Infinite Cute King

Twenty-four, Ye Xiaoqian is back!

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When Lilith came back with the half-dead Stowe, she saw Limulu and the others. The three of them and one bird were sitting around a small pot, gurgling and stewing... an owl? !

As an owl that can be sent alone to deliver information for Lilith, the ordinary temperature naturally cannot hurt it. I saw its flapping wings frantically, trying to get out of the scalding bath water, but every time it showed its head, it would be caught by the owl. The nasty crow slapped down with one wing.

Until it saw Lilith, its eyes lit up: "Your Majesty Ye Jiewen! Save... Gululu... me, Gululu..."

"..." Lilith twitched the corner of her mouth speechlessly, walked to the crowd curiously, glanced at Limulu and said, "Is the owl delicious?"

"It tastes good, right?" Limulu thought for a while, "Should?"

"Then..." Lilith poked the owl that was still bubbling, thought for a while, and then pressed it down again: "Is Her Highness Elizabeth looking for me? Tell me will be familiar with it later It’s hard to say.”


Five minutes later, Mr. Scottish round-faced fat chicken sobbed softly with tears in his eyes, while the other people fell into silence collectively.

No, there was only one person who was strangely excited, and that was Anna!

"The bill was passed..." Sasha muttered to herself, looking at the crow in disbelief: "Is this impossible?"

"It stands to reason that Xia Guo's veto right is there, and it is impossible to pass." Lilith squinted her eyes: "But they actually agreed, and the changes of the times are coming faster than I imagined. .”

"Why are you all frowning, isn't the passage of the bill a good thing?"

Anna looked at Limulu suspiciously, and asked, "Didn't you say that this bill was originally used by the high-level to contain the people? Even if it is opened, the interests of you high-level extraordinary people will not be disturbed, right? It will effectively increase the influence because of this..."

"Having said that, you haven't thought about a broader concept." Limulu shook his head and said: "Society has become more turbulent, power discrimination and variation factors will lead to more complicated ethics and original opposition, A large base of extraordinary people will lead to an increase in distortions, which will increase security risks."

"Even if the government cannot enforce control, the collapse of a country's political system is almost inevitable."


It can be said that, except for a few large countries, most small countries will fall into more serious turmoil, and even a rapid decline in economic civilization-but these are not the main ones. Sasha also said: "The most important thing is the distortion and the truth society, for us." "

"I'm quite curious why Xia Guo agreed." The crow didn't care much, the old god was paralyzed aside, patted his bird's buttocks with his wings and said: "Xia Guo's population base, once a distortion crisis breaks out..."

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Xia Guo probably didn't fully agree." Lilith shook her head softly and said, "They should think of a way to formulate their own extraordinary person law."

"Yeah, it's an old tradition after all." Limulu nodded approvingly. As we all know, the world in the global pass never includes Xia Guo.

"As for passing the bill, it can only be said to be a transformational strategy." Lilith chuckled and said, "Ever since suffering from the empire's losses, the East has become extremely good at change and change. It’s different from maintaining the status quo, the ancients in the east have always been quite positive about changes—”

"I think...they should have realized something and planned to take advantage of the number of people and prepare to take over La'lye first."

"You mean...Xia Guo also has a quota?" Crow was taken aback.

"Isn't that obvious?" Lilith yawned, and said, "Heaven, hell, and the so-called Holy Son are the only three parties that are certain at present. Now that Xia Guo suddenly agrees, the only reason I can think of is ...They are going to open the restrictions on transcendents, so as to gain an advantage in R'lyeh's extraction mechanism—"

"But it doesn't matter to us, but the queen's summoning still needs to be taken seriously." Lilith looked at the limp Stowe, and smiled lightly: "It just so happens that you don't have a place to stay tonight, why don't you come with me?" To Buckingham Palace?"

"?" Limulu heard the words, he was still immersed in knowing another big secret, he was slightly taken aback, and tilted his head - why am I in which world, I can't even go to Buckingham Palace? !

If Limulu Brent in London was indifferent when he heard the news that the bill was passed, then Limulu, who was eating skewers in Shanghai, jumped up in fright!

He really wanted to grab that stupid dragon by the collar and ask her, "What did Nima agree to do!!!"

He is still fighting wits and courage with the Truth Society here, good guy, the hometown will directly open the gate and explode the troops on the opposite side? !

However, at this moment, Limulu suddenly received a message.

