Infinite Cute King

16. The chess board meeting of Utopia

failed life...

The great sage's words made Limuru fall into a trance for a while.

"Hungry?" Jiang Rui heard Limulu's whisper, and said softly: "Then brother will take you to eat?"

On the other side, with more and more people watching, Jiang Rui's father rubbed his hands anxiously when more and more suspicious eyes looked at the two of them, and some people had already taken out their mobile phones to take pictures or even call the police. , pulled his son and said, "Should we call the police first?"

His voice was calm and powerful, and it also awakened Rimuru who was in a trance.

" need." Jiang Rui shook his head upon hearing this, and explained: "The girl in the 14th Five-Year Plan should already have a strong independence, unless she is born with low intelligence..."

"You are mentally retarded." At this time, Limulu's emotions completely cooled down. After the excitement and longing of the reunion gradually cooled down, there was a trace of gold in Limulu's black pupils, and he began to look at the situation because of the reason. self-inflicted riot--

"Uh, look, this can be ruled out." Jiang Rui shrugged, just about to continue talking——


But Limulu snapped his fingers. In an instant, Jiang Rui only felt that his thinking began to stretch infinitely, and the whole world slowed down...

Mind cholera, mind confusion, and—the most common means of magicians.


Limulu didn't intend to directly arrange an identity for himself to get along with for a long time like Weber Velvet, because such hints are indeed easy to cause sudden failure due to flaws in details, and long-term hints and large-scale casting of spells on ordinary people are easy Received official attention and liquidation.

Although he is now the official power holder, it also means that he will be subject to more jurisdiction within Xia Guo's system.

But Rimuru didn't want to be watched like a monkey.

He tampered with the memories of the people around him, and accelerated the process of things in their memories. It is also a five-minute memory. Now, for this group of onlookers, including Jiang Rui and Jiang Rui's father, they have already undergone subconscious hints , and watched a complete process of the police handling the incident——

Although the details cannot withstand scrutiny, and if this group of people carefully sorts out the things they do at different times of the day, they will be shocked to find that these things are resolved in just five minutes like a sped-up movie, So as to find the problem, but... who would target an unexpected incident that doesn't matter to them?

Limulu withdrew her little hand, and watched the people around her gradually disperse indifferently. At this time, she had already downplayed herself. Even if she didn't activate the ghost, ordinary people would not be able to notice him.

"You could go and have this meal with them.


"There are still many opportunities in the future." Limulu looked deeply at the middle-aged and young people who walked home again after being dazed, as if they had figured it out. As a bystander, come to see this...failed life."

"Using hints to forge identities may be seen through, and... I guess it won't be able to hide it in the near future, extraordinary existence."

"I won't use hints." Limulu blinked slightly, looked at her former father, who was about to disappear around the corner, and said softly, "Sorry, this is the last time..."

Let's use hints on you for the last time...

"Jiang Rui...?" Limulu finally tilted his head indifferently and murmured softly, "I guess we will meet again soon."

At this time, Jiang Rui, who was helping his father to carry things, saw his father open the door of the unit, and suddenly an inexplicable shudder rose from his heart, and he shuddered fiercely: "Hiss, I always feel...something is wrong."

"Dad, did we eat when we bought food for the little girl?"

"?" The middle-aged man who opened the door looked back strangely and said, "You don't know if you eat or not?"

"I know, I know..." Jiang Rui muttered.

But why I am still so hungry even after I ate it, it’s so strange...


A gust of cold wind swept gently, and the leaves covered the figure of the gorgeous girl with slight ups and downs. At this time, Emily also grabbed a fallen leaf and looked at the street where the raindrops suddenly fell.

"It's raining."

"That's great, I like rain." Limulu Brent slowly walked out of the door, looked at the dark sky and the protesters running around to hide from the rain, and said slightly mockingly: "It would be better without you." gone."

"Really?" Emily smiled suddenly on her cold face, and said softly: "Then, please, please be careful on this mission, the order in England is not like that of New York, especially London, which was ruled in the nineteenth century." Called the City of Chaos."

"Then you still let me go—you're so sure that Lilith will help me?"

"..." Emily turned her head and blinked, shook her head and walked into the rain: "You are not simple, Brent, I can't see the awe of the gods in your eyes, but you may not know, you Every time you call that majesty's name, she may look at you once."

"So, it's better not to mention their names in the future, especially... when you set foot in London."

