Infinite Cute King

Fourth, Limuru's current strength w

"Infinity Moe King ()"

"Things worth tens of millions of Extraordinary points!! You can give it away if you say so!!"

The great sage hated that iron could not be made into steel, and he crazily yelled in a childish tone: "At least you want the crystallization of the angel's divine power!!"

"It's called investment." Limulu chuckled indifferently, "What do you know?"

"If you want the horse to run fast, how can you not feed the horse?"

"Besides, no matter how expensive things are transformed into strength, won't they still be my team members in the end? Hasn't it enhanced my strength?"

"If you can exchange 10 million Extraordinary Points for the support of the entire Protoss Race, that would be a huge profit!"

"What if it can't be exchanged?"

"Then don't come, the Nine-Tails I care about is not the protoss."

Limulu stretched comfortably and looked around the empty high-tech silver room, looked at Jiebiao Danxi who was looking around curiously, and didn't bother to pay attention to the great sage and said directly: "As a follower, you will You are bound to me at any time, if you mind, I can help you apply to cancel the follower's contract and replace it with a team contract."

I didn't pay attention to it before, but now that I think about it, followers are really like the pet system, or the harem system, not only entering the world is shared together, even the fucking room is shared.

The only advantage is that no matter what you do, you don't take up the quota, even if you enter the void arena, followers can go in to help you 2v1. Of course, you can also throw them in the audience to watch your performance.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Jiebiao Danxi shook her head slowly, and opened the room permission curiously. Limulu had already given her the permission to set the room furnishings and purchase things, so after just ten minutes— —

In Limulu's stunned expression, Limulu's original silver-white and gorgeous high-tech room has changed from just a sofa and a bed to a style and setting exactly like a villa in the Forbidden World.

Limulu stared blankly at the lower panel, the Extraordinary Points had lost more than a thousand points, but it didn't matter...

The important thing is... How did this woman remember the layout of the house so clearly, bastard!

"Unfortunately, there is no way to set up a roof and a courtyard..." Jie Biao Danxi thought for a while, then suddenly said: "I have expanded the size of the room twice, and the overall size should be about the same as the original villa, with a total of 1,340 Fifteen extraordinary points..."

"Well, it looks cheap."

"Is it still cheap?" Limulu said blankly. You must know that a high-end sofa is worth less than one extraordinary point, and five hundred extraordinary points are a Sequence 9. To mortals, it is like a god. gift.

"Also... okay?" Jie Biao Danxi nodded quietly, and said strangely: "Judging from my current judgment of the peak of Sequence 7, this price should be quite easy? You can deduct it from my future income Well."

"Uh, that's not necessary, this extraordinary point is nothing to me."

After all, I can be regarded as a successful person who can easily give away tens of millions of Extraordinary Points.

"But you have less than 4,000 Extraordinary Points in your balance account, and you still owe Kyuubi..."

You can shut up.

"But what are you doing with so many rooms?" Limulu asked strangely. He really doesn't care much about extraordinary points now, and there is still a batch of funds that are not in place (the Olic brothers and sisters owe seven thousand, and they are sold by profiteers. Things.) His financial pressure is not much, and now that he has been promoted to Sequence 6, he can also go to the Void Arena——

The only pity is that he didn't reach the top in Sequence 7, and he missed a lot of rewards.

It's not a good thing to progress too fast.

When I was in the Forbidden World, I had to expand to seven or eight rooms because there were not enough rooms, but after walking around, Limuru discovered that Yubia Danxi did not follow the model design of the first four rooms, but directly used the model of the first four rooms. their subsequent plans.

"Stay alive." Jiebiao Danxi said as a matter of course: "You will not be the only follower in the later stage, will you?"

“It’s always necessary to prepare the accommodation for the staff well in advance.


"Uh, you're really thoughtful." Followers, like R'lyeh's equipment and items, cannot enter reality. In other words, when Limulu leaves R'lyeh and returns to reality, followers We also have to live in R'lyeh.

This led to the fact that Limulu could not care about the environment of her own room, but she had to consider it for her followers—because for them, this was their home.

All the income of the followers belongs to the followers, so in turn, the followers must also be responsible for supporting the follower.

After reaching Sequence 6, Limulu's permission to stay has changed to three days a week in La'lye instead of every half a month. This is good news for Limulu, which means that he does not have to take all All the time is devoted to the arena and there is no time to score.

He can take part of the time to relax, rest, or visit the market.

After finishing the room, Jiebiao Danxi went back to her room to study the rules of Raliyah, while Limuru sat on the familiar sofa and opened the communication list at the same time in a daze.

Nine-Tails' head portrait had turned gray, and it kindly stated that he was not in the communication area, causing a series of question marks to appear on Limulu's head.

As for Rumengsihuan and Ghost Knife, they are on, but they should be dealing with their own gains. Limulu thought about it and didn't bother each other, but...

