion for speaking. Political leaders, such as the head of the parliament, Jiang Rui are too lazy to follow the method of "giving benefits, drawing big cakes, giving guarantees, and finally giving certain resource support", but more direct threats.

If you don't support it, your whole family will be gone.

On the other side, Jiang Rui patiently guided the third princess on how to contact them afterwards, how to appease them, and how to give appropriate benefits—although it has no effect on the people in the other world, but to the third princess In other words, they are extremely important to maintain the foundation of a country.

One bad face and one bad face is often the simplest and most effective strategy. Although it is easy to bury hidden dangers, it can also be applied to the urgent situation where the three princesses have no foundation.

As for the magician's family, it must be more troublesome, but now the magician who has made friends with R'lyye is probably only one Edinburgh besides Dawn and Chenguang...

However, the main reason why the council came here was not to surrender, but because Her Royal Highness——

"Where is Her Majesty the Queen?"

"In her former bedroom."


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