"Qi..." Limulu looked at her leaving back and sighed with a headache: "To be honest, I regret it."

He said this to Anna. Sure enough, when he turned his head, Anna carefully poked her delicate head out from upstairs: "Regret? You don't plan to let me go?"

"It seems that you overheard a lot of things." Limulu turned around and pretended to be dissatisfied.

"But you didn't use the sound barrier... I know you know that kind of thing." Anna shrank her head and stuck out her tongue, "And I didn't hear much..."

"Really?" Limulu said with a smile, "Maybe."

Neither he nor Emily used the enchantment tacitly, because Emily hoped that Anna would shrink back when she heard it.

As for Limuru, it was just the opposite. He was looking forward to it... Was Anna's decision to go forward bravely, not to hit the south wall and not look back, because of ignorance, or because she did have... the trait of breaking all fears.

But no matter what, Limulu decided to give her a little punishment, after all...too much curiosity is not a good habit in the extraordinary world.

So, Limuru raised his handsome face and suddenly said, "Look at me, Anna!"

"Huh?!" Anna raised her head reflexively, and saw a flash of gold in Limulu's eyes, which turned into an infinite starlight black hole as deep as an infinite starlight black hole, as if to suck her soul in fatally - just for a moment , she shuddered and instantly returned to God: "What did you do to me?"

"A small hint."

Limulu chuckled and said, "It's just distorted taste, as your punishment for eavesdropping!"

"Taste... distorted?"

"Yeah." Limulu nodded, picked up the coffee and blew comfortably, "You don't know the smell of shit, do you?"

"So don't thank me, now you...everything you eat tastes like shit."

"??!!!" Anna was taken aback for a moment, then took out a piece of chewing gum, put it in her mouth and chewed it... Twice...


The next moment, Anna's face instantly turned the color of shit, and she rushed to the toilet desperately, retching while facing the toilet——


In fact, Limuru doesn't know what the smell of shit is, but the method Limuru uses is actually the most basic method used by magicians in the Xingyue world, that is, through hypnosis, suggestion, etc., to change ordinary people with zero mystery All the senses and cognition, and this method is very similar to the spells in the magic ban, that is, they are all the result of spiritualism——

In other words, they are based on concepts rather than principles. For example, if Limuru wants to turn a person into a cat, he doesn't even need to know the structure and appearance of cats. He only needs to include the concept of cats in the formula. Can--

So when she saw that Anna wanted to rinse her mouth with water to cover up the shit-like taste and the smell left on her taste buds, he kindly reminded her: "Drinking water counts... Hmm, maybe it’s the taste after diarrhea?”

"..." Anna, who was about to drink water, was taken aback, her pale face turned into gnashing of teeth in an instant, and she threw the glass over fiercely!

She is about to collapse!



The next day, when Limulu in a presidential suite in Shanghai yawned and got up from Yaoxue's bed, Limulu in New York was already wearing a brown wool trench coat with a high collar and was about to board Amy. Li prepared a special plane for him.

"Actually, I don't like this kind of small special plane." Limulu stretched out his hand to hold Anna's arm. Since it is a private plane, there is no special boarding ladder, so it is not convenient to get on and off the plane: "Because I always Think it’s going to be bombarded halfway through.”

"You can also swim across the Atlantic Ocean by yourself, as long as you can make sure you arrive today." Emily looked at Anna twice on the tarmac outside the plane, and said with a strange expression: "Her complexion seems to be a little bad. Is it too late to play at night?"

"...If you still want me to carry out this task, I advise you to say a few words less."

Limulu glanced at Anna who was gnashing her teeth, tilted her head and said, "I'm quite interested in talking about it. After all, I grew up listening to his stories."

"So what's that guy's sequence? Detective?"

"Don't underestimate the detective." Emily said with a serious face: "The limit of logic and calculation can even directly deduce the progress of the entire universe civilization in the void, and this kind of person only needs to slightly push one of the gears." If so, the entire civilization may collapse directly—"

"Then he is already dead, even if he is not dead, he is just a Sequence 5..." Limulu shook his head indifferently: "It is impossible for his descendants to be able to deduce my weaknesses and actions at a glance. How about style?"

After finishing speaking, Limulu signaled the pilot to close the hatch, and finally said with a light smile, "Wait for my good news."