Limulu looked at his area level, and now he has entered the Sequence 6 area, and he can compete with Olick on the same stage.

He focused on Ye Xiaoqian's profile picture, and found that she was in another world and couldn't communicate.

This made him a little bored, because this time the world was based on a point system, and she didn't have much rags to sell or trade.

So after thinking about it, he lowered his head and looked at his personal panel again. After all, the advancement of other sequences were all handled by the great sage. He was too concerned about returning to the forbidden world to deal with his funeral as soon as possible, so he didn't pay much attention.

After using the evolution book, the Unlimited Sword System has completely changed from an inherent enchantment to a demigod-level domain. The enhancement of its specific effect is quite simple. It only has four words to describe it in the words of the great sage.

"Dreams come true".

Although the effect is so good, it sounds very impressive, but in fact it is still a level behind the magic of Xingyue World, but the effect and effect are similar, and the strength is still a lot worse.

After all, the real realization of fantasy is the miracle of the world, that is, the power similar to the gods, the power of absolute law.

But even so, changing from the inherent enchantment to the fantasy domain can be regarded as an epic enhancement and qualitative change.

Now, Limulu has completely swelled into Long Aotian, thinking that he is invincible below a demigod.

Unless there is another existence like Nine Tails.

Vampire Sequence [Shadow of Blood Moon] Advanced Sequence 6 is still called [Shadow of Blood Moon]...

This made Limulu realize that the sequence he got from Lilith back then might not be in the same line. Besides the sequence that is directly connected to the demigod level like the devil, he also guessed what material the great sage used for this advanced step——

Lilith's blood or imprint.

And Lilith seems to have fulfilled her promise unknowingly. The next time she sells things to Limuru, the price will not be the original price. More than 20,000 points.

In the words of the great sage, "In order to prevent the sequence of Lilith's potential level from being polluted by other materials, you must use Lilith's original power to advance in your future advancement."

This made Limuru feel distressed, and at the same time, she began to think about how to squeeze Lilith dry the next time they meet.

Although the cost is high, the effect is also first-class. First of all, the power of Limulu's left eye has been completely stabilized and has formed a unique characteristic, that is, power sojourn.

The blood moon pattern on the left eye seems to be Limuru's unique talent as a vampire, which can store the power of the blood moon to form a powerful blow from the blood moon master.

Commonly known as, shake people to zoom in!

As for the Lord of the Blood Moon... Limuru thinks that Lilith is 80% likely...

In addition, the understanding of the law of blood has deepened, not to mention basic enhancements such as the increase in the dominance of blood, and there is another qualitative change that Limulu is surprised by, that is, he will finally lose his aunt!

As mentioned before, because of the different talents of vampires, different factions have different focuses. For example, Orlick focuses on strengthening the transformation of his own blood and magic power, and forms a mode of absorbing the blood of the enemy and becoming more and more brave as he fights.

Commonly known as blood demon flow.

And if Limulu's guess is right, with her blood rage and talent of being immune to control, Lucy will definitely follow the school of brainless vampire fighting in the future - focusing on extreme attack power and exchanging injuries for injuries .

Compared with the plague, death, and fear that demonic vampires are good at, after weighing the pros and cons, the great sage finally gave up on deepening the manipulation of the blood moon, and instead devoted his characteristics to the ability to control blood.

In this way, Limuru's blood control ability not only obtains a qualitative leap, but also stimulates its hidden characteristics. Combined with the great sage's own advantages in some magic, he integrates blood magic into it, forming a one plus one A super effect greater than two.

As for why he gave up manipulating the blood moon, the great sage also gave a corresponding explanation.

One is because Limuru's demand for the Blood Moon Domain has further decreased after obtaining the Fantasy Domain, and the other is that if he continues to take the path of manipulating the Blood Moon, he may collide with Lilith one day in the future.

A car crash is not terrible, and whoever is weak will be embarrassed. If one day Limuru's advancement really touches Lilith's authority and threatens the status of the other party, the two will not say whether they will turn against each other, at least the later advancement materials ... Lilith will definitely give you a round of economic sanctions first.

So what the great sage means is, blood moon, here you go, you will be your master of the blood moon, and I will stand on your shoulders as your strongest believer, and at the same time go another way, the master of blood , it doesn't matter at all, right? !

Limulu did not comment on this. He suspected that the great sage was thinking of another reason, that is, Lilith, the road to the blood moon, is there. It's over... why bother yourself to go over and over again...

The great sage's thoughts, I must want them all!

However, in this way, Limulu found that the potential and ability of the vampire sequence basically ranked second in the C position and was unshakable.

There were only a few sequences left, and they shivered to divide up the remaining 20,000 points, and some of the points were left for Limulu to exchange for some life-saving cards and consumables...

There is no way, Kyuubi is gone, and Limuru's journey of taking drugs is over...