"Come to Lalaiye~ (smiley face)"

"Ye Xiaoqian?" Limulu looked at this familiar expression, and immediately recalled the strange scene of Ye Xiaoqian chatting with dozens of people at the same time skillfully in La'lye a few months ago.

After pondering for a moment, Limulu replied with an OK, communicated with the void, and waited quietly for the transmission.

A few seconds later, when Limulu opened his eyes, what he saw was Yubia Danxi's slightly disgusted face: "Have you always come back so frequently?"

"As a secretary, you can't question the boss's decision, right?" Limulu sat on the sofa habitually, and before she had time to open the communication, she accepted Ye Xiaoqian's request for a visit.



The silver door opened slowly, and when Limulu raised his eyes, he saw the smiling face of the other party.

At this time, she still lowered her peaked cap habitually as if meeting her for the first time. She tied her long hair into a delicate ponytail and passed through the hole behind the peaked cap. It hangs down to her slender waist. This time, she gave up the previous loose punk girl-style clothing. Instead, she paired tight short sleeves with shiny tight leather pants, which made her figure full of temptation. Finally, there is a hint of assassin in the shadow flavor.

But... the only thing that hasn't changed is that Limuru has no choice but to catch the chocolate thrown by the other party... that is, there will never be a lack of this piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"Long time no see." Thinking of this, he raised his head and met the other's crystal clear black jewel-like eyes.

However, the other party did not intend to follow Limulu's script. She quietly looked at Jie Biao Danxi in the other party's room, and the corner of her mouth raised an arc in surprise: "Oh? Jinwu... Zangjiao?"


Ye Xiaoqian leaned against the wall, but her intentionally angry tone could not conceal the smile on her face and the joy in her eyes. I have to say that Limulu gave her a big surprise. The budding of the other party's establishment in the real world was undoubtedly for her. A signal is sent.

The opponent is about to form a team.

"Your promotion speed surprised me." Ye Xiaoqian walked into the room, lowered her eyes slightly to look at the petite figure, and couldn't help admiring: "I thought I surpassed you temporarily, but you gave it backhanded." I was pleasantly surprised."

Jiebiao Danxi continued to drink tea calmly - she was already used to some women she didn't know coming to the house at any time... Sigh.

"You didn't come to me in such a hurry to tell me these things, did you?" Limulu chuckled and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you have already submitted the application to the Light Chaser, right? The team will assemble in two days' time ..."

"Yes, there will be me." Ye Xiaoqian tilted her head with a piece of chocolate in her mouth, her eyes turned into crescent moons: "But I still care more about the team in the void, Limulu, you know the conditions for forming a team. "

"If you mean team contract qualifications, of course I know."

In order to measure the strength of the team, if you want to form a team, you must go through a team task, and you can get different team authority rewards according to the evaluation.

This task overlaps with the usual time limit. After it is successful, it will completely replace the previous monthly fixed personal task, and completely switch to a team task. According to the number of the team, the task is randomly assigned, which leads to the advantage of the team One of them is that you can select missions by assigning good team members, and at the same time allow some team members who are in danger to avoid missions for a limited number of times - because according to the regulations of R'lyeh, as long as your team completes all missions , then even if you have not participated in any missions this month, there will be no related penalties.

Limulu nodded lightly and said, he has a great sage, although he may not be clear about the power distribution and some circumstances of Lalye itself, but as one of the authorized persons, he can be said to be familiar with these rules.

"Then when do you plan to set off for this team mission?"

"What? Are you so impatient?"

"No, on the contrary, I hope you can prepare well—strive for the highest or even break-through evaluation, and obtain the highest team authority and skills." Ye Xiaoqian said softly: "For this reason, even in a low-difficulty world, the harvest It doesn't matter how low it is, I can help you collect the coordinates of some low-level worlds—"

"No." Hearing this, Li Mulu shook his head and said, "I do need your help, Ye Xiaoqian, but in two other aspects. As for the next world, I already have plans."

"Have you found the coordinates?"

"Not yet, but I plan to buy a stone of the past."

The function of the stone of the past is to lock the user's next mission world to the world he has been to before, and this time, Limulu's goal is very clear, he wants the space gem and several other gems!

Space attribute, the energy source of a nuclear power plant! He wants it all!

"The stone of the past..." Ye Xiaoqian was slightly shocked: "That's worth hundreds of thousands, wow, Captain, are you being taken care of by someone?!"