"Be careful." Emily took a step back, watched the hatch close, and reminded again: "The most important thing you need to pay attention to is not the Hidden Alliance, but the Truth Society! Their penetration over there is very strong—— "

"Just don't tell me that the big detective is also a member of the Truth Society."

Limulu said loudly, the cabin door suddenly fell down, and after Emily saw this scene lightly, she suddenly relaxed her tense face slightly, sighed tiredly, and handed over the fate of New York to an outsider... really good?

She didn't know, but the order from the Nightmare Crown...she couldn't disobey it.


The United Council of Extraordinary People, the Utopia—the Holy Chessboard.

The white king representing the United States was the first to drop the pawns.

"After the Black Goat incident, we discovered that some aberrants began to act in an organized and logical style, which means that they evolved or... gave birth to so-called leaders."

"Some distorters began to claim to be pure citizens, and... internally, they began to promote the argument of the saint and the holy son. It is rumored that the holy son will be the god of the distorters, and will bring taboos to the distorters to spread truth and knowledge..."

"Everyone, this is not good news, because the twisters are spontaneously forming an organization, or even a race!"

"Secondly, there is another rumor that the Holy Maiden can order those... irrational aberrants. Do you know what this means?!"

Listening to the speech of the United States Council, the representatives of the extraordinary forces in Utopia looked at each other and remained silent.

"Don't keep talking? If the so-called theory of the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter is true, then the power of the Holy Son can help the twisters successfully become pure citizens..."

"So, what exactly is Jingmin?"

A female voice came gracefully, it was a black queen holding a balance on the chessboard—"An old friend of mine told me that the so-called pure people are those who have completely maintained their Reason, the existence that controls the twisting power—"

"To put it bluntly, the twister is nothing more than an extremely aggressive sequence that is similar to the abyss, and our attack on the twister is precisely because of its destructive and uncontrollable nature, but when this kind of existence once When it can be artificially controlled, or become a race, whether we still have to repel and attack, and whether it is against humanitarianism, we should also discuss it more carefully-"

"Queen Elizabeth!" The representative of the United States suddenly interrupted the Queen's speech, and asked mockingly first: "Then, should I also ask you, is your old friend a twister, or A clean citizen?!"


"Okay, we have to consider a fact." At this time, a white horse fell off the chessboard, causing waves of waves, and at the same time, a gloomy voice swept the audience like a nightmare: "That is... the so-called Holy Son , Is it the last piece of the puzzle..."

"Indeed." Finally, a sharp sword pierced the chessboard, replacing the white chess piece that was originally a bishop, and said with a hearty smile: "Anyway, no one wants the group of lunatics from the Society of Truth to control Raliyah. , no one objected to this, right?"

"Old Jian? I heard that you came back powerfully and killed the hunter of the Truth Society with one sword as always..." The white horse suddenly laughed sullenly: "If this continues, I'm not afraid that you will become a member of the Jingmin... ...?"

"I must have died long ago without you." Li Jian said quietly: "Recently, the Truth Society seems to have intensified its penetration into our Xia Kingdom, and we suspect that the other party will do something—"

"Speaking of infiltration..." The White King suddenly laughed, turned to the Black Queen and said, "Our last information is...the Saintess of the Truth Society has already left for England...Since you like to speak for the Twisters so much, Then remember to entertain..."

The small book booth that book lovers used before has been hung up, and now they are basically using Changyuan artifact.

Before the White King could finish his words, there was only a swish sound, and there was a burst of ripples. The position of the black queen was empty, and the pawn was forcibly taken out——

"Tsk, even though you say you don't care, you're actually not a group of people who are afraid?" The departure of the Queen of England obviously cooled down the lively chessboard in an instant——

A group of representatives looked at me and looked at you, and suddenly coughed a few times: "Well, let's discuss the issue of the US bill?"

"Huh? The bishop's one-vote veto power is here. This bill will definitely not be passed." A dark horse just appeared, and suddenly saw the bishop pierced by a sharp sword... for a while, he was speechless: "Oh, I forgot The country of Xia has been replaced..."

"Hmph, even if it's a replacement, they definitely won't agree." The gloomy white horse continued to taunt.

After all, there are a lot of people in the Xia Kingdom, and there are national conditions here... They are not fools, so they naturally know that after the passage of the bill and the disclosure of the extraordinary, the first unlucky person to be impacted the most is the Xia Kingdom.

However, who knows, at this moment, Jian Lao said: "Haha, in fact, I came this time... just to agree...!"

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