The great sage of the Ghost Sequence continued to feed him soil without hesitation. Limulu discovered that the route of this abyss is hard to say.

Answer: Dust of the Abyss.

If in doubt, feed the soil.

Almost all advanced materials of the Abyss sequence can use this thing every time they advance, it is nothing more than the quantity, whether it is the main material or an ingredient.

So after the great sage fed a lot of soil, the ghost also became [Abyss Hidden Shadow], a kind of unlucky guy who looks tall, but actually has a low potential value and a bad street.

In addition to the enhancement of sneak attack ability, there is an additional characteristic of abyss erosion.

It is worth mentioning that... Limuru was very dissatisfied this time because he lost money.

Chaos feature is gone! ! !

In other words, the possibility of him naturally controlling the law of chaos is gone!

Blood loss!

Although the law of chaos emphasizes randomness, it is still a law, isn't it? !

As a result, the ones who fed the earth disappeared... This made Limuru fall into a strange and secret depression.

[Thunder Sacrifice] Finally restored the glory of Sequence 6!

With the basic attributes rising sharply, the Thunder Judgment is further enhanced, and the characteristics of the Judgment are also fully displayed, breaking evil, ignoring defense, and ignoring restraint.

Thunder's incarnation has become a MAX level, and now he can incarnate into Thunder through magic all the way, without a time limit.

The control of thunder and lightning has also changed from summoning thunder to calling wind and rain. Of course, the consumption of mana has also doubled, not a little bit.

Then there is the just-promoted [Broken One].

He is called the Lost Heart, so the great sage gave him a heart... a heart of light that strengthens the power of the holy light.

Then it got lost.

[Holy Lost One], an existence that takes into account the power of the Holy Light and the mind, and is mixed with the characteristics of destiny. It is worth mentioning that his destiny characteristics are very interesting.

Being lost in fate means that at the same level, they will hardly be manipulated by fate, because the lost person does not know what they are going to do next, so they will not feel the call of fate...

In this regard, Limulu finally offset the great sage's overturning of the previous sequence, and became happy in a blink of an eye.

In the end, it was Limulu who swallowed a corpse again, and swallowed the [Master of Mysticism] of Sequence 6, making up for the shortcomings in alchemy.

But because of this, he was even more short of money... because he found that alchemy was a cheating profession.

Alchemy potions and alchemy bombs are very powerful and powerful!

But it was all piled up with money! ! !

Still have to buy the recipe!


Limulu felt that he had gone the wrong way. This was clearly the profession of a traditional alchemist. It was completely different from the situation in which he imagined an exchange of equal value, the door of truth, and slapping his hands on the ground, and the whole world was his own weapon! ! !

That's right, what he wants is not some bullshit mystic master at all! !

It should be Fullmetal Alchemist! ! !



But generally speaking, after entering Sequence 6, Limulu finally stepped into Long Aotian's circle with half a foot, and became one of the so-called powerhouses.

Maybe many people think that Sequence 6 is nothing—but!

Just like most people think that the platinum level in the league is rubbish, and the basic level is the same.

This is completely an illusion!

If expressed in terms of data, if all players are expressed as a percentage, then the sum of diamonds and above, that is, the so-called extraordinary to king, is less than 1%, or even 0.5%!

Diamond players accounted for less than five percent, platinum ten percent!

And the pyramid structure is often similar. From this point of view, even if Sequence 6 is not as good as the level of the so-called diamond player, it is more than enough to be a platinum rank among extraordinary people, right?

After all... In reality, the captain of a Light Chaser is only a Sequence 6, and a Sequence 5 is the overlord of the guarding side!

And Sequence 4 directly stepped into the realm of demigods!

In fact, according to the ranking of mortals, Sequence 4 is extraordinary, just like the black cat Dixie that Limulu subdued in the real world, he is not used to being called Sequence 8—

The reason is very simple, because according to the arrangement among their sublimators, maybe he is not just the number 8, but 5, or even 4.

After all, the Paradise of the Extraordinary belongs to the forces in the void, and in the void, there are as many saints as dogs and demigods walking everywhere, their strength standards forcibly raise the rhythm of the body, so that the transcendent is forced to have more Grandmaster and King, or even more than these two ranks, led to the fact that at first glance, more than half of the demigods accounted for the situation.

In fact, from Sequence 4 onwards, they can be collectively referred to as the unattainable Crown Prince, collectively referred to as Him.

The overall number is only a few tenths of a percent.

So, thinking about it this way, Limulu also gleefully stuffed a mouthful of fruit that Danxi had just cut into her mouth, feeling a little happy.

I am also considered a strong man!

"Clearly surrounded by kings like Kyuubi, you insist on comparing yourself with a group of bronze... This is the so-called self-deception..."

Great Sage.


Help me find out how to make you degenerate, thank you.

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