An abrupt voice sounded from the side, Yubiao Danxi turned her head away in embarrassment, but the smile at the corner of her mouth made the corners of Limulu's mouth twitch twice——

Indeed, it is true that someone wants to adopt him, but can you stop guessing so accurately? !

"It's just that the world gained a lot last time. Anyway, don't worry about it. Why don't you think about how to improve your strength as soon as possible... Don't blame me for not reminding you, Ye Xiaoqian."

Limulu raised the corners of his mouth and said softly: "My current goals and ambitions are not strong enough, it is true... I will die."

"You don't need to worry about that." Ye Xiaoqian also slowly bent down, looked at Limulu with a smile and said tit-for-tat: "Now PK, you may not be able to beat me."

"Oh?" Limulu raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you haven't had time to read my information and files?"

"Pretending like that?" Ye Xiaoqian blinked lightly, then said with a light smile, "Okay, captain, what do you want me to help with?"

"First of all, Yubia Danxi."

Hearing this, Jiebiao Danxi's ears moved slightly.

"You should know her psychological trauma. I originally planned to use extraordinary points to let the extraordinary space heal, but Jiebiao refused."

"I won't use that method of deleting my memory to treat my so-called trauma, okay?!" Jiebiao Danxi turned her head dissatisfied and said, "And I don't have to treat that thing to improve my ability."

"But the ability that suits you must be your most original ability." Limulu spread his hands: "And I don't want you to have any weaknesses. If you get hurt because of it in the future...then I..."

"Stop, stop!" Jie Biao Danxi turned away with a blushing face: "I know, I know, I didn't say I don't cooperate, but I don't want to delete or modify the memory..."

"Then face it." Seeing the interaction between the two, Ye Xiaoqian burst out laughing: "If you want to treat psychological problems, you just need to avoid and face your fears—this is very simple. I know a spiritual master who specializes in this. It can make you go back to the previous memory in an infinite loop, um...the kind that can’t be cured, but are you really planning to use this method? You may be trapped in the wall by your own ability to death countless times This time...that pain..."

Hearing this, Jiebiao Danxi couldn't calm down anymore, she first looked at Limuru with a pale face, and when she saw the smiling eyes of the other party, she immediately gritted her teeth and turned her head and snorted: "No... …no problem!"

"Okay~ The second thing." Limulu smiled lightly, "Do you still remember Elaire?"

"Of course, your precious little apprentice in the last world, what, you plan to go back? That world is not suitable for us to use as a team task, because we can't break through."

"I have to go back sooner or later, but not now." Hearing this, Limulu shook his head to interrupt Ye Xiaoqian's worries, and then smiled lightly: "But I want to prepare a magic dress for my little apprentice first." .”

"You want me to help you collect equipment?" Ye Xiaoqian was dissatisfied.

"I want to ask if you know the master who made the equipment." Limulu took out the crystal of divine power, looked at Ye Xiaoqian who was stunned for a moment, smiled and said: "I have a small material here, which needs to be processed."


The night was beautiful, but if someone looked closely, they could see a petite figure standing above the tall Big Ben, quietly looking at the land.

And in the distance, in a shop with two floors of small pavilions, on the flickering plaque of Philip Garments, the face of a noble lady gently holding a teacup was vaguely revealed. She sighed deeply and stepped down. For a moment, the entire pavilion turned into a behemoth in the shadows, diving into the abyss, avoiding this place of right and wrong.

One by one, the old friends either went crazy, turned against each other, or embarked on different paths.

Lilith... When you regain yourself, which direction will you choose, will you find a new life as you wish, or... be crowned with the title of crazy blood again?

"Are you sure?" On top of Big Ben, Lu Keqinsi tilted her head.

"Confirmed." A hoarse voice came, flesh and blood began to grow from the clock face, and more and more aberrations crawled out of the shadows and invaded the land.

"Then attack." Luke Qinsi nodded, and said softly, "Before Lilith gathers her subordinates."

Moritia's descendants would be mixed with Holmes' descendants, which she never thought of anyway, she sighed, considering that the Son of God was among them, tonight's operation would probably fail, but... ...We always have to fight for it. After all, if Lilith comes forward and completely returns to the Hidden Alliance, from the hands-off shopkeeper to the only king, then the united Hidden Alliance...

Still very scary!

"The queen's bedroom...hehe."

Accompanied by Lu Keqin's disdainful cancellation, thousands of aberrations and twisters flocked to Buckingham Palace in an instant!

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